WebM Thread

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is the movie good?


I enjoyed it a lot
It's kind of unusual; it starts out as a war movie, goes kind of supernatural/horror, then ends as this very surreal mediation on war
Definitely fun to watch and webm

And the last one for you




"Boris, how fix head gasket?"


giv cowboy pusy

"Is question for commissar!"

your fantasy so to be a nigger cock sucking faggot?


why didn't they watch it full screen?
What did Korine mean by this?


This movie seemed to silly and the Tiger mockup pretty funky, but these webm aroused my interests.


Sounds good, might have to hunt it down.

>Surprise OC

The Asphyxiation scene from Atomic blonde is coming up.

big actress

>the Tiger mockup pretty funky
It's definitely unrealistic, not the worst I've ever seen though
Kelly's Heroes is still the gold standard though for Fake Tigers though
On the other hand there's heaps of genuine Russian tanks an even a couple of Matildas and Lee/Grants
I'd say it's a "magic realist" kind of movie

I saw the thread earlier

>The Asphyxiation scene from Atomic blonde is coming up
Just saw your lesbo scene webm over on the Celebm thread

Atomic Blonde webms. So if you haven't seen the film, spoiler warnings

Still not 100% sure on the plot as the audio is russian.


The 80's rapist ski mask makes it perfect


Fun fact: Kelly's Tiger was actually made in Yugoslavia for Battle on Neretva made on T-34/85 chassis, definitely check out that flick if you get the time, it's one of my favorite faux historic 1960s/70s war movies. Outside of few T-34s and BTR-50s playing German equipment, most of guns were spot on, and the rough outline of the operation was kept genuine.

audrey best dance

It really does.

Atomic blonde is one of those "stylish violence" type movies. But now I have to go.


I do actually have that one user, I'll have to dig it out
A few Hollywood WW2 movies were made in Yugoslavia in the 70s and 80s, Cross of Iron for example, and they have an interesting mix of gear

Yup, filmed in Slovenia and Croatia. Yugos kept a lot of WW2 infantry equipment, or their local variants in use for a very long time, such as MG42, MP40, Thompsons and Super Bazookas. Heck, Yugoslav war was played out with surplus Jacksons and modified T-34s.

In Cross of Iron you can briefly see a M5 Greyhound mocked up as a SdKfz 234 Puma, it's actually kind of convincing if you don't look too close

Thanks for the asphyx scene mate

Oh hey, I've listened to her comic book reviews for years.

Battle of Neretva is a great film. They blew up actual tanks for it

Turns out I do have a copy on one of my old HDs, it's only 640x288 though
I'll see if I can find a better version around but sometimes these old VHS rips are it






Dr. Bashir, suicide bomber

Aw man Vertical Limit in the theater was the best
"3 O'clock time to wake up the Indians"

What anime is that?


>Movie bombs
>WB just piles in all sorts of additional costs for a writeoff, including all their failed preproductions that never took off
>Might actually go down as the biggest loss ever for a movie.

Between that and the man from uncle they might stop giving him films to make if he keeps that up.

I refuse to believe it was Ritchie's idea to try and squeeze SIX movies out of this.

>0 sec 3 KB
Mate what happened


I don't have time to hunt down the article, but the King Arthur: Legend of the Sword movie has been in production for almost two decades, and the 180 million cost is something like

100 million for original shoot.
35 million for studio mandated reshoots
45 million of two decades of preproduction that Ritchie had nothing to do with.

And I think the six movies was that Unless the studio owes you a big film (Like Nolan and Dunkirk) studios do not want to look at stuff that can't be made into a series or "universe".

Then again, there million of $$$ reasons why that is the case. There has only been 1-3 original IPs that have done well in the last 10 years.


The film is actually a retelling of Moby dick.

White tiger=white whale


why doesn't that slav chick have a beard?

I can dig it

Rude, slavs are beautiful

I am rather fond of Russian girls myself

Happy 70th birthday Mr Blacknigger!

it's black ploughsman


> nads not in pockets
whaat a scrub!

this scene from the movie? I dont remember it

>it's black ploughsman
I recall this was explained to me once
The poetic meaning is like a dirty peasant or something, hence "black plower" like you say

>user thinks slavs are not cute
Just means more for me to marry DESU

I dunno, German's weird, I would know about it more if SOMEONE hadn't botched a world war...TWICE.

The scene is played backwards in the movie and this is on the soundtrack

Cleavon Little corpsing?! Send for the man!









I've cum so many times over her

We had a really comfy Tatu thread the other day
Made me realize I should do some of their videos


It's not even all.

Instead of 1911 they use some Browning Hi-Power copies.


The absolute state of this board right now

Anything with that hot cunt redhead is ok by me.



is this the "Chad Stride"?

What's this from?

