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I wanna fuck manic pixie emoji
Did Armond White review it yet?
I believe he's one of the reasons it went from 0% to 6%
I doubt he will, unlike Boss Baby which had an anti-trump funk to it (despite being made before the election) there's nothing really for him to go on his usual rants about.
there is no way that could be THAT bad, besides it's a fucking KIDS movie about EMOJIS what the fuck media was expecting?
why is there so much hatred towards this? is it because it was made by sony?
>concept is using the simplification and replacement of language with corporation-approved faces
>berates anyone not using emojis and social media
>main storyline is that if you are in any way different the police will come and fucking arrest you
>loaded with obnoxious Sony app ads
>TJ Miller
>terrible animation
>insipid dialogue
>meaningless character deaths because they come right back
>the movie is literally "There's an app for that!"
Ironic how critics hate this yet will love Ready Player One despite both movies being created on the same principles.
What's funny is that someone at Sony saw the Lego Movie and thought "let's make an Emoji movie, it will make tons of money because it has the same principles!"
They couldn't say it for ghostbusters so now they are taking it on a kids movie.
And they were right.
This is absolute bottom-of-the-barrel creative bankruptcy, senpai. Beverly Hills Chihuahua - and the sequels - had more effort put into their creation than Emoji Movie. Norm of the North was more creative Emoji Movie. It's long past time that this level of laziness gets acknowledged and called out.
>one is a literal embodiment of corporate "Buy our product, use our product if you don't use our product you're fucking weird" without a hint of visual creativity series of ads after a leak of your companies' emails showed that management was a bunch of inhuman robots who not only have complete detachment towards their audience but also a complete hatred towards their audience on top of being absolute garbage
>Steven Spielberg's visually-extravagant take on a genre novel made for children
>thinking these are the same at all
were they though? were they really?
what an absurd and stratospherically hilarious cherrypicked response
ready player one is ironically more cancerous than the emoji movie
RP1 is literally "this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist" the movie
Any decent animation has way more creativity thrown into. The concept might be lackluster but the people working on it can still put their own creative twist on things.
Someone obviously didnt see ready player one trailer
>the shiny, smooth output of a machine so cynical and uninspired it defies cognition
>one is a series of ads made by a television-tier director aimed at programming children to use Sony products
>one is a series of dumb memes by an actual filmmaker who still believes in fun
You're more offended at videogame memes but it doesn't make it anywhere near as bad
Interesting idea. But if you dont steal, use violence against someone (and many things can.be aggression, like example, listening to really fucking loud speakers can actually be considered aggression against ears), if you dont break things that arent yours and kill you wont go to jail. Like, can't you stay away from these 4 destructive things? Think.
Only thing i dont understand exactly is going to jail because of nudity...what is the problem with nudity lol ??
Afaik, "The rules exist for a reason"
It was awesome
ready player one masquerades as a social commentary against devoting a lifetime into pop culture fandom and middling lowbrow entertainment when in actuality it not only rewards its main protagonist for this very thing but serves in essence as possibly the biggest commercial ever made
the entire point of the upcoming film is to make you feel coddled and rewarded for consuming and discussing trash media
>>berates anyone not using emojis and social media
Lego Movie was cynical but at least it was able to capitalise on nostalgia, 40 year olds today had lego when they were kids plus they had a creative base from all those lego video games that were around
I fucking love how everyone is having a fit over this stupid movie on the internet, patting themselves on the back for stating the obvious, that the film is a product created for the purposes of making money. Good job. Yet, it's funny that these same reviewers have no qualms over the exact same practices of Disney/Marvel who churn out mediocre generic garbage out of their MCU machine, or the cash-grab sequels to Cars or Finding Nemo. Why the hypocrisy? Why do they specifically attack this movie, when horrible animated kids films are released all the time, except nobody cared before and weren't making a huge spiel about it.
Is the Emoji movie the BvS of kids films?
