>tfw no Brigitte gf in high school
Wasted years...
>tfw no Brigitte gf in high school
Wasted years...
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have you tried getting one now instead of shitposting about it every day and wasting even more years
>tfw no strictly platonic friendship in high school
Wasted years...
Just watched IT, young Emily was adorable.
...coming home after a typically abysmal day at work, walking through the streets and observing the yellowed leaves falling from the trees, flying around in the air. Sky is grey and the air is chilly, but comfortably so.
Walking up the porch stairs, up to the front door, entering the house. Turn left, look into the living room. She is there, lying on the couch.
Go upstairs, shower. Put on some comfortable, warm clothes. A thick, heavy longsleeve. Go downstairs, up to the couch. She is still there, sleeping.
Run your fingers through her hair, let her know you're there. She very briefly wakes up, sees you, smiles. Falls asleep again. Slowly and carefully move her towards the edge of the couch, just enough to allow you to slip in and lay down behind her, your back to the back of the couch. Put your arm around her. She responds by lightly grabbing onto your hand with her right hand. Proceed to fall asleep next to her, for at least an hour or two.
Who could ever refuse this, user?
Ginger was a straight up 10/10
>dat Lindsay Lohan lookalike
What movie?
>Who could ever refuse this, user?
Any sane person. Brig isn't like that. Stop projecting your lonely person fantasy gf onto her just because she looks how you would like your gf to look. If you understood her, you would intuitively know that only a naturally occurring, strictly platonic friendship is possible with Brig.
There is no helping you. You may very well never come to truly UNDERSTAND...
What kino is this?
Gentle reminder that you went on a whole vacation to try to bring yourself closer to enlightenment, yet still lack understanding.
Ginger Snaps. It's a very good movie.
Thanks, CHECKing it out.
>whole vacation
That wasn't a vacation, that was just a really grueling week with very little free time.
You are too caught up in projecting your own absurd ideals onto Brigitte to ever truly comprehend.
Your ego will always block your way to genuine understanding.
Trips of truth. One of my go tos every Halloween
>I am the one whose approach to interpersonal relationships is consistent with Brig's own approach as seen in Ginger Snaps
>somehow, I'm the one projecting
OP, so deep is your delusion that you project the very fact of your own projection onto me. How can a person ever be convinced of their wrongness when they are only capable of perceiving their own failings through the filter of another person?
I take it you are attracted to pale sickly looking girls huh
They are the best.
>I am the one whose approach to interpersonal relationships is consistent with Brig's own approach as seen in Ginger Snaps
This is where you go wrong. You assume Brigitte's character and personal development begins and ends with the Brigitte seen in GS.
You build your entire perception of Brigitte on this one snapshot. I don't. I follow the entire trajectory until a logical conclusion is reached. I understand.
oh, emily...