>China and India teaming up
Hollywood is finished! You heard it here first.
>China and India teaming up
Hollywood is finished! You heard it here first.
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I do not care about the action kicks of a year 63 man
What are they kicking at?
I do not care about the action kicks of a year 63rd.
Is this a Rush Hour remake with a pooinloo?
why does every country have sweet ass movies except black people countries?
have to beg white people in america for their movies
Blacks don't know hot to create(except music) they can only copy or destroy.
speak for yourselves, plebs
>who Killed Captain Alex?
>not Afrikino
Educate yourself.
When did Jackie go back to Hong Kong again? He said it was because of the lack of variety of roles for him but was it just because he got old?
Pic his absolute worst movie
>You heard it here first.
>movie came out five months ago
I'm glad you just found out about this movie, but that doesn't mean it's "new"
Get Out literally
that movie was so fucking awful it hurts
>(except music)
>being proud of having shit taste
jackie chan had a sex scene and a nude scene. All in the Family, and The Shinjuku Incident.
Musicology PhD here.
Blacks are only good at bastardizing and degenerating superior genres. Jazz and hip-hop are shit tier.
My brain feels like it's in a blender during the letter scene where he wrote the same letter in BOTH Chinese AND English just so the British guy can read it if he ever found it and he did
jazz shit tier? what's good tier then?
>Musicology PhD here.
he also smokes and drinks and is a womanizer and is a bad father who had to disown his son who was a drug dealer and cretin
what about blues?
>Get Out literally
>Get Out
>from a black country
>get out
>made by a half breed mulatto
That's like saying Drake is a nigger when he is half kike
To me, by looking at that pic, it looks like Jackie Chan is finished.
All African-Americans have significant European DNA input. The "lol a white parent means not black" meme was only recently started in order to ease the pain of the Obama two-term presidency. Prior to that, one drop meant you were a fucking nigger.
Why are poos so obsessed with lambos and veyrons? They photoshop those shit cars on everything
> you HAVE to watch Hong Chink action movies. THEY'RE SO GREAT
> Oh, I LOVE bollywood movies. The dancing and singing. THEY'RE SO GREAT
can these mems finally die?
this is either gonna be fire or straight garbage
it's been out for half a year
Good. Eastern Jackie Chan movies are better than Western Jackie Chan movies.
Fuck the Screen Actor's Guild and their art ruining union.
Reminder that Triple Threat is THE action movie event of 2017
these are both certified kino
>he dosen't know about Nollywood
>that cast
Holy fuck I'm hyped.
>Musicology PhD here.
Kill yourself
>shit tier.
Unironically follow this pic
Who's Sonu Sood? Is there any Indian who can tell me if he's famous?
Yeah, he's pretty famous. My dazzling Desi wife holds him as one of her favourites. Of all time. Sometimes, when... well, I won't share that information, but yes, he's famous.