
>t. Naive woman who didn't get it

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>t. Naive woman who didn't get it

>I don't dislike this movie because I'm a woman
>criticizes it because of men
7/0 bait


Why doesn't this loudmouthed cunt watch all those movies made exclusively for women who don't get any sex?

>Like, yes
Stopped reading

>if you have any arguments for why I'm wrong you are a pretentious man
what a smarmy cunt holy fuuuck

>he posted it again, the absolute madman.

being this salty MARIECLAIRE didn't like a movie, holy shit you are a whinier pussy than the roastie that wrote the article.

The fact she had to open with the naive woman statement shows how shitty film criticism has gotten. I'm sure she was offended by something she read and had to go write her "review" (blog) about defending women and not talking about the film itself at all.

>t. Naive woman who didn't get it

>reading marieclaire

you have to go back

>Marie Claire has a naive woman writing movie reviews for them
Well I, for one, am shocked.

'Dunkirk has no plot' has to be one of the best pleb filters of recent times. It's on a level with 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is boring'

She hit a lot of the points touched on in this blog post that I'm definitely not trying to plug because I wrote it:

Uuum no sweetie you're a naive woman who just doesn't get it

what are some movies that women just don't understand?

>pointing out the stupidity of feminism makes you a whiny pussy
sure thing, anita


Dunkirk comes to mind

Master & Commander. It's not even a meme, women just don't get the themes of honour and brotherhood.

>“And it's not because I'm some naive woman who doesn't get it.”
—Some Naive Woman Who Doesn't Get It, 2017

What Women Want

>how about any other marginalized group?
Yes, when are we having a movie about the Jewish people in ww2? They suffered so much, you know

I couldn't say for certain, but I think this "Marie Claire" has an issue with men.

Falling Down
The Last Samurai

>are they gay? hahaha
>that's so cute!

>explaining yourself in the title

top bants

Is this the final straw for Nolanfags? How is it possibile to be this continually btfo?

>she's right ya know
Or you're just a white knighting faggot who actually gives a shit what an article on a website thinks of a movie.

>laughing with the lads about a stupid woman being a stupid woman is pathetic

Nah dude you're just a grumpy puss

All of them

Wow, straight to DVD? Pathetic! Nolan BTFO!

well done OP, you finally got the serious discussion of Dunkirk you wanted, it only took four(?) deleted threads.

what was your favourate part of the movie?



So this is basically the "movie women don't get" of the century?


>>"But my main issue with Dunkirk is that it's so clearly designed for men to man-out over. And look, it's not like I need every movie to have "strong female leads." Wonder Woman can probably tide me over for at least a year, and I understand that this war was dominated by brave male soldiers. I get that. But the packaging of the film, the general vibe, and the tenor of the people applauding it just screams "men-only"—and specifically seems to cater to a certain type of very pretentious man who would love nothing more than to explain to me why I'm wrong about not liking it."

"I dont mind movies being made for a male audience, but this movie which was made for a male audience does not cater to me so its bad"

What a cunt.

>"Like, yes"

>roasty whining because the movie was too manly

there is plenty of criticism of this movie but this is by far the dumbest I've heard

I just woke up tho and saw the review and thought it'd be funny to post here.

On both their site and their facebook page men and women are mad at whoever wrote the article, saying she's stupid.

>and I understand that this war was dominated by brave male soldiers.

Exclusively would be a better word

>because I know that will illicit cries of
Did anybody proofread this garbage?

>>"if Nolan's entire purpose is breaking the established war movie mold and doing something different—why not make a movie about women in World War II? Or—because I know that will illicit cries of "ugh, not everything has to be about feminism, ugh!"—how about any other marginalized group? These stories shouldn't be relegated to indie films and Oscar season. It's up to giant powerhouse directors like Nolan to tell them, which is why Dunkirk feels so basic. It's a summer war movie"

This would be a movie about women doing secretarial work. Or black guys fixing cars in some staging post. Unless you go and take a look at India / Asia / Africa, but come on, nobody in the west cares about those regions.

You aren't like the other girls, I can tell. What's your Facebook bb

>entire review can be boiled down to "I'm mad cause there aren't any girls in it"

women just don't get the themes of honour and brotherhood.

>"I want a movie dedicated to the 3% of women in the war who were basically caterers instead of the vast majority of men who were immolated, perforated and blown up for my right to shit out garbage articles such as this"

holy fuck what level of memery are women even on right now

Most people don't think this way, right?

