How can we deal with Radical Redditism?

How can we deal with Radical Redditism?

By sending you back for starters

What about your crippling autism?



The fact alone that every time this thread is posted people flock into it to post "muh Sup Forums boogeyman" and defend reddit tells a lot about the current state of this board.

No, Jason. It tells all of us that you have crippling autism and no actual life.

no idea

maybe ban Sup Forums so it leaks into other boards and scares off reddit

this would also help cull the r/thedonalders from Sup Forums since they won't stick around

2 birds with one stone


>implying the most intelligent and nihilistic show on television is reddit

I remember these panels

it's from a scene in the comic where they walk in on morty fucking a clone of himself

>it's a Sup Forums isn't the cancer killing Sup Forums poster

His tattoos need to be updated with stuff like
>Kekistani flag
>Meme War veteran

this show is so awful

i challenge any of its fans to post a single funny scene from this show

you have as long as you like

>intelligent and nihilistic
pick one

This. Most of reddit is still good. I invite redditors to come to Sup Forums all the time, unless they go to thedonald

>What is my purpose
>You pass butter
>...oh my god

See you are the fucking issue "implying the most intelligent show" its NOT you fucking degenerate faggot.


>haha life sux XD

this is maybe funny to twelve year olds or emotionally stunted manchildren

which i suppose is fitting given that the audience for this show is largely drawn from these two demographics


You know those are Sup Forums shitposters, right?

Yeaaa that isn't the joke. I mean I knew your post was bait but I hoped you'd have something better than this.

>How do we deal with this Sup Forums
I dunno, you guys are obsessed with the show and Reddit. R&M threads are bait thread circle jerks about Reddit

Nobody mentioned pol you goddamn mongoloid I hope you and op lose your disability payments

I honestly can't tell which side you're yelling at. I do know anybody who gets riled up over the political or cultural ramifications of rick and morty needs to kts


>"Well, I mean, traditionally, science projects are a father-son thing".
>"Well, scientifically, traditions are an idiot thing".

Holy shit how can you be too stupid to understand rick and morty "humor"? I fucking hate this board now

>what is my purpose?
>you work a 9 to 5 job
>Oh my God
haha yeah anyone who can resonate with that feeling at all is totally an emotionally stunted manchild... kys nigger

But Sup Forums IS reddit newfag

>lel you just don't get it comeback

I can see if someone doesn't like the humor or the show. It isn't what the fans hype it up to be but it's enjoyable if you stop taking it so seriously

'memba when Sup Forums liked Rick and Morty and only started to hate on it because it got popular?

>Pretending to be this retarded
This board is beyond saving

Every time, user

Sup Forums is the shittiest board with the shittiest taste I've ever seen

i wasn't pretending to be anything

Thats true though, it's a caveman survival instinct to fear the unknown/the dark, and it's why stupid people who have a difficult time with abstract thought and being able to understand contexts and the complexities of the world around them reject change even It's it rooted in enlightenment principles of skepticism, science and humanism. So they fall back on traditions to help them feel secure. Unfortunately this type of anti-critical thinking gives us things like circumcision and foot binding. there's a correlation between low IQs and social conservatism, which is something niggers, sandniggers, beaners, and rural/smalltown/flyover white people have in common

2008 called and wants their >muh manliness back

>Every time, user
helloo reddit

dont visit Sup Forums?

Yes see I comment on how Sup Forums typically likes things until they get popular and then you mention Reddit. Out of nowhere. You're obsessed, user. Either go back or get over it and tell someone where the bad Reddit touched you.

any goddamn cunt who thinks Rick and Morty is the epitome of humor and intelligence should kill themselves

>This mad over someone's opinion

if you think Sup Forums hates things because they get popular you're just a retarded capeshitter
watch more film

you don't like rick and morty because it's too smart for you

Well in this case it is true. I was here back when Rick and Morty first started and Sup Forums loved it, all the way until season 2 ended. Then in the hiatus between seasons its popularity skyrocketed and then when S3E1 premiered that love turned into hate, and every time the word "Reddit" got thrown around, insinuating that Reddit's affection for the series is to blame, at least in part.

who was in the wrpng here?

>watching Reddit and Memey

>defends reddit
>tells user to go back to ____ but can't say reddit


Like clockwork
Sup Forums truly is the most reddit board

I reddited your mom last night

>being this fucking new
Rick and Morty is literally the Final Fantasy VI of Kino.

>Sup Forums loved it, all the way until season 2 ended
fuck off newfag

>implying you were even around when there was no Sup Forums and know how was Sup Forums was without it

The only thing killing this site is newfaggots like you.

How could you!?

Rick & Morty cares way more about looking smart than it does about being smart. It is Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Twitter in TV form.

very well done on the bait

Fuck off cats

Does this wretched shilling campaign in Sup Forums bring any new audience?

>Tfw this show will forever cause asshurt for the friendless autists of this board for eternity

Sup Forums is infinitely superior to reddit tbqh, not that Sup Forums doesn't attract a certain type of reddit itself (rthedonald). still better than the type of people who watch rick and morty and get offended by racism tho.

Deal of topic shit quicker so they can't get (you)'s

ban GoT discussions




Sad tbb



This boards infatuation with the word reddit is worse than hell.

Alt right pussies sure do a lot of crying

>Sup Forums truly is the most reddit board
yeah , because Sup Forums invaded it
you don't like watching yourself in the mirror?

Holy fuck lmao

That's exactly what I would expect Reddit/ Sup Forums to say

wow 1 poster called something reddit guess that means its time to break out the revisionist history

Go back to Gaia. Oh wait, you're probably too new to remember when that's what Sup Forums used before Reddit's conception.


>Implying one of the nation's most renowned astrophysicists isn't actually smart even if he does post random "science is cool" quotes to help break people into critical thinking

Go back

>it's a Sup Forums obsesses over things they hate episode
49 of my fellow redditors have gone missing
Please return them back to our community please, thank you.
t. Reddit