What are some of the most common lies that comics&cartoons like to push?

What are some of the most common lies that comics&cartoons like to push?

Smell where this thread is headed a mile away.

Real quick, no one reply after this post and lets watch the unique poster number.

that women belong anywhere but the kitchen and bedroom

That changing a white character to be black somehow cancels out how wrong it is to still have other characters who are painful stereotypes because "they're historical, we can't change them!"


That girls will win in a boys vs girls contest and that all guys in such an episode will act like retards?

Liberals reeeeeeeeeeee

Popular girls are all narcissistic bitches

girls bully each other

In schools you are divided into one of 5 groups.

Inb4 someone tries to say New Jersey isn't a shit hole.

That one is so fucking true though

This is probably one of the most prevalent and worst. Having worked as part of sales teams including several women in the past, most women do not know the fucking meaning of teamwork. They just constantly try to undermine and blame each other because . Guys work MUCH better in teams than girls.

they do, just not in the ways cartoons like to portray

They do though

But this is completely true.

Nah, they just call each other bitches behind the others back, until they finally get into a fight.

that slapstick is funny

That jocks are jerks.

They're really not. I don't know where that came from. They're some of the nicest people you can know in high school.

This is probably perpetuated by jealous nerds who got bullied by the rare actual jock-bully back in the day and held that grudge throughout their entire lives.

i'd like to see a girls vs boys episode when the boys pretend to try but lose on purpose in the end to make the girls feel better
to still get the GRRL POWAH shit in, lets make the actual sexist guy lose because he's just bad at the challenges

Women are superior workers when they can work independantly.

Men get distracted and slack when alone, women do it when they are in the plural and can interact with each other.

girls can be just as cruel

fucking around isn't really a gender thing user

There are jock bullies, but they tend to be the minority and are basically the same as the bully poor kid (bad home life, constantly frustrated about being poor, and highly self-conscious) but are in a team.

Most jocks are just oblivious. They're nice when they interact, but they'll never notice that guy contemplating suicide unless they see a bully shove the kid's face into the dirt right in front of them.

>popular kids are dumb snobby jerks

In my school, this was incredibly untrue. Those kids were popular because of how friendly and outgoing they were, and they were very good students. Ironically, it was usually the less popular kids that were mean, which is why I think episodes like this were made by unpopular kids that were jealous of them.

Just an observation on tendencies, purely anecdotal.

Never let females pal around on the job, never leave males alone to their own devices.

>>popular kids are dumb snobby jerks

It's like...why would they even be popular if they were jerks?

Cool shit? They're hot?

in my experience its the "cool kids" that were the jerks, not the popular kids
the "cool kids" were self centered, but kinda quirkey.
while the popular kids were nice, just boring if you weren't a normie like them

Direct Sales are the only thing keeping comic books alive

MC always gets the girl in the end.

Thats a fucking lie and it should stop being told to young impressionable kids.

that a mabel is suppose to be a likable person

that being a quirky rule breaker means you're special and people should like you for that

that's not a lie
you're just not the MC

That bullying is wrong

Jerks with cool shit don't share and are resented. Jerks who are hot are competition, or someone to wank to.

You can't be a 100% jerk and be popular. You have to be good around some people, even if its just an act.

See, cartoons with bullies always focus on the lowest social rung. The average person doesn't get shit on.

That shooting bullies is wrong.

it really makes you think.......................

This. A lot of popular kids are genuinely likable. They're not perfect by any means but less popular people aren't any different

>Gays are always perfect angels
>Everyone will like you if you just be yourself
>I don't have the high ground
>the future is awesome
>Girls are always right
>all your problems will go away if you wait them out long enough
>Andrew Garfield hates mondays
>Ayy Lmao's exist
>Bush didn't cause 9/11
>a vigilante is okay, unless they kill someone
>Kids go outside
>Video Games have not evovled since the 80's
>It ain't me starts playing
>life gets better
that's all I can list, got any more

>the moon landing was real

>Video Games have not evovled since the 80's
Unless its super realistic VR.

>You can't stop the girl

"X-Men: Evolution". Some X-Girls try to become vigilantes and think they saved the day while they unknowingly got bailed out of troubled by Cyclops and Nightcrawler.

>when you're not the MC of your own life

I'd like to see girls vs boys episode where both teams are so super skilled and evenly matched, they continue one-up one another until the conflict escalates and the whole town/city/whatever is destroyed in the conflict.

Shake things up in a while.

that stealing sugar and straight up LYING to a parenthood figure is ok, and that we can just laugh it off

thank god for the himalayan education system

Whenever you decide to skip school something fun happens at school and your day is full of mishaps and overall bad luck.

The first half has happened, plenty of times.

first half yes.

Armenian genocide happened.

>authority figures will straight-up ignore rules and procedures if it'll actually get shit done more effectively
>the guy and girl characters who were friends since childhood absolutely HAVE to be the end game pairing
>liberals may be annoying as shit and aggressively push their personal beliefs onto others, but at least they're always "in the right" morally
>nature / "the old fashioned way" >>> technology / the easier/efficient way

>want to start having a more healthy life
>start going to gym
>no idea of wtf to do
>jock comes over
>"yo man, you need some help?
>say, "y-yes" like a little bitch boi
>guy actually takes proper time to teach me how to use a couple of machines and is patient despite me being a fucking retard
>"alright bro, let me know if you need help"
I've seen at least two people like these everyday at most gyms I go to.

>>Everyone will like you if you just be yourself
The worst part is I believed it for so long.