How do leftists manage stay so isolated from urban youths or Mexishits (or Muslims I Europe) to not get redpilled...

How do leftists manage stay so isolated from urban youths or Mexishits (or Muslims I Europe) to not get redpilled? Are they actually more "tolerant" or just segregated?

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They're called Limousine Liberals for a reason.

Segregated. The most redpilled states are the ones with high spic and nig populations. The all white areas are liberal.

Kill yourself faggot nigger

That's how we "love" you faggot

Explain NYC.

The more you're exposed to niggers the more you understand that they think and act differently

Because people who are conservative are too stupid to pull themselves away from impoverished areas and instead of improving themselves just blame others instead

>implying NYC even has white people that arent (((chosenites)))

Spot the nogs.

The most staunch liberals I know are sufficiently well off to stay in white neighbourhoods where the only people with a tanned skin behave well. I'm piss poor and have lived in muslimistan and that's how I got redpilled.

They have interactions with a limited number of blacks and hispanics who were smart and productive enough to break into white middle-class society. They are the top 1% of their race and white people just assume they're all like that.

Do liberals that hang out with niggers simply get assimilated?

Do they become obnoxious liberal wiggers?

Even Correct the Record has an all white staff.

This look at any liberal YouTube troupe. 150% homogeneous.

It's impressive that they can stay isolated though. Especially a small country like Belgium. They must never go outside of where they need to go. Always the same shopping spots for example.

>ever actually being near blacks

ha ha, good one
well, actually, women will go around them to get some of that BBC. And then they adopt battered housewife syndrome, and blame violence on 500 years of white oppresshuns.

>not segregated for the most part

>Explain NYC.

NYC rent. The only niggers who can afford to live in New York City are the smartest and hardest working of their race.

huh. Im a white liberal. I have been around black and mexican people my whole life. I have black friends, mexican friends, chinese friends, hell my best friend is black. I always see them as human beings, nothing more. "red pilling" is the biggest pile of horse shit on this planet. You're just looking for an excuse to be a hateful racist piece of shit

Sound like a college student. Whatever, I bet you are in a situation to meet those people that selected for a certain level of quality, like an elite school or a good job.

>How do leftists manage stay so isolated from urban youths or Mexishits

Ive met a share of "bad" black people in my life, yes. I've also met a share of bad white people too. I don't see color when interacting with others. This is the problem you red pillers have. You automatically label someone based on their color, after this, all rational thought goes out of the window.

Explain this, cuck.

>I don't see color
Wow just look at this racist piece of shit. Its 2016, not 1816, wow just wow.

>tfw Obongo is intentionally importing these nogs into whiter and whiter areas

>I don't see color when interacting with others.
You do but you just suppress it. If you really don't, and that's like 1% of the population, then you're mentally ill or challenged.

I guess you dumb racists would consider me a leftist.

Muslims are generally okay, especially younger ones. Some are more retarded than others. A lot are like Christians nowadays and don't give too much of a shit or just observe some minor parts of their mental illness. Also most have no clue about their own religion anyway while sticking to the whole religion of peace shit, they just don't know any of its history and how their shit has been interpreted throughout history.

Doesn't mean they cannot live in a pluralistic society covered by freedom of religion.

>subscribe to a religion whuch demands its laws be supreme across the whole earth with most other religions being punishable by death
>compatible with liberty and freedom of religion

Pick one

I agree the "all niggers is bad" line of thinking is wrong both morally and practically. Still, I don't see it as racist to see different rates of behavior within groups when categorized by race and adjusting accordingly based on probability. All research on racial differences show these variations. You can argue there are better ways to define people, but as long as people still think in terms of race it's viable to discriminate that way.

they don't make the connection between crime and ethnicity.
willfully ignorant or with some strawman excuse.

How's being a racist or Antisemitic imbecile with mass murder fantasies compatible with a liberal pluralistic society?

