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Based Wonder Woman btfoing Marvel Mudslimes.
DC will get pwned by infinty war
Jesus Christ, how? MoS was ten times better than this shit. I guess having a stronk womyn as a protagonist erases all the bad acting, shit CGI, and plot holes up the ass.
Palestine btfo
>GotG 2 underperforms
>iron fist is awful
>IronMan 4: with Spiderman is basically a flop
>zero hype for Infinity War
yeah its not looking so good for Marvel
>implying dropping from 1 million to 800 thousand is more impressive than dropping from 100 million to 60 million
>familiar brand name
>"""attractive""" lead
>not a sequel
>not (really) a reboot
>more marketing
>character hasn't been done to death
>stronk woman for the girls
>sexy and naive for the boys
>false news/scandal
>again with the marketing
>politicized to fuck during a time of major social unrest
>convenient icon for several interest groups
There are quite a number of reasons why this did well.
Everything was on point in this movie
395.4 after 3.5 million weekend. (dropping only 23%)
>Civil War 408, Iron Man 3 409
Gonna end up pretty damn close.
>it's going to beat civil war domestically
Maybe you should have posted those webms more
It had a very moderate marketing campaign, the feminists were up in arms about it
because they are stupid
WB itself then said they were spending more on it than for Suicide Squad
I do look like her and I'm a man, an attractive man.Men kind of attractive though, not the twink way.So what does this makes her?
I include the political baiting as part of the marketing campaign. Maybe I'm biased from being on here, but it seemed to be a very obvious attempt at inflaming an already sore issue.
Id cut my foreskin to exist purely to provide my face as a seat for her tbf.
WW is a simple feelgood super hero movie that feels 80's as fuck. It's almost a legit throwback to old inspiring super-heroes.
Kids love it, parents don't have much problem seeing it again.
MoS was a complex film that the average person couldn't really understand (but that's mostly because the writer just can't fucking do his job), the destruction is nice eye-candy but the film is exhausting.
Still $100mil short of BvS
>WW is a simple feelgood super hero movie that feels 80's as fuck
You don't even know what you're talking about
400M is a done deal, it's probably gonna pass CW too with the expansion later in the year. Or if they go the BatB route.
I unironically liked IF, specially for the relationship between the qt Japanese girl and IF
No it isn't
Wonderful Woman is easily going to pass them
Bah they were hating on the movie when they thought it was going to flop, saying it encouraged thin priviledges or some shit lmao. After becoming one of the biggests hits of the year the narrative changed
But 150 million cheaper
Snyder BTFO
I don't know, there were a number of articles written about "woman only" screenings - on some pretty major news sites too.
You do know that having drops this small is very rare?
feminists were shrieking over her fucking armpits
That was literally only one theater in Alamo (and one showing the week after the premiere) that did it to advertise itself. It wasn't something official or endorsed by WB and/or DC. The only political thing that DC did was shutting down Hillary when she compared herself to Wonder Woman.
>DCEU movie gets bad reviews
>they make money
>DCEU movie gets good review
>they make money and break several records
If JL is good, it's gonna make money for a loooong time despite Star Wars while Thor 3 loses its legs after two weeks.
And? There's no reason to be doing cartwheels about a movie that's been out almost two months. DVD release is right around the corner.
Why aren't they talking about how Atomic Blonde is floundering? Even The Emoji Movie is beating it.
yeah and that made everyone else support the movie against that shit...
There still showing it in well over 1,000 theaters.
>zero hype for Infinity War
That's the only thing that's wrong tho.
Replace it with >Defenders first-impressions aren't looking promising
We did it girls!!
i saw the webm
Marvel btfo by girl power
>Why aren't they talking about how Atomic Blonde is floundering? Even The Emoji Movie is beating it.
They are. They're also reporting that WW is doing something unprecedented, which is the point of writing stuff like this.
except WB caved in and unaltered them. Not sure where you're going with this exactly
Atomic Blonde only cost 30 mil. It's probably going to make money.
Wait for Carol.
Honestly I think what will happen is the opposite of Marvel will happen to DC. their ensemble title movies will under perform but their solo acts will over perform.
Good job gal :3
This is cruel
I actually really like Valerian.
what happened to us? we used be feared and respected.
Notice the time its posted too
Reminder that 4 years of Sup Forums shitposting about gal made this happen
these posts aren't even mine. Especially the mary jane one. you suck at being an internet dective.
I have seen Fast and Furious, The Criminal and Keeping Up With The Joneses
Gal looked better in all of them than in WW
because she was young
>same image hash
>image filename
>made around the same time
>b-b-but it isn't me
>"heres literal proof its you"
>"nuh uh"
how compelling.
>no one is allowed to save an image or post it in thread topic.
Look I'm sorry you had years worth of words how Wonder Woman was going to be this disastrous trainwreck that would dwarf TORtanic and tank the DCEU, but no need to jump my shit because you've been BTFO. I'm sorry that you had to eat crow.
But she was thinner.
>same image hash
>image filename
>made around the same time
>b-b-but it isn't me
Wonder Woman has broken Sup Forums.