So when's AMC suing Netflix?
So when's AMC suing Netflix?
They can't
Tomorrow evening.
Is ozark any good? What's this about amc?
It's above average, but not breath-taking.
No idea about this amc shit but Ozark is very good.
Cinematography - 10/10
Acting - 9/10
Story - 8/10
i watched arrested delevopment like 3 weeks before this. cant take it serious
OP is rightfully claiming it steals broad strokes from Breaking Bad, but the difference here is that literally every "evil" conversation in Ozark is on par with the "I am the one who knocks" quality dialogue. Plus the main characters are all pretty rotten before the show starts. Where BB showed Walter's downfall, Ozark is basically the consequences. BB was conceptually tragic, Ozark is justice porn.
Plus Ruthie is cuter than anyone in BB.
I didn't like it, it reviewed pretty badly too.
The fundamental issue is that it's a show where people are somehow surprised that backwoods towns have lots of crime in them
It's BrBa - Breaking Bateman.
Seriously the casting on this show is one of the worst fucking things I've seen in 32 years.
I watched the first episode and fell asleep
>hidous and egregious blue filter over literally every scene
>man learns to accept his cheating wife
I'm two episodes from the end. Is it a 1 season show, or more?
Season 2 is confirmed to air in fall 2018.
>tfw no cute hillbilly redneck girl to twist around my finger
>learns to accept
lol keep watching, its not Breaking Bad quality, nor is it even close to Better Call Saul but it is better than a ton of shit nowadays
I'm watching it now and I'm loving it
The kid is turning into Arya though, but I don't think he'll be able to pull off an assasins creed mentality
Ozarks writing is cleverer than BB's, so far as well.
I love it, but it's almost too clever at times. Unbelievable that someone would be able to be as smooth as Marty is in some of the situations. Still, the conversation unfold like a 5000-piece puzzle in reverse until you're left with the single piece that seals the entire lie into a neat pretty package, which is incredibly satisfying to watch even if in retrospect it's obviously extremely fantastical.
It's clever, but too clever. You can imagine the screenwriters grasping their cocks when hearing this shit. BB feels a lot more campy and real.
This show is so bad, I don't even know where to start.
The finale is pretty "oh my god look at all these plotlines we're setting up for the next season, you better watch it!"
I liked the show but I would have preferred if the finale focused on wrapping up the current season instead of setting up so much for the next one.
>Cinematography 10/10
It feel like they took somebody right from 2004 behind camera
Great show. It gets an 8.7 at imdb and thats spot on.
please begin
>arrested development guy doing the heisenberg portrait mean look thing
and based on this, I will probably never watch it.
ill give the show a 6/10 overall, rectify was better. would be nice to get a good tv show without some queer shit shoehorned in there also the final wrap up was embarrassingly bad.
i really liked the langmore family and the manface teenage daughter was sexy as fuck too. jason bateman felt very wooden to me but maybe thats because ive never liked him
but its not bb because the people are bad from the start and the kids know everything and are involved. totally different
It's pretty good but it's definitely not in the upper echelon of TV shows
why did bateman choose to look exactly the same as in arrested development? i mean jesus get a haircut, grow a beard or something
No it isn't.
I like how we got nice shots of the daughters ass in almost every episode while being reminded shes only 15 several times
It most definitely is.
the actress is older than the character she plays, doesn't count
>mfw 15yo girl loses virginity to presumably 23+ yo guy
>literally every "evil" conversation in Ozark is on par with the "I am the one who knocks" quality dialogue.
I hope that is meant to be praise because that sounds fucking awesome.
Is it though?
you're so old to be browsing Sup Forums have you ventured Sup Forumsrother?
It is, I love it, but it is as fantastical as Game of Thrones in its sheen. Nothing wrong with sliding a slick, plastic, verbal dong in your ear every now and then.
is plebbit show, not good at all but has an pretentious fanbase that thinks breaking bad is the highest tier of tv
dropped this shit as soon as the pointlessly gay fbi agent "seduced" the bearded redneck. what a load of horseshit.
if you dont enjoy queer culture and queer intersections then why are you watching netflix content?
