Pic related.
Harry Potter is shit and so is its fanbase
have you noticed how much of the Left's discourse refers specifically to Harry Potter?
i think it speaks to the infantilism of Gen Z
Join dumbledore's army then.
This scares the Drumpf voter
>autists missing jokes
Classic Sup Forums
It's a story of an entitled infant being special and solving problems with waving a wand rather than actually doing anything. This is why leftists enjoy Harry Potter.
Meanwhile, LOTR has a rightwing following because it is a story of heroism and good vs evil.
Harry Potter and the Nu-Male of Libtardistan
is that britbongistan?
How would the Wizarding World deal with Brexit?
>Gen Z
Gen Z is too young to give a shit about Harry Potter.
>>but our frogposting is subtle political satire
My ex-girlfriends mother would point out stuff like this and think that I'd love it on my wall. Always hard to find a polite way to say "absolutely fucking not"
>i think it speaks to the infantilism of Gen Z
I think it's more of an escapist tool used by the younger generations that don't feel they have any significant influence in today's society. To some extent, these emotions are actually pretty justified, especially when you see largely ignorant politicians make decisions that could well set society on a downward spiral.
hurr no shit
who gives a fuck about movies for children
No one paid money to attend Hogwarts, but I can understand falling asleep during the twenty-minute scene discussing federal wizard funding and student broom parking in one the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this copypasta
Gen Z literally grew up with harry potter you retard
That's Generation Y.
i have a friend who would actually have this as a poster
No, not really. Progressives are drawn to Harry Potter because it represents a narrative of a diverse group of people from different walks of lives fighting a group of radicals obsessed with "pure blood", mostly consisting of elitist old money types with ties to seemingly "moderate", wholly incompetent "liberal" government that purposefully ignores those radicals rising to power again until it's too late.
Lord of the rings is popular with rightists because it represents an even broaders view of good versus evil, where the evil overlord is a never actually seen force and his henchmen are Orcs who's portrayal is obviously somewhat rooted in the view of primitive tribes that people had in Tolkiens times. It somewhat glorifies the simple life of rural Britain as exemplified by its Hobbits and somewhat vilifies technological progress (Not really social progress but I don't expect Sup Forumslacks to understand that) with a not particulary subtle and perfectly justified dig an industrialization.
And I'm not saying I have anything against Lord of the rings or anything but i see why it lends itself to be understood that way though I imagine Tolkien wouldn't exactly approve of that reading.
I thought Harry Potter was lame when I was a kid. They tried shilling those books in public school but I was a LOTR guy.
I hate mass-pop culture so much
GoT, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel, DCU, it's all just fucking horseshit owned by like 3 different companies and 15 different people
i was asleep, what has happened now?
Never seen one kiddo.
is anyone else a Harry potter dork but completely hate sjws and liberals and trannies and the left?
>that first paragraph
Most of those plot points are revealed over the first few books, though. Hagrid's throwaway line about pure bloods in the first story is hardly what attracted people. It was the fun, imaginable universe that got kids hooked.
>Lord of the rings is popular with rightists
LOTR is popular with literally everyone, though. It's a story that's so old, it's familiar even to the elderly. Stop trying to politicize these things that everyone can find joy in, it's just detracting from the value of Tolkein's work.
>Making hard decisions about the future of your people
>LMAO just let all the shitskins in!
An endless amount of empathy isn't healthy for a culture.
never forget the
I'm like Harry in that my mother's love is the only reason I'm alive.
No, you're on your own
I was referring to the decisions about climate change and consolidating yet more power into an incredibly rich elite. If you're a young person that was raised with values of meritocracy and fair play, that's an incredibly cruel world to adjust to.
So I can sympathize with escapist fantasies, from that perspective.
Harry Potter is fundamentally pro-immigration propaganda. You cannot be a right-wing Harry Potter fan for the same reason you can't be a left-wing Atlas Shrugged fan.
>Hagrid's throwaway line about pure bloods in the first story is hardly what attracted people.
Not what attracted people as kids but maybe what makes them come back to it as adults.
What attracted them to them s that it hits a certain sweet spot between morbid and cozy, mostly presenting a magical but also kind of dark and dangerous world with those little spots of whimsical normalcy to it where those wizards lead their day to day lifes and deal with some very human emotions and experiences.
You're right though, it shouldn't be politicized too much. Tolkien himself said that his books shouldn't be read as allegory. Sadly Rowling didn't do the same.
Common cultural phenomenon which everyone can relate to or understand which touches on elements of racism, classism and fascism. Sort of relevant in the current political climate.Can effectively get a message across in a humerous way, but at the cost of infantasising adult discourse in a fairly tedious way.
