only literal retards think debt is bad
NowTv aka Sky will buy them out I guarantee it
keep telling yourself that americuck.
hmmmm ok let me watch the autistic german streaming service that's debt-free. OH WAIT you cucks produce nothing of value
Debt is good so long as it can be paid back.
What did he mean by this?
NowTv's from UK
Finances 101 is to fucking never get yourself into debt unless you absolutely must.
Are you dumb?
Lots of businesses go into debt in order to buy assets. It's normal.
>$20 billion
$20 billion and not a single good show
shekel kek
should i take a loan to get educated?
>no just work minimum wage goyim
should i take a loan out to start a business?
>no just work minimum wage goyim
i want to expand my business but can't afford it should i take out a loan?
>never goyim just let me expand into your market.
20 billion debt and still can't compete with good old fashioned piracy.
So that is how they are shitting 300000 shows per month, wonder when their little bubble will burst.
t. Schlomo Goldstein shekelberg
>Jews don't want you to go into debt
>living in Americuckistan
You're going to shit yourself once you see that any company worth while is always in debt.
>Finances 101 is to fucking never get yourself into debt unless you absolutely must.
Taking out a small loan that you can eventually pay back is different than saying "debt is a good thing" You fucking retard.
>work minimum wage
>save money and have no debts
>start a business
>make more money
>don't have to take loans from kikes and enslave myself to them forever
$9 billion revenue
$14 billion assets
but user knows how much debt they should have when like half the planet is paying them to watch TV
Daily reminder this is the average of tv posters
Half the planet doesn't even watch television or even know what netflix is.
>not being born into rich family
Lmao at your "debts".
>debt is a good thing
literally never said that
>start a business
>make more money
Child, I...
The entire global finance system relies on debt. Don't talk about things you don't understand.
paid back? if you can keep loaning because your business is growing it never needs to be paid back.
their stock is more per share than apple so they can't be that unstable
>Jews wants me in debt
>Jews don't want me to take out loans
>14 billion in assets
>20 billion in debt
Oh negative equity, such a promising thing to have!
Yeah and entire global system sucks.
>Daily reminder this is the average of tv posters
You can start a business without getting yourself into debt you idiot.
Haven't Amazon and Google done basically the same shit for decades?
>The entire global finance system is a bubble
good plan breh
Of course they have
These tards don't understand how big business is financed. Netflix knows exactly what they're doing.
Shhh, idiots and failures do not know that.
>debt isn't bad
>hurr durr you day it good
yeah if your rich sugar daddy covers all of your expenses.
20 billion?
that's quite a lot of money isn't it?
Netflix is liberals as you can get.
Yep, and the market is saturated with it because a shitload of people do the same
And if you want to expand you have to make loans and innovate, even a little to survive
Fucking kids nowadays don't know shit
meanwhile they cant fucking offer up any seasons of Hells Kitchen outside of the last 5 episodes that fox, hulu, amazon ect.. everyone else offers
so u basically are forcing me to pirate it, which upon googling the issue turns up articles from 2011 when the same instance occurred and they saw rampant piracy
kudos to fox for offering the last 5 episodes as each new season goes on for free, but the fact none of the past episodes can be streamed legitimately and only physical DVD sales are available is a joke
even on fox's own ondemand site the older seasons are all expired the year it came out, like 2011 ect....
Ad breaks in Netflix are inevitable at this point.
Not that it will save their disastrous business model.
you are confusing personal credit card debt with business loans. i don't want to be mean to you but you're either baiting effectively or you just have no idea about how finance actually works
You do realize they're about to dig a deeper hole for themselves if they do that right?
should i take a loan to get educated?
>yes be my debt slave until you're 40, goyim
should i take a loan out to start a business?
>Yes goyim, start your business with one foot in my swamp. It'd be a shame if your business didn't go well and we'd have to (((foreclose))) you.
>i want to expand my business but can't afford it should i take out a loan?
>>Goyim YES. My good friends at Goldberg and Sheckelstein can help you out
That means they're smart business people.
Good goy, why not get yourself another credit card?
There's your problem m8
You can always go for scholarships
First thing they teach you at Economic courses is to NEVER get yourself into any debt unless:
A)you are poor
B)have shitty idea
C)do not care about your future
Debts are for losers.
Would you elaborate? Were talking about 20 billion dollars here, they worth less than that
>only subbed to hulu for new anime and south park
>all new anime is on netflix now
>south park is now blue pilled
>give up on tv forever
I'm free, lads.