>Men to man out over war

At what point apart from the dogfight are the characters on the offensive, who do they kill in this film? It's about men trying to escape a hellish slaughter, not some macho action powerhouse. She is clearly naive and doesn't understand it.

letting women write reviews was a mistake because they just can't write 1500 words without mentioning trump and feminism

Has anyone ever taken the rotten tomato critics who reviewed a movie and split them up between men and women to see what the two new scores would be?

>he thought the posts about movies women will never understand was a meme and not based in reality

>She's right

Said no one ever.

Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man

Men only think about sex and violence, this is definitely not just projection on the woman's part

>Something needs to happen, other than stuff other than scenes of men burning
This film had intense violent scenes, by things happening does she mean having some crappy action movie plot where the diverse crew of the USS YAAS QUEEN land in Germany and beat up hitler?

>why not make a movie about women in World War II?

I could name you 5 movies about women in WWII right now. They get made, but the things they were getting up to, while invaluable, don't make for an exciting cinema experience.

I can't watch LoTR with my gf because she doesn't understand the part where Boromir dies is so emotional.

>the diverse crew of the USS YAAS QUEEN land in Germany and beat up hitler

>I don't like it because they're men
>Disliking the Ghostbusters reboot just because they're females is sexist

isn't it ironic, don't you think

someone do this

someone do this

someone do this

someone do this

This. Yes they helped the war effort in hospitals and bomb factories but those scenarios don't include dogfighting Spitfires

>[Dunkirk is] Christopher Nolan's new directorial gift to men, who are currently spending their time fervently ranking his movies, arguing about said rankings, and—presumably—wearing fedoras completely un-ironically. Or even worse, ironically
This is the saltiest, most poorly written introduction to a reveiw I have ever read

Have fun:


This t b h. If you cannot use words properly, and don't know the difference between 'elicit' and 'illicit', please reconsider your career as a "writer"

While it isn't a review, the article about the Ghostbusters remake's trailer that just rambles about manbabies certainly puts up a challenge.

these people don't even know what 'marginalised' means.

if they're marginalised, they're in the margins. when you make a movie about world war 2, focussing on fucking marginal detail isn't the best fucking idea.



Is this the Master and Commander of our generation?

Is she dissapointed because this movie doesnt have a pearl harbor love triangle sub plot?

like clockwork

Like potterini

I was under an impression women love Nolan movies.

Ignore people like this, there's nothing worse for them.
You know very well that articles like these are only there to get people talking about the articles themselves, not the subject. Ignore them

>If this movie were a dating profile pic, it would be a swole guy at the gym who also goes to Harvard. If it was a drink it would be Stumptown coffee.
What did she mean by this? Seriously, I don't get it


Damn, she's getting obliterated on Twitter

I think she's trying to say it tries to come across as deep, but is really just base level masculinity. but the analogy falls apart, because someone going to Harvard would have to be actually smart, instead of just pretending to be.


She means it's out of her league

When people end a statement with "..and it's not because I'm ___________" it's usually an indication that is exactly what they are.

intelligent but superficial. puts too much brainpower behind the wrong things.

i think it works but it's still cringe

Most of them do.

All the women in real life I know that saw Dunkirk thought it was an amazing movie. Pic related.

>and I understand that this war was exclusively by brave male soldiers.


Needs to become a new rule of journalism. Like whenever a headline is a question the answer is almost always no.

>mfw my wife is one of the only women to get and enjoy Master & Commander

yeah, the good old I'm not racist but..*obviously racist opinion*

level 10!

>>"But my main issue with Dunkirk is that it's so clearly designed for men to man-out over.
>movie is actually about what most men would never admit to wanting the most in war, which is to be able to come home, hug their mothers, and escaping the slaughter even if you're scared of the welcome home you're going to get, and all other kinds of things seen as unmanly
>"hurr but it's totally just a movie for men to man-out!!!!"

I tried to warn you about women, but you wouldn't listen.

>my wife (male)

What's the feminazi equivalent of "I'm not a racist. I'm a racial realist"?

I have some bad news about your "wife" user.

Your gf must be autistic

why do you people keep on posting this stupid womans blog. It feels like you are promoting her or its even herself trying to get some attention.

Basic bitches don't deserve anything except rape.

Apparently she's disappointed that a movie named Dunkirk talks about Dunkirk and not something else, like three teenage witches or something. It's quite odd.

>marginalized group
I wish one of these fucking retards would define precisely where these so-called margins are.

You people are worse than this woman. You are the idiots reading this shit. You are the reason articles like this are still written and still succesful.

war epics