Why won't they address Jessi's sudden disappearance?
Why won't they address Jessi's sudden disappearance?
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Come back from vacation, Mike.
Jack killed her and currently masquerades in front of his mirror wearing her scalp.
why wont you stop being creepy stalking these people and making threads about them?
Kill yourself you obsessed friend simulating faggots
Get some real friends, faggot.
Did Mike go to Argentina to meet family again?
i like RLM, but i als think i support the new gook janitard's decision to remove these threads
She hasn't been in a video in over three years and you're STILL here obsessing over this. Fucking kill yourself.
>no apes review
>no dunkirk review
fucking lazy shits
Why won't they address Jack's disappearance?
They haven't even tweeted in a week.
I think Mike and/or Jay is on vacation.
Hey! That picture was taken in my hometown. La Crosse WI.
non-shitpost answer:
in a twitch stream rich said that Jessi is still together with Mike but she just doesn't want to appear on camera anymore (probably because of creeps like OP)
Also, is it just me, or is Jay doing most all the editing these days? And if so, what the fuck is Mike doing?
>what the fuck is Mike doing?
A lot of desperate college girls studying acting in college.
RLM rarely tweets anything other than when there's a new video out.
no he didn't
mike stole pictures of her pusy from her phone and posted them on /soc/ and she found out
Because the only people who care are also the reason why she left.
Women's only duty is to lie down and let men have some fun. This board became such a white knight shithole.
Jeez I wonder why
I think she got a bunch of creepy stalkers and creepy messages, so bailed on appearing on videos?
Women are cowards. It's a well-known fact.
because he killed her and ate her
I can't watch episodes with Jessi, because I suddenly have an urge to fap and then look for more photos of her. She is a distraction, but then again what woman isn't:
How the fuck does a channel with 500k subs get so many fucking threads on Sup Forums
Use your brain before asking such questions.
Dude it's been years.
500k subs, yes, but the Plinkett reviews have millions of views each (Phantom Menace one has almost 8 mil), which is how most people found out about RLM, and Sup Forums loves hating on Star Wars and big-budget things in general.
The real question is how RLM only has 500k subs
It doesn't appeal to normies.
normies are more redpilled than average Sup Forums poster
She said she goes out to buy pizza rolls, never came back.
how? there's nothing particularly normie-repelling about it. or do normies dislike top quality bants?
they talk too much about tropes and cliches and not enough about how fun those capefilms are
if you were a grill would you want to be known by or get attention from RLM's general audience? answer honestly.
What part of his name sounds german to you?
hmm fair enough. they should do a new nerd crew video those are always topkek
it was a tums festival
- Richard Mayhew Evans
People cared so little about this movie they don't even bother making a video
Jay this morning tweeted he's in the middle of blurring out dicks for a new best of the worst
so the police wouldn't get suspicious
get out redditor
After the last episode of Best of the Worst she was in, I don't think she just disappeared. Several episodes later, she makes a comment from offscreen. She was still around. I hope she still is.
When is HitB Space Cop coming out? That was such a shit show.
Delete this!
his middle name
>that look he gives her before moving in
Fucking true.
Not enough dudes and bros and sjw pandering for normies to like it.
>there's nothing particularly normie-repelling about it
they didnt even bother to review Transformers 5, Valerian or Dunkirk
Aren't Transformers and Valerian box office disappointments? American public has new interests.
>multi colored hair
She went full SJW and was banished for life from RLM.
Has everyone seen RLM get btfo already?
normies want to see them trashing movie flops like Valerian and gargabe like T5
Nobody gives a fuck about Jessi.
I DO! she was sweet marriage material
Yeah, that's true. They would feel good for not watching those films while still watching similar films with different titles.
giv pale feet gf
can't blame him for trying
Stoklasas are concentrated in the ethnically German Sudetenland part of the Czech Republic, and there are almost as many Stoklasas living in Germany as there are in the Czech Republic.
This made me laugh.
Always though he's a spaghetti nigger, and i'm actually from that region.
>tfw no slightly chubby qt to queef on your dick
in all seriousness though probably this
I remember listening to a giant bomb podcast recently and one of their new hires had a load of training regarding online appearences. You need thick skin or the ability to deflect. Regardless of who you are.
She wouldn't put out so she got kicked out
RLM has loved almost every Nolan flick so far. Do you really think they're going to hate Dunkirk?
why are you still so fucking butthurt over star wars/bvs?
Because they don't feel the need to vlog about their personal lives like every other faggot eceleb attention whore, kys
what am I supposed to see here?
giv pepe bf
Who here /teamJack/? I only watch Plinkett, Half in the Bag, Previously Recorded and their streams, Best of the Worst can go suck a dick. But I'm starting to realize Jack is the GOAT RLM member. He has the politic opinions of a faggot but that aside the way he handles himself in the streams is great. Nice, smooth voice, handles criticism very well and is very witty.
Childhood is idolizing Jay and Mike.
Adulthood is realizing Rich and Jay make RLM what it is.
>Adulthood is realizing Rich and Jack make RLM what it is.
she cucked all of them with the karate terrible horror filmmaker dude
Fuck off Jack
Vacation from what? Sitting around watching shit movies and slowly editing videos? Or do you mean Rich and Jack streaming video games and Rich sharing his disgusting failed clone gf?
Old age is realizing that all the people involved in RLM make it special.
Jesus, only 33 (34now) years?