Do you enjoy driving?

Do you enjoy driving?

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No because I get very autistic when I see people breaking rules so I can't relax and I behave like a vigilante of the road

not in southern california

I enjoy being able to drive, not really driving unless it's just short hops here and there.
I just hate going anywhere far because I dread the trip home, which is a dark cloud over whatever I am doing.

Yes, but not traffic.

I used to before the transplants came with their ricers and lifted trucks with stock headlight alignment

reminder that if you don't know how to drive manual you don't know how to drive

Yes very much

Heh do you trying to teach them manners?


>Heh do you trying to teach them manners?
yes if they are trying to fast I will get in front of them and purposely go slow and not let them pass me so they learn patience

You should jump on something and just find some cunt to drive with you like I would have offered yesterday. I dunno what people use, craigslist? /soc/? I'm sure there's some bored cunts in brissy who would sit in a car for an hour or two for a six pack.

So basically normie tier road rage.

Did they tried to beat you up?

I begged my mum who kept refusing and I said you want your son to be a loser in his room for his entire life? I think she will start to teach me.

it would be fun if everyone else just fucked off

yes once I made a guy so mad he followed me for the next 30 minutes and even followed me around in circles
It was worth it too me

especially over infidels

I just drive and listen to music in my car. Driving has become second nature to me like walking. But I hate driving in traffic.

The more you reveal the more I think she'll be like my ex's mum who would panic and slam the hand brake on in the middle of the fucking road.


who win? I would kick you too)))

yes, very much. even with my shitty car and it our shitty roads.

eventually he left but he would probably beat me up. I'm weak and just act tough when I'm in my car

what music do you prefer?

you are a piece of shit.

No. Lane changes and right turns make me stressed

I get migraines when i drive. I get too nervous and stressed, and it gives me very intense headaches.
At least taxis are cheap...
I can walk too..

I know but for some reason I really get a lot of joy out of being mean to others

Do they often shoot after road conflict?

Smoke some weed dude you are stressed

no but i am actually worried about that happening haha

Driving sucks unless you live somewhere remote. i rather have someone drive me and being free to relax and listen to music other than being slightly on edge because I know at least one asshole hasn't slept well

I do smoke weed frequently. I sometimes get headaches from it as well, but that's probably due to the bad quality of the weed.
I'm a mess. I'm so stressed internally that the smallest thing can tip me off my balance and mke me anxious.
I should see a therapist, but i don't want to.

In Europe driving stick is still the norm and honestly I would rather shove a toothpick under a fingernail than to drive manual in traffic

>I do smoke weed frequently.

Maybe that's the problem then, being dependent on a substance to clam yourself so now you lack the ability to do so without it.

no. if i have to drive more than 30 minutes than im unhappy

Is therapist costly over there like in US?
I thought weed relaxing and remove problems

Only V8s excite me anymore. I can't go back to little 4/6 cylinder shitboxes that sound like a sewing machine.
Even at the expense of fuel economy

I enjoy it. It's relaxing and I have time to think about stuff

How much you spend to fuel per month?

you ever just sit in your truck?

V8 also means more regular intervals to the shop. I rather have reliable car than one that is a little more fun

Yeah, but i'm not dependent on it. I just do it for fun, not to escape reality or something like that.
I wish it was because of weed. It would be easier to fix. But my issues have been growing even before i started smoking it, and are quite complex.
No, it isn't costly. My parents are wealthy so money wouldn't be an issue.
It's just that i can't bring myself to talk about my problems to anyone, thanks to years of trying to give a good image.

It's slanted because I currently drive for a living so my employer pays for my gas. Right now around $1000, but when I just commuted normally it was closer to $500-600

Are you fucking kidding? How much does a full tank cost?

how much per liter?

LS engines are quite reliable. Just thirsty

At recent prices of $1.40/L (most expensive in the country), a full fillup is about $100 give or take.

you don't have oil
i'm better than you because my fuel is 1/3rd the cost of yours
allah loves me so he gave me oil

are you russian?

That'd be nice, but my salary can afford it and more so I'm not too bothered.

no but i play dota2 a lot so infected with your cancer cyka

yeah ok

shut the fuck up sandnigger

Same here, Seems your car is just thristy as fuck. My Honda civic needs fuel every 2 1/2 weeks at worst.

you stfu
you'll never take my oil
rather burn it then let you eat it you fat fucks

Yeah but your cuntry is drying up as we speak. It gets hotter and hotter thanks to climate change. Place will be unlivable in 40 years.


i enjoy short trips but long trips like Madrid-Santiago really suck the life out of you
i hate driving in overwhelmingly hot days aswell

>muh climate change
>unlivable in 40 years
just as retarded as that trump clown denying climate change
why can't you fucks stop being dramatic about everything and use logic

>Climate change and desertification is a global problem, and Turkey and the Middle East region are among the mostly affected areas of the world. By the end of this century, Turkey and the Middle East region are expected to have an increased mean temperature about 3–5 °C and a 20–40 % decline in precipitation. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) warns that desertification is likely to become irreversible, if the environment becomes drier and the soil becomes further degraded through erosion and compaction

Global Climate Change, Desertification, and Its Consequences in Turkey and the Middle East (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Feb 15 2018].

I fucking hate driving but I think part of it is because I'm driving automatic but I'm too lazy to learn manual

I just walk.
I enjoy being a poor fag. I don’t know why.

How the fuck do you manage to get around walking with our infrastructure?

mildly inconvenient
but that's far from the doomsday tier "unlivable" isn't it

It get's 40-42 C° in the summer there. very little planlife manages to survive above 46C°, you would have to import all food. Asphalt becomes liquid at high tempratures, which would ruin infrastructure. Buddy I am not dick mesuring, there is a reason no one lives in the sahara, even it's osasises.

Yes, but I'm not very good at it. I almost caused 2 accidents.

I drive all over my state, it's very nice.

>Pardon it actually gets 48C° in July, so even the little cold spots in the shadows where some plant life manages to survive will be gone

Just driving? It's alright.
Driving and music? Now we're talking.
Going fast? Yezzir.

>It get's 40-42 C° in the summer there.
50+ regularly
>very little planlife manages to survive above 46C°
plenty do and flourish in spring
>you would have to import all food.
>Asphalt becomes liquid at high tempratures,
nah, it can never become liquid actually

I do cause I drive a manual

I don't. Car and reparations are expensive. You can die on the road. It smells bad and make noises...
I would like to do race on a circuit tho

I used to when I just started to drive, but dont for now, its just everyday activity

It’s actually one of my favorite things in life, because it’s very relaxing. I like everthing, from being stuck in a jam, to 4 hours on the highway

How does automatic even work? You just have the wheel, the gas pedal, and the stop pedal? Like those electic cars at carnivals? The idea of driving that in real traffic sounds weird as heck

>ou just have the wheel, the gas pedal, and the stop pedal?
Yes. You can also can have speed selector on some cars to choose manualy

yes but only on sundays when no one is on the road

I love driving but it's difficult for me because I spend every moment being acutely aware of the fact that it is one of the most dangerous possible things I could be doing and I could die at any moment.

No. Hate it.

my favourite activity