These guy's where the real deal now is just pussy copycats back then you had a plan, a motive, designated targets...

These guy's where the real deal now is just pussy copycats back then you had a plan, a motive, designated targets, several guns and pipe bombs. Nowadays school shooters are just ar15 soyboys

Other urls found in this thread:

>the chad Eric and Dylan vs the virgin Nikolas


Why do I get so much fucking 90s highschool skater,party,sum41,tony hawk skating,american pie vibes from the columbine massacre?

This tweet is a false flag

>shoot up a school
>"all the small things" starts playing

>literally faking tweets
>couldn't even get the eye color right
Sup Forums fails again

I still vividly remember this because it interrupted the series finale of Home Improvement. The deacon of our church who was also the city anchorman came on instead to announce the whole thing and then from there it was nothing but coverage.

Do you realize that Sup Forums makes these antifa accounts?

>designated targets

El Diablo

Why are you posting some random guy you dumb Leaf? There are literal pictures of Cruz being arrested.

Go back to 8ch.

They were so awesome

I'll never understand those that think this about monstrous people.

>cool coats
>made their own DOOM and QUAKE maps
>doesn't afraid of anything

Everything was more meaningful back then.
People made songs and films about Columbine and still talk about it. Everybody will forget about this shooting after 2 days max

If I lived in America as a teenager I would shoot only wh*Toid soy Sup Forums browsin boys so to make the world a better place.

Why can't anyone beat his score? Do Asians have high IQ?

>crawling in my skin this edge is so unreal

If he lived a few years longer we would have been an /r/asianmasculinity poster

So? Are you Antifa yourself?

I just want a biopic on Elliot Rogers.
His manifesto was comedy gold

There's nothing wrong with being anti fascist

I HIGHLY recommend this youtube video about his family life, the lad was fucked up.

forgot the link haha
