Hmm.. This really makes me think.
Maybe we are being to harsh to muslims, Sup Forums?
Hmm.. This really makes me think.
Maybe we are being to harsh to muslims, Sup Forums?
fuck muslims
>check flag
inbreeding working at its finest here you gypsy crossbreed
Nobody is proposing a Muslim American ban.
We don't want Syrian Muslims or Libyan Muslims because a quarter or more of those ARE TERRORISTS or support terrorism.
lel I hope they kill more of you fucking western europeans
I don't think the terrorism problem is the main issue people have. It's the fact that they are slimy and try to change laws and traditions to fit them. They try to change a countries traditions and make it their own. Their kids arent taught about respect and are very disruptive. Narrowing it down to only a terrorist issue is pathetic and a strawman.
Remove kebab, remove prepper, Waco siege best day of my life
Should we really treat all muslims badly just because of a few terrorists?
I mean guys, really? Maybe that's not wise.
There are bad people within every groups
Because both sides are retarded, if you think owning a semi automatic rifle is bad because of wildly disproportionate shootings then you're an idiot. If you think all Muslims are terrorists because of the actions of some, then you're an idiot.
tl:dr cuckservatives and libtards are just as dumb as each other.