Would he pass as a local in your country?

would he pass as a local in your country?

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he kinda look slightly slavic

He looks retarded but sure, I guess

He looks like sminem



He really doesnt
He looks more hispanic

looks greek-turkish

he looks.........

tons of problematic children like him in trash schools, with similar faces

n-no user... he's a fucking SHITSKIN beaner spic!!! ugh stop fucking ruining the narrative


Could be related

le slavic because he's deformed XDD

He has typical Iberian mutt eyes.

nigga, you all literally look deformed in your schools pictures, it's like male orcs and female elves shared classes

Silence sub-saharan subhuman. He looks like a bleached Spaniard rather than Slav.

>Silence sub-saharan subhuman
ok mi negrito

lolno, he has a roundish head, short chin, thin lips, semi potato nose, he literally looks slavic, also he don't even have black hair

his name is Nikola Cruz Makarov desu

He looks really med, except lighter skinned. Varg was right once again.

Iberian cope.

He literally looks like 56% mutt caricature.

no he doesn't, we have long faces and close eyes, unlike slavs, also we have thin hooked noses unlike your upwards potato noses

>She also told the paper both Cruz and his brother were adopted and their adoptive father had died.

btw he was adopted

Nope. He looks eastern european.

>this shitskin is considered white in america

>we have long faces and close eyes, unlike slavs,
You don't even know how a Slav looks like.
>also we have thin hooked noses unlike your upwards potato noses
Potato noses are a Nordic thing, my dear North African monkey.

OP's guy looks like less fortunate version of Jordi. They're both Iberian. Nothing Slavic about any of them. Handsome Meds is a total meme, on average both Meds in general and especially Iberians look like some shitskin Arabs. Just like in your picture.

>african nose
>african lips
>bushy eyebrows
>huge ass ears
Mate, he is mediterranean af, lmao


his face is much narrower and his eyes closer, also notice his long chin unlike slavs

and he was adopted, so he could be from a slavic country anyway, dunno why so defensive

>also notice his long chin unlike slavs
He doesn't look Eastern European at all. You're just using typical Sup Forums memes about ugly slavic men and hot slavic women, so I meme right back at you.

even on pol many people thought he could be slavic when he was captured, stop

>all this med damage control

>even on pol
Oh god, truly the experts.

roundish face, thing lips, wide eyes, of course, not every single slav is an orcish clone but most of you look similar just like most of meds are brown

This is what you get for disowning us spain. Own up to your abominations.


>med shitskin is a Sup Forumstard
It's like poetry.

jesus, a literal mutt.

have Sup Forums memes gone so far?

experts on what, you are used to tell each other apart but to me slavs arr rook same, just like you can't tell apart spaniards from arabs or latinos, I just answered op question, dunno why you chimped out anyway

Looks like a spic

ITT: meds having a meltdown

No, he looks too slavic.

>Looks like a spic

going to another thread

dios mio...

Russian pussy belongs to the olive skinned med man

>like you can't tell apart spaniards from arabs
Everyone can tell Spaniard and Arabs apart. Arabs have a distinct semitic look, while Spaniards have significant African admixture, resulting in people looking like OP's pic.

>brown Hispanics are white when they commit a crime but aren’t white when they’re the victim
Why can’t liberals just make up their mind

We have to stop these white criminals

he was adopted you fucking moron

Go to the Balkans like Bulgaria
If you mix Slav+Brown you can get all kind of looks

He looks extremely Slavic and you know it


meds getting roasted

Looks half-Slavic half-Hispanic

this how spic/slavic mixture looks like

Looks like an American Sminem

>Spaniards have significant African admixture
If you can't tell spaniards and Africans apart your opinion really doesn't matter

Looks like your typical goblino to me.

He looks like an especially white Slovene, but he's too white for the rest of the Balkans.

I can't see a difference between slavs and hispanics. Are we look the the same?

now we know what their child would look like...

>Another relative, who spoke on condition of anonymity over the sensitive matter, said Nikolas had been diagnosed with autism.

my sides

la calamidad...

He looks like an anglo/spanish mix.


Did the 56% meme make him snap?

hispanic isn't a race, it's a cultural/language frame


Russian mommy, spanish daddy.



No, he is literally a spaniard.

el atrocidad..

have you ever seen any iberian
protip: americans don't count as iberian

Looks like an pole/spic mutt desu

as spanish as russian is a chechen

Why are you denying he is a spaniard anyway?

no such thing as spaniards
this is the product of a global orgy


Go back to Venezuela.

Spaniards and American Latinos look the same

i wish
t. surrounded by ugly bitches

No they do not

lol no they don't.
for every 1 castizo there's 10 mestizos

Whiter than you, Mohammed

not a chance

Looks south euro to me.

Doesn't look like the same person

in fact I know a guy who looks very similar

russian retard BTFO

>t. deformed looking slav

he's got the crazy eyes

Yeah yeah, clearly looks Slavic.

so this is how the great med-slav shitpost war starts

slavic features with an iberian tan


well we're not slavic, but there's definitely people that look like this here

>slavic features
I don't see any. He doesn't even have deep eyesockets. There is nothing Slavic about him.

He looks like Sminem.

What color is his eyes? Gray-brown?
Also, shirt is worn asymmetrical - not a local!