Season 3 episode guide so far.

1. Flashpoint (October 4, 2016)
>Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is leading a happy life with his parents in the alternative timeline he has created by preventing Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher) from murdering his mother. However, when the true consequences of the Flashpoint timeline are revealed, Barry will be forced to face the repercussions of his actions.

2. Title Unknown (October 11, 2016)
>Faced with a difficult choice, Barry seeks his loved ones for advice, while the nefarious Doctor Alchemy makes his presence known.

3. Title Unknown (October 18, 2016)
>Barry attempts to help Frankie Kane (Joey King), a metahuman with electromagnetic powers who has developed a malevolent split personality to seek revenge on those who wronged her.

4. Title Unknown (October 25, 2016)
>Barry faces a pair of meta-human criminals, Mirror Master (Grey Damon) and The Top (Ashley Rickards), who aspire to take control of Central City, which also puts them in conflict with Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller).

>Barry faces a pair of meta-human criminals, Mirror Master (Grey Damon) and The Top (Ashley Rickards), who aspire to take control of Central City, which also puts them in conflict with Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller).

>Barry faces a pair of meta-human criminals, Mirror Master (Grey Damon) and The Top (Ashley Rickards), who aspire to take control of Central City, which also puts them in conflict with Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller).


PROTIP: One of those "loved ones" is Felicity.

Finally! We haven't gotten any Rogue-centric episodes since the Season 2 midseason finale. Apparently Season 3 episode 4 is going to be the fiftieth episode of the whole series. It's fitting that it's a Rogues-centric episode and the introduction of Mirror Master and Top.

Well they're not holding back with Dr. Alchemy then.

I thought he'd come into the picture after Savitar and the flashpoint arc is over and they'd save Alchemy for nearer finale or something. I hope he's not dragged out like Zoom was -_-

Savitar is not part of the Flashpoint storyline either, they confirmed Todd Lasance is playing another speedster who's probably just a one-episode nemesis to Wally.

They're apparently being pretty faithful to Savitar as an immortal speedster cult leader who worships the Speed Force and can do all sorts of cool tricks Barry still hasn't learned. Also the producers said that although Doctor Alchemy and him aren't working together, their plans have a somewhat similar goal.

I didn't know that. All I've seen from news outlets is that the Lasance speedster was apparently Savitar, but that could just be journalists making assumptions as usual.

I was gonna say, the speedster in the trailer looks a lot more like Daniel West, the nu52 Reverse-Flash, which would explain why the Joe is so depressed, a family fallout?

I hope they're gonna stay true to Savitar, if they're doing him, he's gotta have the castle, the ninjas and the god like look.

New characters.

JULIAN DORN (Tom Felton)

>Barry Allen's slightly older, slightly geekier contemporary at the Central City Police Department. A brilliant crime scene investigator, Dorn is as smart as he is intuitive, and as such, he doesn’t buy Barry’s nice guy routine and sets out to learn what he’s hiding — all while concealing some secrets of his own.


>A world-class biomedical engineer and CEO of a major research company, and the estranged mother of Caitlin Snow, who regards her mother as cold and withholding, and is deeply rattled by her return.