>Ryuk's eyes are always wide open, unlike Dafoe's normal human eyes
>Ryuk has a piggish upturned snout, unlike Dafoe's aquiline nose
>Ryuk has a mouthful of jagged teeth, unlike Dafoe's normal human mouth
>Ryuk has a widow's peak, unlike Willem Dafoe's normal hairline
Ryuk looks somewhat like the Green Goblin mask, but he doesn't look like Willem Dafoe.
Willem Dafoe doesn't look like Ryuk
he was hired for his voice, not his looks.
Like i care, the CG is shit and it will get
i can't stand looking at this fucker's face.
They have the same creepy smile though
Where you get those photos of me?
Fuck off weeb
RottenTomatoes is a JOKE! Who takes RottenTomatoes seriously? Have you even read the reviewer blurbs? They're all nonsensical! The reviews have no meaning. RottenTomatoes is not only gamed, but the gamers aren't even subtle about it. I'm sick and tired of RottenTomatoes getting social credibility when it's a freaking farce! Please, go to RottenTomatoes right now and check it out for yourself. It's garbage! I wish I had a rotten tomato to throw at the site right now! rottentomatoes.com
>expecting a real life anime cash grab to be good
Should be Gary Busey
>It’s time for lunch. … Right around that corner, there is a grocery. They sell apples. Best I’ve ever tasted. Would you go get me two? C’mon partner. Two. … Thank you. … Light! Get me two!
why did angelo have to die? they were bretty gud team
GitS was decent
wtf is wrong with his teeth
you werent hired at all
motorcycle accident without a helmet
It's not CGI though well maybe some cgi touchups but mostly a guy in a suit
they are doing a decent job of concealing him in shadows too
That's actually pretty cool. Maybe these netflix are onto something
>thinking that was a dig at Dafoe and not pointing out OP's retardation.
dont ever fucking congratulate me again
Daily reminder that this is what Ryuk was originally supposed to look like.
Sometimes manga editors know what they're doing
will DC stop fucking around with him being a supportive cast member for Aquaman and just make this nigga the joker already
The Ryuk we got is much cuter
Jared Leto just needs a good script and a better director
And a substitute actor
Keep crying bitchnigga WE JOKAH NOW
I feel like this show will surprise people at how good it is.
I don't remember L chimping out like a bitchnigga
>what is theatrical makeup
>depicting a late night talk show host as a scary monster
he's really living rent free in your head, isn't he?
Wow... never thought about it that way.
Holy shit, what have I been doing with my life? How has it come to this?
What is it?
So, in the movie are they really gonna completly miss the point of Light's character and have Ryuk be the force that drives Light to kill?
Why does all the main character name start with L? Light, Ryuk, L...
It already have reviews and its shit
I forgot that Light actually killed a bunch of people before Ryuk actually appeared
isnt Ryuk technically a female?
No, but I'm curious to find out how you even thought that.
The whole point behind Death Note was that Light wasn't chosen for anything. He just happened to stumble upon the notebook, and he resolved to do anything he did without any external influences.
That's the whole reason it ended the way it did.
Yeah even I don't know why that second one is there honestly
Don't ever congratulate me or my son again.
He looks just like me ._.
Why have the same picture twice? I can't tell a difference
>unlike Dafoe's normal human eyes
bruh, nothing about dafoe's face is normal. hes a fuckin goblin.
Trump will deport every illegal beaner and there's nothing you can do faggot.
*slowly unsheathes katana*
I'll end you right here, right now.
you already have reviews and you're below average
>tfw I would have been an immensely better casting for black L
>have the loose NEET attire
>have the tired, slightly-nasally shut in voice
>have the loose messy long hair
>just as analytical
>just as autistic
>naturally have the depressed eye bags
Also why the fuck does L appear in public in the Netflix trailers? This motherfucker can get sniped during his speeches.
Light and L's IQs have been nerfed