Best house edition
/got/ general
first for Stannis is back tonite
Fucking targs are all shits n need to be hammered.
Azor Euron
Why don't we get more peasant POVs? I'm so sick of the show just following the nobles. It's just reinforcing some stupid great man theory of history
what is her plan
>tfw Best Girl
b/c peasants are on the whole a bunch of uneducated retards?
to stop listing to smart men and become a dragon
>be peasant
>get killed and your house gets burned down and your female members of the family get raped
>be peasant
>die of famine
>be peasant
>die of a random infection
>be peasant
>random soldiers passing by kill you for fun
>tfw Best Whale
Who will you be watching the episode with, /got/?
why is the merman man there?
>get cucked by Prince Chad
>Jaime hands you Westeros after he kills the king and sits on the throne
>get cucked by your wife's brother while you run the continent into the ground
>three Lannister children get your name and one takes the throne
Sup Forums, who else?
Its the only way to find the show remotely entertaining
>me on the right
How jelly are you? its ok, you can confess how jelly you are
>yfw all the leaks are a ruse and Petyr Banelish wins the Game of Thronesh
emilia thread?
>all the leaks
>while you run the continent into the ground
The realm was absolutely fine during Robert's reign after the failed Greyjoy Rebellion, the Lannisters are the ones who fuck it up completely
>your best friend harbours a Targ and knowingly restarts the Dynasty
Baratheons eternally BTFO
>tfw 3 more empowered women die tonight
>tfw the surviving one is in for a bit of implied rape
How do they keep getting away with it?
Some of them are not correct or in the wrong episode though.
Reminder next episode
>Bankrupt the realm
episode 4 detailed description show be out every moment
>or in the wrong episode though.
those leaks are from June 2016, they have to be completely retarded to not switch things up by now
literally just all the most plausible fan theories in a list that is out of order.
*should be out
>they have to be completely retarded
>being this retarded
Make one for season 8 then. You have to have 95% accuracy
>having to borrow money
>having more than half the realm in open rebellion
Wtf I love Joffrey and Tommen's reigns now
I heard that reddit was pretty cringe, but I had no idea how much until I visited that sub. It's impossible to put into words.
every thread is an Emilia thread
>tfw shes going to die tonight
hold me senpai
It's okay user, she'll live on in your heart.
Only if you believe in "leaks"
by that point you are retarded as shit
That can't be Emilia, her eyebrows barely moved
>yfw bronn saves her from the black cells before she is executed because he needs the bad pusi
body double
I'll hold her bad poosay
Why have the leaks been mostly right if they're retarded?
Are there any streams of GoT when it airs? I'm considering staying up until 2am to watch it
>Joffreys reign was on chaos because Baratheons fucked everything being cuckolds.
>didnt immedietly put Tywin, Jaime and Pycelle to the sword for treason
>Unironically married their daughter instead
Why would he Trust someone who just sacked the past King under disguise of a friend
I believe. R'hollor hungers amirite?
That's one beautiful horse. Is that a weird thing notice? Like, that pristine as fuck horse makes Jaime look like a disheveled homeless person.
New drinking game. Every time a YASSSS QUEEN SLAY moment happens, take a drink.
How did the armor department degrade this hard?
>tfw passed out after 15 minutes
It's gonna be a pretty dry episode senpai. Sadly, probably the last one in the season.
Nah dude, it was what a peak condition horse looks like. It's not weird to notice something like that. It's like looking at a lion with a thick, glorious dark mane and saying "That's a beautiful lion."
More emilia please
I will MARRY Emilia Clarke!
Why doesnt Jaime wear Kingsgaurd armour anymore? Is Gregor literally the only Kingsgaurd left?
Jaime isn't in the Kingsguard anymore
>mfw the only evidence Asharafags have for their theory is that Ned danced with her at Harrenhal and the word of a boy who was a baby when Jon was also a baby
Give 3d holograms and robowives a few years and you are probably right.
If that were to happen the YAAAAAS QUEEEN SLAYYYY fanbase would riot in the street and attempt to spam DnD with hate mail like they did when the "rape" scene happened.
DnD need their shekels
>Danyautist is also a R+L = J autist
Big shock
what did she mean by this?
Well this drinking game can be played every episode. We'll also have Jon meeting Daenerys, which will likely contain a few quips worthy of Whedon.
