He is like Sam Hyde but actually funny.
He is like Sam Hyde but actually funny
We got enough shilling from the mouse as it is, go away
Based Tyler
This is really unfunny, even less funny than Sam Hyde. The right can't into comedy, just stop.
You just don't get it
yeah I get it, they're just spouting hate under the guise of post irony or whatever.
Stop shilling or I will destroy your channel with flagging and copyright strikes
He's like Sam Hyde without the edgy Sup Forums Kekistani retards following him. Nice kid.
no you wont
that was dumb
I hate
his own style is getting better all the time but i doubt he could surpass Sam's comedy in anyway.
the problem with tyler is that he is young and looks young. to do the bitterness schtick you've got to be at least 30
Stop the fighting, obviously Tyler needs to do a collab WITH Sam. Father and Son skit
He is good but you can often clearly tell how he is imitating/channeling sam hyde
hes funny but it's irrelevant because he's ripping off sam hydes unique style. anyone can rip off a funny guy and be funny, but it takes a talented person to be his own kind of funny, aka sam hyde.
This pisses me off. His mannerisms are 100% copied from Sam, like the pointing at the camera KSTV thing
yeah but he does it better
i like him
me 2
This is like if Onision watched KSTV and decided the world needed his version
Please don't come back to this website if you find this funny
begone libcuck
yes, begone libcuck
agreed, libcucks need to go back to cuckedddit
This is to all the kids in my town who dress like Mac DeMarco; I can see through you, I can see how empty you are.
Every single time you flick one of your shitty eastern European brand cigarette butts onto my doorstep I think, what led humanity to this point, and how are all these kids wearing windbreakers and vintage baseball caps gonna defend themselves when the race wars break out.
Yeah it was awesome that one time you dropped fake acid and listened to Chamber Of Reflection, but how is your anthropology major gonna help you get a job after college?
All these kids go to their local music venues to talk during the opening acts, and their friend groups consist of one female to every seven males. Whoever can dress and act like Mac DeMarco the most gets their dick sucked.
I think we should send all these kids to a farm where they can frolic free, away from society, preventing them from ruining the gene pool. They'll get a free copy of the new Mac DeMarco album and a loaded pistol for when they feel like they've overstayed their welcome
Wow I don't know who I hate more
>ftw you have straight, blond hair but you are still a mulatto
hello fellow Sup Forums users!!! i luv tyler 2 xD
he's coming on my cool podcast tonight @ midnight EST !! aahhhhhh! (hehe)
tune in here
learn more abt the podcast here
thx guys!! :3
It's very interesting that we're not allowed Lauren Southern threads but Sup Forums can dump this garbage all fucking day
I hate him but this one actually was funny
Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Deal with it, and stop obsessing over ordinary whores
Good to know mods have taste
Stop talking about yourself in the 3rd person
Great, something else to add to the 'I'm 16 and my humor is superior' infographic.
he's acting like a generic youtuber dude...
oh my god I'm sam hyde's age and wathcing this just gives me a gut-punch to the stomach feeling
It's similar to Sam circa 2015. Good stuff and going to check out his works.
just pointing out that this poster is an unironic Tumblr tier SJW and that this place has been infested since 2011. Not one thing in these videos is hateful just barely edgy jokes and if you are offended by them yuou literally are R e d d i t and don't belong here
>he uses the word SJW unironically
please go backt to r/the_donald
>Not one thing in these videos is hateful
monogamous relationships are patriarchal by definition
fuck this guy
the difference here is that Sam Hyde is on a couple levels of ironiy. So many that you don't know what his "real" opinion on these topics are. This kid on the contrary is just a edgy Sup Forumsak and shouldn't be even compared to Sam and his art.
sure thing mate
At least he doesn't appear to be a tranny-fucking cock licker upon close examination.
that's not Nick Mullen
guy looks and sounds like a twat. Not even a poor mans sam hide. He's even worse than that.
>let me just repeat Sup Forums memes at a camera
i'm ashamed for even replying to this really
All his friends are black but hes a Sup Forumsack at the same time. What gives?
nothing will beat this video in terms of comedy
based onyourcomputer triggering alt-right nu-males
I enjoyed his early videos better like the fuck parents, 420, and jrotc fuck boy vids. His newer vids are just sam hyde vids with a filter.
quit hating yourself u sexy mayne
OP, are you the guy in the vids? If so, you are an unoriginal, unfunny piece of garbage. You are literally just copying Sam Hyde. Fuck you. Kill yourself. If you are not the guy in the vids, what the fuck is wrong with you? You actually think this is funny? Kill yourself.
you look like shit Sam
You look like shit whatever your name is.