It's not but they can believe their dumb ass shit as long as they stay in the boundaries of the law.

Why do you think there's this thing called Euro Islam? Also, the run off the mill Muslim doesn't give a shit about world domination, especially in Europe. Those who do are on watchlists and ostrasized.

They purposely let themselves be dis-informed, for the sake of not having to mentally strain themselves on real facts.

It's literally just a wave of neglectful viewpoints on the Country. As they just don't care as long as it directly effects them and they know it.

For example If Hillary was to say "All people must pay 5% more taxes per month". The country would be in a uproar saying shes the devil. in that situation it would reverse the election in one statement.

People latch onto the Trump hating bandwagon because he has what they want and they will never achieve it. Even if its obvious which candidate is the right choice.

But he directly addressed that: the muzzie youth couldn't give less of a shit about their parents' religion because fuck u dad. I see the same thing in burgerland where Mr. Mohammed is screaming about tradition to Mrs. Mohammed in her full burka and probably beating her, and then little Mohammed Jr. and Mohammedette are wearing normal people clothes and playing pokemon on their nintendos.

The problem isn't "Muslims in general". The problem is "Let's take 10 bazillion Muslims into our country at a pop", because then you risk the chance of the incoming population overwriting the extant one instead of assimilating.

Proper handling of immigration is all about numbers. Don't hate the immigrants. Hate (((the people))) who push extraordinarily hard to displace the local population with immigrants wholesale.

There's only one race. What you're talking about is phenotypes and they mean shit in the context you're talking about. It comes down to upbringing, socialisation and environment.

>implying i dont watch and criticize from a distance

Segregated. States with high percentage of whites vote left for that reason.

>There is only one race
There's only one type of bird too.

What about WY, MT, and the Dakotas. I live in Wyoming and I've seen 2 full blooded darkies in my time here. How are we super beyond belief right (Converse county is the only blue county here. And they are all black from coal dust, fuck them)

They either move because of "financial reasons :)" or they literally become cucks and get stepped on 24/7.
t. someone who knows a liberal who actively tries taking rights away in a health program for a city.

>type equals race
>American homeschooling

Because ag states.

So... Blame the merchants?

You've never been to the west have you. Wyoming, Montana, The Dakotas. Have majority white and all vote conservative.

Probably more because of Oil/natural gas based income

Gated communities

But you can't disern "upbringing, socialisation and environment" from visual cues. You can look at a group of youths and can make an estimation based on "phenotype" if getting near them is worth the risk of assult. Statistically, black African phenotypes will have a greater likelihood of committing random assault than East Asians. Similarly a country's immigration policy could look at a desired factor like intelligence and select population groups based on likelyhood of the desired trait. If done "at the gate" like with refugees, phenotype discrimination would produce viable results.

...being "redpilled" means acknowledging some groups aren't worth the effort of weeding select individuals and are best just avoided. Again, phenotype is the easiest method of discrimination.

Send your SJWs to South America, we can teach them how "tolerant, pacific, not racist" we are.

>new yorker here
NYC is actually fairly self-segregating

Whenever liberals are friends with ghetto blacks there is always a degree of seperation. Sure they'll have a friend from the ghetto but they'll go home to a gated community.

And then you have car lady school teachers who teach at ghetto schools and see how blacks act but blame it on white people.

lol, it's the rightists who live isolated in their all white villages.

Obviously you've never lived or spent a significant amount of time in NYC. The blacks that aren't shooting up North Manhattan are basically the 1% of the black race. They're well off enough to be able to afford the cost of living, so they're nothing like the people of say West Baltimore.

Off topic, but that really shows the power of marketing. NYC isn't THAT much nicer than any other rust belt post-industrial city but people think it's better so supply and demand makes it more valuable.

>t. Guy who's watched a rap video on YouTube that one time

A lot of areas in the New York Metropolitan Area are very well segregated, or at least used to be. And either way taxes will fuck you hard