>people who get their news from buzzfeed now complaining about language dumbing down
fug, this is going to be another one of these instances where the criticism of the movie becomes stupider than the movie itself
i thought the lego movie's ending was intriguing" to say the least lmao
Yeah well, what are ya gonna do?
Anyone else feel like they could've made a decent hash of the emoji movie if they were given creative control?
I doubt that the reviewers would've liked it even if it was good because "LOL AN EMOJI MOVIE WOW SO DUMB SMDH" so they just said fuck it and half-assed it
But you haven't seen it
And Spielberg is a savvy director
We CAN right now dissect the Emoji movie and right now everyone thinks it's the equivalent of a film malware
Fuck you I like the chihuahua movies.
Why are reviewers saying this is a corporate cash grab?
As far as I'm aware "emjois" aren't owned by any corporation like lego is, they're just unicode characters which operating systems turn into small pictures, it's not like there's an emoji license out there
This movie is redpilled and only sjw liberal cucks hate it, it's unfiltered kino and will be Sup Forums movie of the year. It's already causing a shitstorm on Reddit because it's pro trump
you're right but im not holding my breath
we've already seen spielberg blatently weaponize film against the american youth with war of the worlds
Lego movie wasnt good you nostalgia obsessed manchild
>we've already seen spielberg blatently weaponize film against the american youth with war of the worlds
You better elaborate on that fucking statement because having seen it it was a 9/11 movie
This film could only succeed in Trump's America
I believe it's a combination of things. Firstly, all films that are not produced/distributed by Disney or Marvel receive flak from paid shills employed to spread negative reviews. Getting people to see your movie isn't enough anymore; in order to consistently break box office numbers you also have to stop people from seeing other movies as well.
Secondly, normies love hating Sony because of their poor track record. It's become a meme to hate the company, and this extends to everything Sony, not just their motion picture division. Hypothetically, Sony could produce and release the greatest film of the 21st century but because of its reputation among normies it would get shit on regardless. The fact that this movie was produced by Sony just gives people (normies) an even bigger incentive to trash it.
Finally, since everyone is currently on the "shit on the Emoji Movie" bandwagon, you're going to see a lot of people shitting on it too for hipster cred. Normies don't like being left out of whatever is currently trending on the internet, and the trends right now revolve around shitting on this kids film, and pointing out that movies are made to make money.
Spielberg hasn't made anything good since E.T.
>an actual plot point is that Dropbox is "more secure than other apps"
>lengthy sequences for Just Dance (Ubisoft) and Candy Crush (King) that serve no plot purpose
you tell me
Is this avatarfagging? She's cute.
It looks funny from the trailers. I like the whole poop shtick, the handwashing joke and walking out the bathroom singing "we're number 2!" it's pretty clever. i think people are just too edgy to acknowledge that emojis are as mainstream as cars now and it isnt and shouldnt be weird to make a movie about them. its not about appealing to kids anymore, its just making a movie about something everyone knows about
He will love this kino.
The difference is that one is a paid review and the other isn't
Everything that they say about the emoji movie is just a reflection of themselves
yes, 9/11
the key to my statement is the character robby, who seemingly out of nowhere leaves his family and joins the army to fight the aliens in his rage at the recently occurring terror
the scene is often pointed out as abrupt and out of character
That's literally what happens during national attacks/tragedies. There are a great deal of people who rush off and abandon their families because of a personal reaction and desire for vengeance.It happened during WWII and after 9/11. It may seem strange to you but it is reflective to reality.
The more troubling bit was him coming back unscathed at the end of the movie.
But what about that is "Weaponizing film against the american youth"?
He, whatever. Sauce?
Beverly Hills Chihuahua is awesome. Hold your tongue.
>The more troubling bit was him coming back unscathed at the end of the movie.
exactly, that justifies his decision and puts the film into a pro war slant
it's also another part of the movie that people find jarring and off kilter, they just didn't realize it was a means to an end of constructing recruitment propaganda
its basically just controlled opposition
a few decades ago super hero movies would have been the absolute bottom of the barrel panned by critics shit, but now all the critics are paid off or too dumb themselves, so there is a collective delusion that these crapfests are actually good
problem is that the critics still have to shit on something, because in order for their to be 'good' movies there have to be bad movies, hence why movies are now being made that defy all logic with how terrible they are
Is the :thinking: emoji in the movie?
