Villain of the first film wore a turban

>Villain of the first film wore a turban

How did Rowling get away with this

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It was a different time.

That's not a turban, m8.

>villain of the first film was a fucking white male

that's how

It's also not familiar to any ethnic or religious group. It looks vaguely like a Sikh turban and I doubt those guys would give a fuck if you did this now even.

>Headmaster, I got a sharp pain in my scar during the Sorting Feast. Considering how and where I got this scar, it didn't seem like the sort of thing I should just ignore. I thought at first it was because of Professor Snape, but I followed the Baconian experimental method which is to find the conditions for both the presence and the absence of the phenomenon, and I've determined that my scar hurts if and only if I'm facing the back of Professor Quirrell's head, whatever's under his turban. While it could be something more innocuous, I think we should provisionally assume the worst, that it's You-Know-Who - wait, don't look so horrified, this is actually a priceless opportunity -

Holy SHIT, I knew he looked familiar.

>villian of the first movie also possessed by jewish lord of everlasting tricks

"That's racist, Harry. 150 points from Gryffindor.

I love Ritchie, he's my favorite 'that guy' actor.

professor quidditch is easily the most forgettable villain in all of hogwards school for watches and watchraft in the history of hogwards school for watches and wazardry ever


Jesus CHRIST Rowling

Sikhs are pretty based when it comes to that sort of thing.

raimirowlingposting when?

Where is the pasta?

"You know 'arry, I heard there's a few negro's settling into 'ogwarts. Wouldn't want our nice quiet school to be disrupted by gangbanger's with their loud nigger music and voodoo hoodoo magic now would we? Tonight i'm going to teach you what my father taught me long ago. How to tie a noose to tree."

White privilege.

Is that from that super autistic fanfiction?

Sorry that I am not constantly monitoring the front page for threads discussing one the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

He couldn't even fix his fucking glasses, he's not aware of the bacon experiments

I don't remember this scene

I think the story was that Quirrel had traveled around the world recently and the turban was an affectation he picked up during one of his travels.

>trying to slip Ayn Rand into the God tier at the end, as if no one will notice.

Isn't that 'cultural appropriation'?

It actually would be now, but in the early 00's it would have been seen as cultural awareness.

>11 year old kid
>Baconian experimental method

yeah fuck off

He was in fact a fucking white male trying to disguise himself as an innocent muslim man in order to do great evil.
Just like how the fucking white males in charge did 9/11 and then blamed the poor innocent muslims.
It was a false flag.

>tfw quirrel was an allegory to cia operations in the middle east, him wearing the turban is how cia operatives approach insurgencies and common people as charitable groups, but underneath the kind facade lies true evil, planting its seed deep into the system, hoping to bring it down for personal gain
wow rowling is WOKE AF

How do you go from this...

To this mutant cunt?

He looked great in Goblet of Fire, but then they made him more comical, possibly not to scare off children viewers.

>spend several books calling hermione a mudblood
>jk rowling says hermione is a black girl

just what did she mean by this?

Why did he lose the nose?

cuz he didn't want they to find out he was a wizard jew tricking them into the whole pure blood shit, it is the nazi all over again

The dark side of magic is a pathway to appearance some consider to be... unnatural.

why not just use magic to make himself look a bit better?
at least get some eyebrows

He's obviously the potter universe's Michael Jackson

There's a deleted scene where a mob of Pakis throw acid in his face

I don't know, maybe he liked looking that way.

To be more like snek (actual reason)

It explains in the b00kz. I actually think in the first book he doesn't even have a nose. They're just described as "slits".

He was also a holocaust denier

basically this

he didn't even have a real body in the beginning, after he got fucked up by his own spell because of lily protection magic
he was pretty much dead however only alive because of the pieces of his souls hidden in the horcrux. i think he finally got his body back in book 4 when he tricked harry and what his name into the graveyard

Wasnt this the same fanfic where Quirrell fights Crabbe with karate?

Wtf I just kek'd! How did this scene get into the movie?



the classic

Cuz every time he binds his soul to an object he loses some of his humanity and because the author is a woman, looks determine your personality and the loss of humanity is seen in his face.