It's slowly but surely destroying money as means of exchange and keeping value due to central bank shenanigans.
Well what to expect, they're retarded when it comes to what they produce, every jew that comes with a script gets a bag of money, the shit-to-decent ratio of Netflix shows is insane.
They even signed a multi-movie deal with Adam Sandler, I rest my case
>grr debt is bad!
ah yes the uneducated brainlets
for businesses, debt is fine so long as they can pay it off, it works out well for them in the future and the banks can lend them more money
for the individual though, debt generally isn't good unless it's a mortgage (that you're sure you can pay off)
How do they do it? Literally everyone seems to have Netflix nowadays,
remember when all their episodes were free on comedycentral.com
then they went full jew
>first post is a retarded keynesian brainlet
But none of this is true. Go look at their balance sheet on Nasdaq
oy vey
So your saying that no one should buy a house with a mortgage and should save up $500k+ to buy the house straight up?
>Debt is a good thing
The irony is these people think they are the majority
Go read up on Shariah Finance and tell me Debt is good, your days are numbered
>so long as they can pay it off
>20 billion
Sup Forums arguing about business, just as sad as Sup Forums or Sup Forums
>you can't pay off a 20 billion debt
>debt is bad
say the posters who reside in a country literally trillions of dollars in debt
You are just fundamentally wrong. You are probably referring to a highschool level personal finance class. Not an econ course.
20 billion over 30 years is not bad.
hell, 20 billion over 20 years is 1b/yr.
It's not the $20 billion you should be worried about, it's the terms of financing and debt covenants.
Netflix investor here.
Thread is pretty funny.
Basically right now they and wallstreet allows them to have a lot of debt as long as they continue having massive growth. They just increased their customers by almost 6 percent in only 3 months. They hit 100 million customers a few months ago and will hit 200 million sooner than anyone expects.
>Yep, and the market is saturated with it because a shitload of people do the same
How is this a bad thing? If you have money already you don't have to take out a loan and en-debt yourself to some kind of bank or the government. I can't believe you fucking idiots are acting like not putting yourself in debt is a bad thing.
Houses would have never gotten so expensive without mortgages.
What about their subscribers?
I think it is about time their subscriber numbers start dropping. Their originals are not worth paying, it's better to pay for HBO GO instead
Why not stream it on Youtube in SD for the low, low price of $1.99 per episode?
i cancelled my subscription a couple of years ago when Netflix partnered with that self-help guy who swears a lot, presenting a 'documentary' about him which turned out to be a puff-piece with footage of about an hour or so his introductory seminar
Netflix is too useful of a propagandizing tool for the elites to let it go. They'd bail them out if it came to that.
>Houses would have never gotten built without mortgages.
Why do all those screenshots have the same shitty level of cinematography?
that's a silly reason to unsubscribe
If Netflix got into trouble Amazon would buy them out and merge them with Hulu.
Hell, it's a miracle Netflix hasn't been bought out already by one of the big tech companies
>business A and B both make 100$ in a year
>business A borrows 1000$ to invest in their service/production quality, profits rise to 500$ a year
>business B does nothing, continues to make 100$ a year
>after 10 years, business A now has net worth of 4000$ after paying down their debt while business B only has a net worth of 1000$
>debt is bad by this logic
>Paying for Sorosflix
this, (((they))) know it's the tv of the future, if they wanna keep their propaganda machine running they'll keep netflix afloat for however long it takes
Not if your business goes to shit
but offcourse just live at your parents house in the mean time and when you have all the money in your fifties just move out and start a family simple.
>Hell, it's a miracle Netflix hasn't been bought out already by one of the big tech companies
This has been just total gross incompetence by disney, amazon, and apple. They could have had netflix dirt cheap. Now it is very expensive to buy out.
>that you're sure you can pay off
That's the problem though. You can never be sure. What if tomorrow I lose an arm in an accident and can never work again?
You have to be pretty stupid to think all debts are bad, have you people never heard of "you need money to make money"? Going into debt by taking a loan is how you get the initial money.
>First thing they teach you at Economic courses is to NEVER get yourself into any debt unless:
No they don't.
yeah if
it probably won't
First of all you should NEVER take a fucking loan for school. With starting a business and shit yeah of course take a loan.
How the hell did they end up with a 20 billion dollar debt?
unlikely to happen