Lego is still a pretty baller toy
Emojis are too gay
>main storyline is that if you are in any way different the police will come and fucking arrest you
Dosen't that happen in real life?
>Steven Spielberg's visually-extravagant take
how much do they pay you? or do you do it for free?
Pro-retaliation/resistance to invasion is not the same as prowar
>Why do they specifically attack this movie, when horrible animated kids films are released all the time, except nobody cared before and weren't making a huge spiel about it.
because the emoji movie didn't pay them disneybux and it is possible that some reviewers were paid disneybux to give emoji movie a worse review
I recognise you, marketer, why won't you explain who you are and what the feud is your company has with Disney?
hating disney makes me a marketer? kek. where do you think we are?
correct, but 9/11 wasn't a prelude or threat to invasion and it had nothing to do with iraq
No, I recognise your specific argument and your shit imitation of the Sup Forums posting style, you always claim that x movie is great and the only people who aren't praising it are shills that Disney has inexplicably paid to badmouth a random film on Sup Forums for a reason known only to you and them. There's something between Disney and whoever you work for, and I want you to tell us what it is.
>a genre novel made for children
i swear there's something about a sex doll in it
If the same exact movie was made by Disney they would've been shitting themselves how great it is.
Fuck jews.
>The Emoji Movie Marks A New Era in Animated Cinema
>The elitist critics must be cast out of society
Vice like it, must be fucking terrible.
>Steven Spielberg's visually-extravagant take on a genre novel made for children
It takes place in a reality where there is either dystopia or a fantasy realm where you toy around with corporate properties.
Why the fuck did they give the emoji fat fucking irises? Hollywood still doesn't understand character design.
the exact same movie couldn't be made by disney, it would be different in several fundamental ways. particularly, if this hypothetical movie was made, it would be called "Ralph Breaks the Internet" and be a sequel to Wreck-It Ralph.
Haven't decided if this is kino or not, I'm waiting for /ourguy/ Armond to give his review, he always catches something I miss.
Desperate Sony shill threads, make it stop
it didn't though. its only made 10 million or so back from a 50 million budget. what are you meaning by this?
I fucking hate this god forsaken movie and each and every one of you who have ever posted on this board. Because of your constant memeing of this movie I got a LIFETIME ban from my local cinema fro trying to sneak into this flick. I demand that you all suffer the slowest, most excruciating deaths imaginable but even that wouldn't be adequate repentance to quell my rage
>>I can't form an opinion so I'm waiting for someone else to do it for me
i want to fuck that emoji
amy is a jew tho
>Other peoples opinions are worthless
>He doesn't realize almost all of his opinions have basis in other peoples opinions
I didn't say I'd agree with Armond only that I wanted to see his opinion because it's easy to miss something or be misguided by your bias.
Also it was a meme you dip
He will say it's terrible because of its progressive values
fuck.... just imagin wat her pusy smells like...
based Sony
>mfw activated almonds gives it a glowing review and this board full of children follow his review to the letter, claiming its legitimately the best animated feature in decades.
Our only hope in avoiding this is if Armond slates it for political reasons because TJ Miller is involved and is a well renowned douche nozzle that keeps shouting at fellow actors for not giving all their money to Hilary
Dumb Doppelposter
>t. Sophists
literally worse than the emoji movie.
>If the same exact movie was made by Disney they would've been shitting themselves how great it is.
No, they fucking wouldn't. Vice is strictly anti-establishment commie propaganda shit.
>It's made for kids, so it gets to be shit
Fuck off.
meant for
With the man child epidemic kids movies are now also adult movies
When will the plebs admit that shota>loli?
The greeks knew what's up.
>movie about phones and millennials
he'll rip it to shreds
Shota is still straight, r-right?
The romans tought so, then so do i.