Rowling is a massive SJW. If we called her out for this she'd definitely apoligise.

How will this aging harpy ever recover?


>(((white))) males in charge

I- iintterestingg.

I swear, when you'll have to eventually pay the toll and die I'll miss you.

What's there to apologize for? Dweeby white guy culturally appropriated and got fucking killed in the end. Seems pretty 2017-friendly to me

wew true deep for me

To hide the evil that is hidden in his head lmao

Did Raimi guest-write this scene?

> harry calling Voldemort you-know-who

How did the author of the fanfic not catch this mistake? Harry is one of two characters to use Voldemort's name prior to his return, everyone else except Dumbledore was too superstitious.

>race of slave elves
>Hermoine is portrayed as an annoying, culturally naive person for trying to free them
it was a different time

Fun fact: one of my high school English teachers was his friend in high school and apparently he got bullied a lot by everyone.

This pissed me off. Wizards have every fucking right o be superstitious about shit. Break a mirror? You probably pissed off a mirror ghost for the next 7 years. Black cat crosses your path? Nope, that was a fucking goblin marking you for death. And yet Dumbledore and Harry are shown as smart, brave heroes for using Volemort's name. AND THEN you find out that everyone was right all along, and saying 'Voldemort' is telling his cronies exactly where you are with a big flasshing magical sign. Goddamnit Dumbledore, how many people did you get killed with your fucking 'bravery'?

There were going to be unfortunate implications no matter which stance the characters took on that.

saying his name geo-locates you? when was this revealed in the book? damn

7th book.

>Fun fact: one of my high school English teachers was his friend in high school and apparently he got bullied a lot by everyone.

Your teacher sounds like a really good friend.

Were the vault goblins jewish?

Of course. Just look at that star.

Holy shit

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

what did Warner Bros. mean by this?

jesus christ, was raimi on set that day?

They celebrate Christmas in HP so abrahamic religions must exist in that universe. Was Jesus just a wizard?

If Voldemort was Hitler, why didn't he gas the Goblins?

why do my brain sing now hp song?
fuck this shit

Why do Sup Forums feel for this meme?

sihk turbans usually come to a point in the wraps just above their forehead, this looks like some Taliban shit

What's up with your english? You alright?


It's Middle-Eastern/Indian powerhour.

I'm exercising my touch typing, my bad
(also my english)

7th book, and this geolocation wasn't a thing before then. Voldemort made it a thing specifically to catch "brave" autists like Harry.

>movie franchises
>book franchises

Isn't that the point though? They were sort of saying "come at me" baiting death eaters out of hiding.

That was the next step in his master plan, nigga didn't have time.

What does Voldemort even get out of this name shit? It's either Dumbledore/Harry or some dumb kid saying his name.

In the first case, well, he obviously fucking knows about them and if it's just some random kid why even bother with it?

Since they had that Yule Ball rather than Christmas Ball I'd say wizards celebrate Yule rather than Christmas. Which would make sense if wizards knew Jesus was a wizard and didn't worship him.

>le different dark arts teacher every movie

>what does the megalomaniac narcissist get out of everyone being too scared to even use his name

Truly a mystery for the ages, that.

Harry isn't some random kid. Voldemort had been trying to kill him for 16 years because of a prophecy. As for the rest, it's mostly members of the Order of the Phoenix who say his name, so it's a way to locate and kill them.

There's something so comfy about Richard Harris' Dumbledore

He actually looks like an old wizard. Gambon is a fat bearded homo, which is closer to what JKR intended.
Gambon had three times as many movies yet never managed to make a single scene where his Dumbledore was anywhere near as good as this.

>that "Alas! Earwax" delivery
Literally perfect.

actually he calls him you-know-who most of the time in the first book because he knows people will freak out otherwise, it's only in the end of the book that dumby advices him to always use the real name



Truly a different time when this type of scene was allowed in a movie

Yeah... this is really bad.

>not liking OoTP and PoA

>Bullied by everyone
>everyone includes your teacher
This is true