Typically left-wing people are going to make reference to Harry Potter since it espouses left-wing ideals.
>fundamentally pro-immigration
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
Seems like a lot of words to just say "The media I consume defines myself and my family to an embarrassing degree"
>Stop trying to politicize these things that everyone can find joy in, it's just detracting from the value of Tolkein's work.
All art has some form of politics in it m8
So we're all in agreement LOTR is absolutely based
>on this board
>we believe in kino
>we have ebin bait threads
>at the no-singles kinoplex
>and Chuck's fuck and suck
>before we check if meat is back on the menu
>we snatch every motherfuking birthday
>while wondering what he meant by this
>we know that the answer to "you're a big guy" is "for you" and that
>from my point of view the jedi are evil
>we do dance offs and check dubs
>we aim to shitpost
>and we say "No!" when told "a-at least the books were good though"
>and we don't like what reddit likes
>because on this board
>we do Sup Forums
>left-wing Atlas Shrugged fan.
As a leftist I think on a fundamental level Rand was wrong about practically everything but I can respect her philosophy slighty more than that of of the mainstream right.
The message of the series is "the wizarding community has to accept Muggle-borns and halfbloods to survive, and anyone who wants to stop this is evil".
If you've ever seen a liberal use "muh birth rates" as a justification for letting in immigrants, this message will be familiar to you.
>but maybe what makes them come back to it as adults
I think it's still that middle ground between morbid and cozy that you described. Having read all of the books when I was younger, the overall story really isn't that fascinating (until the last 2 or 3). It's much more entertaining to just read about Harry on holidays or struggling with potions class or whatever.
The message of the series was that your blood and heritage doesn't determine your worth or value you dingus. That's why Hermione, the muggle-born, is a more skilled wizard than any of her "pure-blood" peers.
I don't know what the fuck you're on about with this "necessary for survival" nonsense
I agree with that. Harry Potter's big flaw always was that the protagonist and the antagonist are its least interesting characters. But I do kinda like a llt of the stuff having to do with the ministry and the backstory of Voldemort.
>the message of the series
You guys are really embellishing this. The part about having to breed with Muggles was said by Hagrid, the uneducated half-giant groundskeeper, which is just one opinion among many. It's hardly an endorsement.
If anything, the "pure blood" thing seems to reflect an old-money style aristocracy not wanting people to join their club (a little like The Great Gatsby). None of the major concerns with immigration are really there. In fact, this theme is hardly expanded on at all. I mean, realistically, why would someone like Voldemort, who is halfblooded, even entertain this belief if it isn't predicated on some kind of logic?
This. When I look at muggle-borns, I see doctors, engineers and lawyers.
The 5th book has a long speech by Sirius about how there's very few pureblood families left and that they're all distantly related thanks to inbreeding, and save for Umbridge, all the evil characters share a belief in racial purity.
Not him, but it's stated several times that mixing muggle and magic blood is more or less necessary because of how few pure-blooded magic families there actually are, and most of them are already related to one another.
Nothing has really changed though. The environment has always been an issue(Killer fog, depleted fields, crashed game populations) and the elites have always ruled us(Most people complaining of income inequality live lives of historically unprecedented wealth and comfort). A certain political group is simply trying to edge out another one out of the game by making a big deal out of it.
Hahahaha where can I get one of these posters it sums up me sooooooo well
Hermione literally had to study all day everyday to compete. even then she couldn't do things as naturally as Harry or Ron. She even struggled to get a broomstick to fly in her hands. Even Ron made it snow without paying attention to the fact that he had his wand in his hand and was waving it around without even trying to cast a spell.
Except we're more intelligent people now and we're supposed to have the ability to influence the future. The realization that everyone is insignificant, save a handful of people, is obviously upsetting to young folks. It's only made worse when they come to understand that the elite is fucking retarded and will likely ruin the entire planet.
...How is that pro-immigration? It's just a children's novel which tries to be egalitarian - this isn't uncommon in the world of fiction.
Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Sup Forums BTFO.
No recovery from this.
She was the booksmart one. She wasn't weaker than the others in terms of magic, she was just a huge nerd.
Are you actually advocating for racial purity in a children's book you utter fucking goon?
Superior kid lit coming through.
I dunno what's worse, your post existing or knowing that there exist people who unironically believe in your post
It's because theyre children living?g in a fantasy world.
Likewise, women think strong female characters in fiction like marvel and GOT means that women are actually strong and can be leaders of men.
Of course, I or one welcome the Islamic takeover only because ALL of these people will be gutted by the savages they protected.
