Make up or name some cool ass powers

Make up or name some cool ass powers

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skeleton blood

you blood is now skeletons so you can't die since you're already powered by skeleton

Not sharing my favorite but if you want to categorize magic, make it where one must 'infect' another with a type and they cannot have any other type. Get infected with Necromancy and that's all you can do. Much like vampirism or lycanthropy, you get one type and the others cannot change you.
>shamans, oracles, druids are a subtype because of religion can be another example

Chivalry Reconstruction.

the ability to build up a person's sense of honor and duty, turning them into better people. but, at the cost of also giving them a crippling sense of oral obligation, driving them slowly insane with stress and the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Brain/Brawn Conversion

their intelligence and physical strength are basically on a slider like a video game, they can boost their intelligence but losing physical strength (max out becoming a genius but are completely immobile) or vice versa (become a heap of muscle that doesn't know anything besides punch)

>Cut and Paste
>What is MS Paint was a super-villain?

The ability to cut through any substance via hand motions or stick items together.

>extended applications

Items can be "framed", selected, and edited. The more objects selected by the "frame", or the greater the magnitude of the edit, the more mentally and physically taxing the power becomes.


>oral obligation
Paladin of the Fellatio Order

Got these two in a JoJo thread back in 2014, I'm totally OK with it.

Stand name:


Religion types should also be convertible with a high enough level of influence, since it's faith based.

The Order of Omitting Other's Onanism via Oral Obfuscation of Orgasm Organs.