How did the FBI guy know Ruth's uncle way gay?
gaydar is real
he got busted for picking up a male prostitute 10 years ago.
off a tell
it's a meme show that's been taylor made for reddit
so what kind of dumb shit are we in for next season?
anyone else get a sons of anarchy vibe with the snells and sheriff mirroring samcro and unser? i wouldnt be shocked if netflix could make a show that bad
2 eps in. Fantastic
He used gay magic and turned him.
What's some more Ozarkino?
who's taylor
It's literally nothing like breaking bad apart from the vaguest of details.
living around the Ozarks is really hellish, I hate it here.
You have internet? How much meth is around? I still don't get how there's a part of America like that out there.
aint mountain girls horny as fuck?
> I still don't get how there's a part of America like that out there.
Why? There's lots of places like this.
>How much meth is around?
Used to be more meth, but now it's mostly opiates. Lots of both though really.
>You have internet?
Some rural areas still use dial-up or AOL. Very rare though.
yes, even among "nice girls."
the worst part of for a guy who lives in north europe looks to be the constant hotness and humidity. It looks so suffering.
All masculine white men are latent homosexuals waiting for the white queer to wipe the nigger dick off his lips and whisk him off his feet to open a fucking bait and tackle shop.
Even this show has absolutely pointless homosex? lol America.
You seem retarded and triggered, senpai.
It's shit. It tries to be Breaking Bad so hard it forgets to be its own thing. The second episode literally has a "IM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS" moment.
yeah it's a lot like breaking bad but for adults so if you're 25 or older it's for you.
No, it was pointless.
it was the only way he could emotionally manipulate him realistically without taking too much time. Other way would have been if they made the FBI detective a woman. Or if the redneck would have been woman.
I'll accept your autism if you also think any romance is pointless in tv or film.
The only thing I'd do differently in season 2 is lighten up on the blue tint. It was over the top.
No. It's the exact same formula.
>your average dad character who looks incapable of doing crime but actually does crime
>bitch mom character who acts all flustered to the idea her husband being a criminal but turns into a great partner in a matter of days going against all her values
>annoying kid(s) who have to live with dad's bullshit and are ultimately pointless to the story, only difference is they actually know the dad's a criminal in ozark
I've only watched 3 episodes but from the looks of it the hick chick is literally going to be "totally not jesse".
>be a hick family in the middle of nowhere growing poppies
>parlay a deal with the most dangerous man youve ever met in your life
>procure a deal that would increase your income 100 times over and save your family from being wiped clean from the earth
>shoot him in the head because he may have committed a microaggression
this is the dumbest shit ive seen in a series since i cant remember. i felt like there were several times in this show where characters did extremely unrealistic things to advance the story in one way
you don't go to a white men's house and insult him. Especially if you're a spic. It was completely realistic.
>Gloss over character motivation
>bitch mom character who acts all flustered to the idea her husband being a criminal but turns into a great partner in a matter of days going against all her values
She supported him starting to do it ten years earlier. The husband didn't tell her it was about drugs or that his predecessor was killed on the spot in front his eyes when he accepted
redneck is hardly an insult
They established earlier that they absolutely hated rednecks and considered themselves superior.
And the lady was god damn crazy as well.
still unbelievable considering the reputation of cartels. bad writing just to magically appear some new conflict for season 2.
KEK it's a Sup Forums thinks Breaking Bad is the only show allowed to be a crime drama episode
Yeah I didn't like it either. As soon as he said rednecks I knew it was happening and was disappointed. I hate it when "progress resets" and things have to start over again. Just feels like a cheap way out a lot of the time.
I said in an earlier post that the finale felt more about setting up the next season instead of concluding the current one.
isn't the redneck lady the same crackhead to that crushed her husband's head with an ATM machine in breaking bad?
He did not have to be gay. That was absolutely pointless.
its a netflix production, there had to be gay characters
An old favorite of Hollywood jew writers: the bigoted, secretly repressed homosexual redneck.
Repressed southern homophobe is like one of the oldest tropes in the book. Complaining about that would be like me complaining why the cartel owner was Mexican instead of South American.
he's not the cartel owner
Which "jew writer," neckbeard?
Morty Hebrewitz-Lebotorahstein