Some publicly educated nitwit tried to sound smart. That's the run down.
Why can't women be leaders of men?
>not advocating for racial purity in a children's book
2 degrees a century isn't going to ruin the planet. Earth has been much hotter and much colder then it is now the biosphere will adapt and survive.
yes. She was the booksmart one but her actual magical talent was less than Harry or Rons.
Because they're not men.
And they've never been leaders of men. They're weaker, infantile and in the end all things lead to who can crush who and NEVER has that worked for women.
They've been given all they think they've achieved by men, mostly conniving politicians securing their vote, and all they consume is of men.
>putting a meme on paper and holding it up at a protest for reddit upvotes
The male nature is narcisistic and solipsistic. This is because the male was hard wired through million of years of evolution to compete for social status to impress women. It's where the infamous male ego that we all know comes from. Men take their ego and need for validation so seriously he will literally kill over minor offenses. Men are governed by their emotions, unable to control their sexual impulses, their violent impulses or the need to keep their social status intact. Men are children, they are offended easly just like children. They take pathethic risks like driving cars at fast speeds just to compete in the dominance hierarchy, much like teenagers. It is no secret that women mature faster than men, while men perpectualy stay at a teenage-like mentality for most of their adult lives. All of this qualify men as the most responsible teenagers in the house at best, at a given time. Men should not have major responsibilities over nothing, as their juvenile emotional brain doesn't allow them to. It is up to us women to control men for their own sake: Having access to their wallets whenever we want, limiting and policing their friendships, particulary with low value alfa sluts, etc. AMALT.
Gayest post of the day.
>We need no silly women, we can fuck each other.
A 5C average temperature rise was the difference between now and the last global ice age. The likelihood of going from 2 to 5 is extremely high, given our current emissions. The possibility of a positive feedback effect could make things potentially irreversible.
Why even argue against this? It's exclusively in the interest of an outdated industry which, by any Capitalist standard, should fucking die already.
So anyone have an update on how many bearded youths from syria Rowling let stay in her giant mansion inside a gated community?
Where the FUCK are the quotation marks, user.
This isn't the flawless argument you think it is.
>his only argument for women is sex
We can fuck some , just not let them rule over us, that'd be stupid. Every time women vote, they fuck things up.
>Men are more narcissistic than women.
>the weaker, more child-like sex should rule these so called aggressive impulsive men
>>the weaker, more child-like sex
Wow user, your physical strength is really important for making society wide decisions. Good job proving to that guy just how incompetent you are.
Are you saying thay it was a lot fewer than what you'd expect from someone who's rich and spends all day virtue signalling on the internet?
I cannot fucking believe that I am still expected to pretend that Harry Potter is an interesting franchise. I have LOADS of friends and acquantancies that cream their pants over every HP-related thing. I remember all the talk about HP getting people into reading, but that didn't happen, because they read HP and nothing else. Next time I'm just going to straight up ask them what they like so much about the books.
Wow! The tempature gets warmer after an ice age! "Irreversible" Bullshit the carbon cycle naturally sequesters greenhouse gasses on its own. A solar minimum could happen in the next century and plunge us into a new ice age. Climate is far more complex than >durr Carbon bad.
Then let it die a natural death rather than regulate it to hell.
I never wrote that physical strength alone would be good for society, luckily men can have both strength and smarts - women don't and dont need to, they just need to open those legs and get men do do everything for them.
>Next time I'm just going to straight up ask them what they like so much about the books.
You should do that user, you might connect with your friends more
No, I'm saying that it's a stupid argument. She doesn't have to personally offer her possessions up for a cause just to genuinely believe in it. Similarly, politicians who agreed to the Iraq War shouldn't literally be on the ground with a gun in their hand.
It's just an inane thing to say, repeated by the left and right depending on the issue.
I agree actually. I just don't get it.
>I'll pretend that half of humankid does nothing because they don't look like me.
Pretty gay.
it speaks a lot about how atheism has left a whole in the western world. When a dude is unironically saying Dumbledore wouldn't do this, it's a clear indicator that these people have replace the old god or beliefs. With modern liberal shitty mouthpieces JK Rowling is their prophet and the bastions of liberal groupthink contained in such literature are their gods or ideals.
Utter faggots. i like Harry potter by the way don't like how it's been politicised now though
Have they even read the books? If you can't afford the school pays for your school stuff
>luckily men can have both strength and smarts
James Flynn surveyed multiple population samples and found that, on average, women have a fractionally higher IQ than men.
>that didn't happen, because they read HP and nothing else
lol too right
These people love harry potter not because of some dumb strawman about trump and politics but because they grew up reading them