Doubt she'll be able to keep it up when she hears that she lost her entire fleet, two kingdoms, and most of her council.
I'm honestly surprised they don't have him in high heels for his scenes with Sansa. Jon is their only "le male sex symbol" for the entire show now, so you'd think they wouldn't want women to get disgusted by shots of Salsa towering over him.
Oh well at least they're lucky he's a centimeter taller than Dany.
Half way through the show you'd be dead from chronic alcohol poisoning
Most of these are confirmed already because they were leaked during casting/filming.
When the next seasons starts filming the same thing will happen.
It's easy to piece together theories like this when you have drone footage of a scene being filmed.
Can somebody post the predictions that apparently GRRM said he would include? I know one of them was that one of danys dragons die and turn into an ice dragon
it wouldn't be chronic, just regular alcohol poisoning
still waiting for your contribution
I'd bully the fuck out of his prostate.
why would it need to die when the ice dragon was already seen last season?
DnD say Shireen is going to get burned in the book.
first link is the best quality. but it takes few minutes to load sometimes. so start it at least 5 min before the show.
not that user, but if you don't believe in it you're seriously retarded
By the way, Jon wouldn't be named Aegon. Rhaegar already had a son named Aegon.
Would if you kept drinking yourself to death, over, and over, after every SLAY GURLLLL scene happened.
>not naming both your son Aegon in case you forget the other one's name
you're not playing 5d chess
so fucking much, lucky the way, her voice is so hot, she need to voice dubbing something. "Chewie noooo"
>implying D&D didnt forget about that useless information
>tfw had to solve like 20 captchas
>not fulfilling the prophecy
he has to be named aegon
It doesn't just apply to Dany, but also any time some woman makes a snarky remark and "puts down" a man. The Mormont girl, Sansa, Arya, Cersei - they all can have their YASSS QUEEN moments.
>every father names every son Aegon in Westeros
>implying raeghar has another son in the showverse
As it turns out, people with political power influence things a lot more. Reinforcing great man theory would be if a random peasant changed the fate of the continent against all odds.
>not using legacy captcha
The leaks are a ruse to hide the big reveal in the finale.
Stop using the picture captchas, those things are buggy pieces of shit. Easier to just hammer in 2 words that deal with that hiroshimas bullshit
You are given control over the show for the last season. You can continue the story as you please, but can't retcon, change established stuff even if it's dumb af. Also you jave to keep certain consistency, you can't relegate Daenerys to a comic relief support character etc. You have to make it so that test audiences like it. How do you save GoT?
Remider of s7 story
>LF gets exposed and killed by surviving Ned children in front of knights of vale and northerners
>Jon is Aegon and he fucks Dany who spent suspicious amount of time talking about her infertility
>every major player met with Jon in dragon pit where he shows the wights
>jaime joins forces in north but DROPS cersei who thretens him with the mountain
>every major character from dorne and reach is dead
>euron pretends to go back to iron isles to wait since wights cant swim, but in fact he's going to essos for golden company
>theon gets his shit together and gathers rescue mission for yara
>sam and bran know about jon's parentage, jon doesn not
>viserion is ded, nk is riding him
>wall apparently has no magic sigils or anything, its melted by unded viserion at eastwatch
>beric and toramund barely escape
>cersei probably/maybe has a miscarriage
>daario might be with golden company (yeah its out of my own ass, but thats something they would do)
No he doesn't. That's just Rhaegar thinking that Aegon would be a cool name for the prince that was promised. There's nothing saying he has to have that name and he already gave that name to the baby who (maybe) was killed by the Mountain. If he named his second son Aegon as well he's just retarded. The baby could have even just been called 'Jon' after Jon Connington.
there is only space for khaleesi and john now
>Varys kills Dany outtanowhere
>Aegon enters the scene
>"Shall we begin?"
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
>ywn be a Chad
>ywn DP Prime Emilia while high-fiving your bro
Why even live?
There's more than one ice dragon. Ice dragons roam the shivering sea and there is one in the North Grove.
I don't know if ice dragons are the same thing as a wight dragon raised by the night king, though
>Not that user
>Also a Danyautist
>Who /foreigninvasion/ here
Also did she unironically not know Theon doesnt have a dick? She sure seemed like she wanted a Greyjoy threesome
bring back Stannis