ITT: films no one seems to like except you
ITT: films no one seems to like except you
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I liked it. The cinematography was literally some of the best I have seen in recent cinema, all the main characters were great, the humor was on point, i didn't understand why it got such bad reviews. it was up there with anchorman and dodgeball as in terms of quality
what the actual fuck is wrong with you? I guess it's okay if you were actually 10-12 in '09. I liked jumanji when I was a kid. But you still don't belong here. Maybe try a videogame board? You'll be happier there.
ah yes, where 90% of threads on the catalog are about either capeshit, game of thrones, doctor who or star wars you are angry someone likes a pretty good Will Ferrell comedy
fuck off you literal manchild capeshit virgin
i liked it
pure projection.
i wanted to fuck the brot girl so hard
i need to wear those shorts with a cock cage on
go whinge in a capeshit thread retard, might do some good
no one ever speaks positively about this movie
Inexcusable. kys
literally nothing wrong with it
>shit premise
>shit characters
>shit animation
>implying I'm not 60 fps
why'd you delete it mang?
it was a rude comment.
go to /k/ and post mechs, people love this movie, just not the movie part of the movie.
It was a fine film. Didn't outdo the first but it was way better than I expected
It's cool, I forgive you
It was way better than the first tho.
i loved it
weak bait
I always speak positively about avatar. I like everything except the plot and that the humans are so one-dimensional.
Neytiri is perfection
People jump on bandwagons to fit in.
This is a masterpiece
> prove me wrong
Master of Disguise
Only Chads understand it. Thats why Betas and women will never get it.
It's a film I don't hear many people talk about. They did an excellent job at adaptation with the length that a feature film would allow.
I love rubber!
Jersey Boys
Power Rangers 2017
It's a stupid comfy movie. Great for a quiet friday night.
I was in stitches during the scene where they pour those containers of urine on themselves. Overall, I thought the movie was pretty fun.
No. It was completely mediocre. Down there with Blades of Glory and Ricky Bobby.
Poor Berke Breathed had no idea what those animators were gonna do with his script. I want to like this movie so bad, but the suits fucked it up bad.
What positive things can posiibly be said about it outside of technical jargon? It's The Phantom Menace. It's a big software demo.
Anna Friel is the most beautiful woman to ever exist. Prove me wrong.
>I like everything except the plot
Sounds like real kino.
The only real issue this had was the score.
>What positive things can posiibly be said about it outside of technical jargon?
the jungle girl was cute
>and Ricky Bobby.
Nah, I'm a fan of Will Ferrel but Land of the Lost was shit
Fucking kys, Blades of Glory is top 2 Will Ferrell and I can only assume you're baiting talking shit about Talladega Nights
I wanted to say Semi-Pro at first, but the fact is that Semi-Pro's actually better than a lot of those other 00's Will Ferrell movies.
They haven't aged the best. Whatever, as long as we can all agree Stepbrothers was his best.
Great show fucked by a writers' strike.
It's a space-western musical shot in grainy black and white similar to David Lynch's Eraserhead,
That's a HARD sell for most people
I'm with you, user. Superb soundtrack by Alberto Iglesias -he works a lot with Almodovar-
Really hoping for a sequel by Thomas Alfredson. Actually, just really hoping to see Alfredson making move movies. Saw he's already filming a thriller based in one of those comfy norway thriller books.
>le plot is the most important part
fuck off book nerd, plot is just an excuse to make real kino
This one was really enjoyable for me. Everyone else didn't seem to like it at all
doesn't matter how shit the movie is he makes it watchable
the green hornet
Sup Forums has had many threads about this superb film, you certainly aren't alone in thinking it's amazing. It was also exceptionally well-received by critics.
I love Prince. I really love him, man, he's the fucking best artist of this century. And Purple Rain is cool, althought I never quite get some of the things he does through the film -Beating Vanity, treating his bandmembers like complete crap-
I like these movies
it leaves to much in the dark, what exactly does the mineral do? What use is it to humans? Why is a private company alone on the only habitable planet except earth humans know of?
Add to that the general plot has been done before and that it doesn't really put a spin on it (except perhaps "humans are the aliens from a typical alien invasion flick").
I love almost everything else though, the designs, the scenery, the na'vi, Neytiri. I would love a comfy movie just about pandora and the na'vi with a lot of cute na'vi girls.
this guy gets it
rec me some neytiri porn
>literally about musclebound dumb betas kidnapping an intelligent chad
I guess you didnt get it
Ricky Bobby is Ferrel's only film that is funny. It's great.
nice b8
why does she wear clothes if she doesn't have genitals?
fuck, I like even Disney Wars as well
i unironically like this movie.
my kid does too.
we're a space opera household.
it's better than it has any business being, although it felt like it was borrowing a lot from Crank.
>Channing Tatum's character was part dog and this made Mila Kunis's character more attracted to him
>my kid
wife's* kid
It's alright, but the "Humans [read: Jews posing as whites] are evil and all natives are beautiful, wise, elegant creatures in-tune with nature"-theme that most modern movies about these subjects have going, was a bit overwhelming in this one. Humans are so in-tune with nature that they bent it to their will it and flew on to another planet to do that there as well, as there's nothing nature can do that humans can't conquer, yet these fuckers are so much more in-tune, shit, they can even connect with their USB-3 hair and "feel" plants and shit.
TL;DR Too much noble savage for me.
>What exactly does the mineral do?
Smartphone batteries? Does it matter? It's the most thinly veiled "colonization is bad and only whites did it" plot-point in any recent movie.
>What use is it to humans?
Again, what does it matter? The goal is to make humans (whites, really) look bad. They just kill the natives and rape the land (which nobody was exploting the resources of anyway) for no apparent reason. The reason in the movie is pretty simple - they're evil. Humans (whites) in this movie are pure evil, just because they are. If they ever expand on its use in the future movies, it won't be anything like "the human homeworld is dying and needs this mineral to survive, or everyone will die", it'll just be something stupid like "They need it to make weapons to conquer more planets" because remember, humans are evil. Also, he's heavy into climate change so be prepared for that too in future movies. It's just a vehicle to push social agendas, nothing else matters.
>Why is a private company alone on the only habitable planet except earth humans know of?
(Something about the evils of capitalism)
>mrbtonue's tinker video has been removed on copyright grounds
why even live?
this is universally liked on Sup Forums for being one of the best vampire movies around and loli Dunst. what are you even talking about? We have threads about it all of the time
I enjoyed this one - at the very least it's beautiful to look at
But everyone fucking hates Cloverfield except for me
>it's beautiful to look at
>an hour and a half of shaky cam
All of the Underworld films.
I liked Cloverfield too. There hadn't been any halfway decent found-footage movies for years until that turned up. I remember it as fairly mysterious, too, it didn't just flash you the big bad right away. But I only saw it once when it came out, so maybe I'm remembering it as better than it was.
Meaning the great gatsby - the post I was replying to, genius
Too late, I already posted it
I liked the film too. This is the one film where Micheal Bay was perfect due to how absurd the plot became
they do have genitals you retard