Any other diasporas never learn their ethnicity's language?

any other diasporas never learn their ethnicity's language?

Dom Rep


no reason to be smug about that


I was taught as a kid but forgot most of it. Blyat.

Learn Spanish, chicano, it's not too hard

im not chicano

What are you? Chinese? Indian? Somali?

>learn their ethnicity's language?
That's sounds incredibly larpy and american.

Fucking faggot


I learn other diaspora's languages for them. My chinese friends are jealous because I speak better chink than them.

I can speak Russian but can't write in it (my family left Russia when I was 4)

Had a Chinese professor tell me that foreigners speak better Mandarin than natives because native Mandarin is so corrupted by local dialects

This is incredibly common.

Do you also hate China?

not really. if i didn't have relatives there, i would never visit desu

If non-Chinese can learn it with study, you can too with enough dedication my friend

my grandma refused to teach me. she told me I was a fucking leaf and I didn't need to know that useless language.

feelsbadman, now I am stuck with english and shitty quebec french

Every second gen Chinese diaspora I know or have otherwise talked to have told me that they dislike mainland china and complain about being forced to go there to visit relatives, much more so than diaspora from other cunts, so I'm just trying to see how much the pattern holds up.

Mmm I did.
But not as well as I should

I spoke a little in the childhood, my grandfather tried to teach me, but now I remember it very bad, only with fragments. But I m not diaspora at all,just mutt

Still taking forever studying Irish. But over the past few years I’ve come to several realizations…
>1. The British created the greatest civilization in the history of mankind
>2. As the west begins decreasing in numbers and relevancy, holding onto small, dibshit ethnicities like Irish, Basque, or Catalonian seems increasingly stupid
>3. The Irish language will never be useful, even in Ireland
>4. I know 0 living people in Ireland and I don’t have Irish citizenship. I’m not really Irish (or English for that matter). Just amerimutt

With these in mind I’m starting to see Irish as a waste of time. The only reason I keep it up is because my sister and I want a “secret” language we can use to talk shit about people in front of them

>parents are english

nothing personal

I already speak English

Yeah I'm learning Hebrew