North Korea bad country!!!!!!11

>North Korea bad country!!!!!!11
>what I "know" about North Korea totally not propaganda created by American Empire

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yeah i'm not seeing any arguments here

>North Korea is a shithole because the American government tells me they eat babies or whatever

>North Korea isn't a bad country that eats babies, it's all American propaganda to overthrow them

>North Korea is not as bad as it is depicted in American propaganda but it is still a shithole and a rogue nuclear state regardless

honestly kill yourself burgershit

But it is a total shithole. Tourism is limited and foreign journalists doesn't get to report shit about what's going on in there.
If it was just a tad bit better than whatever Western propaganda said they could just open up the country so people could see for themselves. But they wont because it's probably worse than what we hear.

WTF I love North korea now

So for a country to not be a shithole it has to be touristic? On the contrary, the less tourism the better. North Koreans invented their own atomic bomb, they are intelligent people, they're brainwashed ok but who isn't?

It's about international journalists. If your country is not a shithole you would have no problem with other countries reading about what's going on inside your borders.
The only places where you don't allow people to read about the outside world and don't allow the outside world to read about you is dictatorships where the people would rebel if they knew just how shit they have it compared to the rest of the world.

>loooool north korea is fine you racist fascist enablist here have this leftis propaganda paper see how happy the people are you idiot look they even have cellphones

It has nothing to do with that it's political, the journalists you talk about are from enemy countries of NK so they know by advance they come only to shit on the country. You see the problem backward, geopolitics has nothing to do with good guys vs bad guys, the US doesn't hate NK because they're evil they don't care, they depict them as evil because they hate them. Everywhere the US goes to bring democracy nations fall apart and millions die, every single time, just stop falling for it.

Why should they care what the outside world thinks? What does having foreign journalist driving around from city to city help Korea?

Are people happier in the very capitalistic South Korea? (No, the suicide rate is like the highest in the world). What do you want to do, force them to buy cellphones so they can be happy? You think they can't be happy without facebook? Who are YOU?

>look they even have cellphones
That's true tho

If North Korea is such a good country, why are all these people defecting?

>What does having foreign journalist driving around from city to city help Korea?
It doesn't benefit the regime that's why it doesn't happen. It would help the population because it would make them demand a higher quality of life when they realize that living in a shithole isn't the only way to live.

>people unironically are killed in north korea and reports of cannibalism have been released
>hurf south koreans kill themselves duuuude
They even like nokia :)

Honestly, they are a shithole, but they are only looking out for their national interests, and are paying the price for it. If they were another American puppet state, they would be much more successful, but they want what little autonomy they have left that isn't in the hands of China.
I respect them for doing everything they can to not become an American satellite nation, even if they are poor as fuck and make a fool of themselves on the world stage as a result.

This is so condescending it's funny. Oh yes, I'm sure the korean people will be so thankful after you show them how backwards and primitive their culture is that they'll sell you all of their natural resources, work for next to nothing, and beg a Western power to take over their government, all in exchange for just being allowed to bask in the greatness that is progressive, white, capitalist westerners.

Your contempt for an asian nation possessing sovereignty is fucking disgusting.

Are you retarded? It's not about protecting their sovereignty, lots of countries do that. Just look at UK wanting to leave the EU even though they live in a Western world where people have a decent quality of life.
If North Koreans really were so keen about protecting their country there wouldn't need to be so strict laws. It's illegal to speak out against the great leader and they can't fucking leave the country. Any country that needs to force people to stay is obviously worse than literally anywhere these people were trying to flee to.

>reports of cannibalism have been released
Reports of Iraq having mass destruction weapons have been released, turns out it was lies/propaganda, then reports of Russians hacking the US elections have been released, do we have anything on that? Let's take you for example, let's assume you're a poor greek (which you probably aren't but who cares) chances are you would be happier as a poor North Korean since you wouldn't have to pay for rent for example

at least they kill people trying to run away

>Honestly, they are a shithole, but they are only looking out for their leader's interests, and are paying the price for it.
Face it, their whole plan is keeping the Kim family in total power. The Kim's in power is detrimental to your average Nork's interest.

They don't pay rent so they are happier than Greeks?? WTF I WANT TO BE NORTH KOREAN NOW

Do you having difficulty seperating the people and the state? Do you think telling people that their country having concentration camps that whole families is sent to is calling them personaly stupid

>Your contempt for an asian nation possessing sovereignty is fucking disgusting.

Um did he insult Finland?

I think you meant
>did he insult Canada

Thanks for the fix Tyrone

no problem Kwang

Do you have difficulty seeing the connection between a population and its state? A state is created and maintained for a reason. You can't just keep going with the "muh totalitarian regime that enslaves 100% of inhabitants" schtick


t. best argument for retards

Do you think a country is a hivemind? I disagree with many things my political elected does, do you think all n koreans love their leader, and do those who show that they dont deserve to be inprisoned?

>everything can be seen about NK is 100% propaganda
>NK is a socialist utopia

네 다음 유럽여행중인 홍어

i hope you're just trying to be ironic

연휴라고 동남아 갔나보네 부럽당 ㅠ_ㅠ

Life will never be the same once you take the North Korea redpill and realize the West is lying about it not being a socialist utopia to prevent everyone from moving there and North Korea is playing along for the same reason.

They dont want to share their cure for cancer

Here's truthful and unbiased report from russian traveler
It's Wakanda of Asia

anyone who doesn't agree with this is a retard

quite rare my friend