What did they mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


Morty confirmed KIKE
Rick confirmed REDPILLED

And is also a kike.

why can't this place go back to being a secret clubhouse that no normies knew about

>secret clubhouse

Blame reddit. r/Sup Forums is one of the top subreddits on there.

that was a meme you fucking retard

You like to wallow in your shit so bad piggu?

4 consecutive (You)s a new record

I hope you're joking. Sup Forums used to be taboo for most people that even knew what it was.

When was this magically time? I can remember even as early as 2007 Sup Forums being full of normie faggots, probably still here today thinking they belong here because they've been shitting up the board for ten years.

Yeah, time existed before that too, kiddo.

>non sensical attack on my post because you have nothing to add

hi newfag

You autists realize they're mocking you right?
Oh sorry I meant (((they))) are mocking you
Cause ya dumb

Shut up, retard.

>the moment you realize the entire rest of the world thinks Sup Forums is fucking retarded

Pack it up boys, party's over.

no one wants to talk about (((this)))?

>not always being aware of how dumb Sup Forums is
wew lad

>haha boy those nazis sure are stupid huh
stupid enough to kill 6 million jews i guess

>stupid enough to kill 6 million jews i guess
Yeah then you thought you could get away with it. Pretty stupid imho.

That's it, I'm a Nazi now

I'm in love with the shape of (You)

>lose the war
>fail to accomplish any of the goals you had in the war
>make your entire political philosophy a laughinstock for the next century at least

>the moment you realize SJW tumblr fags are still browsing Sup Forums attempting to subvert popular ideologies by telling people to go back to Sup Forums over any minor post
And then you find them, GUT THEM, and drain their AIDS-infected blood into the mouths of their brainless comrades.

>this fucking guy

>not having black and white view like a retard means you should get beat up
hahahahaha cuckservatives are funny

>pol says holacaust didnt happen
>pol says its impossible to burn that many bodies in that amount of time
>pol says there have been no mass graves found
>"hur dur but we nazis killed all da joos ha ha ha"
Sup Forumstards are seriously dumb as fuck they cant even get their story straight

Deus Vult, white brother! Praise Lord Kek

That was always just a Fight Club reference and I am ashamed that someone on Sup Forums of all places doesn't know that.

>pol is one person meme

A laughing stock? People are still obsessed with the alleged terrible danger of fascism and national socialism to this day, even though it hasn't existed for coming up on 100 years.

>muh public enemies
Maybe nobody likes you people here outside your hugbox. Especially when you sperg out embarrassingly like that. Did you consider that?

You mean before you came here?

t. joined after chanology

We are rising. Hitler's spirit lives in us. Lord Kek's meme magic will ensure we establish a white world without semites.
Women will realize we are much better than liberal retards

This is trolling ... r-right?

>killing 6 Jews for the 40 million white people we got killed in the process was totally worth it ;)
I'm having trouble finding the logic here.

>fail to accomplish any of the goals you had in the war
yeah but dead jews
have you even read mein kampf

hitler always hated jews more than he liked white people

>implying liberals would actually pull in the effort to subvert a website with a mere population of 100,000 users (eh, last I heard), that are all infatigable edgelords that are going to swing to being leftists when being conservative comes back in vogue

Shareblue here, we've spent millions shitposting on Sup Forums for Hillary because it's such a hotbed of potential swing votes. Also I get 5 cents from Goldman Sachs deposited in my account for every reply. Sup Forums is always right!

It's fucking real

So this means Rick's wife was jewish, right? Since it's matrilinear?

>shit-talking based Goldman Sachs, the most prestigious bank by anyone who gets asked, because you don't know any other investment banks
Now you've done it retard!

Yes, but she's not in the picture anymore because Rick pulled a Mike Enoch.

In case anyone doesn't know, the reason he's named Morty is because it's a spoof on Doc & Marty from Back to the Future.

If this is bait, it's 10/10.

