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I want to do naughty things to Varys

first for my poll
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>people still haven't realized R+L=J is a red herring

Fucking speedreaders


requesting "local tully ruins everything" meme

R+L = J is true, however it doesn't matter because Rhaeger isn't actually the son of Aerys and Rhaella, but instead Bonifer Hasty and Rhaella, meaning he doesn't fulfill prophecy.

guys what if John Snow is the next white walker king
Like it's cyclical there always has to be them to bring the winter
So when they defeat them he will become the next one and sleep until it's time
also since he is a bastard with the dragon people he will have an ice dragon


R+L=J is real but rhaegar was actually insane and obsessed with prophecy bullshit
he kidnapped and raped lyanna

Don't worry brother, we will be vindicated eventually.
assuming George doesn't have a heart attack or something

All bend the knees for His Grace, Stannis of House Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.

pathface is shireen biological father

lyanna was a fucking whore, he didn't kidnapped her.

Patchface will burn Shireen in the book.

>implying it was rape
At Harrenhal Rhaegar sang a song that her wet. Bitches love sad songs.

>video on yt from 2012
why can't retards reupload their videos?

>implying he isn't the avatar of The Drowned God
>I will lead it! We will march into the sea and out again. Under the waves we will ride seahorses, and mermaids will blow seashells to announce our coming, oh, oh, oh.


is dan autistic?

'M-my knee! It's BENDING ON IT'S OWN!'

I hope muslims fucking blow this place up.

first for king bran


night is coming

>still hasn't been a better song yet (although sheeran got close)


>anything but true patrician

seriously he always seems strange.
david is always cool af though

rhaegar showed all the symptoms of insanity
eddard would have been pissed of with lyanna if she cause the war and the death of their dad/brother

But there was:

why do targaryens have the best soundtrack?

nah he'll rape and eat her then rape her left over remains which will be when they catch him

stannis does desu

All Targs are insane little shits. They can't fight for dick without those fucking flying cuck lizards o' theres. All Bobby B needed was a fucking warhammer and a reason to swing it to smash the shit out of Faggar.

>rhaegar showed all the symptoms of insanity

he is right, retard

the actor actually sings pretty well...


I still hope they will go "Bran did all" way or "Varys vs Littlefinger were behind everything" way. Not that stupid YASS Dragon queen.

He wasn't nearly as bad as his dad, but there was definitely something wrong going on.

Notice how two men are charging at rhaegar because robert couldn't take him himself

Mel is a retard, or at least extremely biased. When she saw skulls around Jon it was a clear omen that he will die soon. The same probably goes for Patchface, especially considering how tense things are at the Wall. The blood around his lips she sees is probably his own. Or maybe he took a bite out of his killer before he died. Either way.


That still won't change that Rhaegar cummed inside Bobby's waifu

you're just setting yourself up for dissapointment at this point...

read the books

mhysa and dracarys > every other song
but yeah stannis has also great soundtrack

>Soldiers actually following their leader
>bu-but he couldn't take the guy himself
Shut the fuck up. Robert literally hit the dude so hard his fucking armor IMPLODED and all the rubies in it went all over the fucking place.

I have. Name something instead of being vague as shit and hoping people won't call you out

That still won't change the fact that Robert became king after nearly extincting Rhaegars entire family line, and got to fuck whores and drink all the rest of his life to his hearts content. And where is Rhaegar? Dead.

she has glimpsed him many times, and only sometimes the skulls appears, and the blood flows. Patchface will probably kill someone in winter. Melissandre also calls him dangerous and she is afraid of him.

dear bookfags, what happens to stannis?

>And where is Rhaegar? Dead.
Yeah so is Bobby B. And one of them actually had heirs

threadly reminder that jonerys is canon

>ywn cave in some twink faggots chest in and make him shit himself
God I bet that fell great

>I have
prove it

well, not really. they both had bastards, but none of them has living heirs

episode leaks WHEN

>being this mad that you have no argument

nothing, he beats ramsay

Varys hasn't schemed since putting Tyrion and Dany together. And according to last episode he didn't even know about Jon Snow being KITN let alone whether or not he's trustworthy? He's pretty much useless.

he believed his children are part of a prophesy to save the world and wanted another child even though his wife was sickly and couldn't bear it

new leaks confirm lyanna loved rhaegal and robert started a war because he couldn't take it like a man.
how will baratheonfags defend this?

you didn't read them, did you?

by caving the fuckers chest in and rulling the seven kingdoms

It really must have. Fuck I hope Robert somehow gets resurrected to do it to Dany. Have Dany win and then just BOOM out of fucking nowhere a warhammer just obliterates her torso and you hear Robert laffen while telling all the shits to BOW.

How is that "showing all the symptoms of insanity"? Not only is prophecy a very real thing in the ASOIAF world, he was a Targaryen, who are confirmed to be a bloodline that has true dreams of the future. If that's your only example, you're really grasping at straws.
Whatever makes you happy

Maybe they're the fags who keep posting it was rape.

He's chilling with Theon, Asha, (Yara in the show, Theon's sister) and a few northern lords in a village a few days from Winterfell and the Boltons.

Are you serious? Then why did they fucking kill him off in the show?

we already hate d&d

Robert is dead, sadly. But there is someone with his own hammer left alive...

>bobby said they all shit themselves before they die
>bobby killed rhaegar
do you think rhaegar was shiting uncontrollably as he said the name lyanna?

because DABID

>YWN witness Robert Baratheon prime, stronk as mountain but 10x the fighter

Will Jon commit sudoku when he realizes that he fucked his aunt?

b/c D&D have some sort of hate boner for the Baratheons. They must be secret incest worshipping targ fanboys.

Young Olenna Redwyne.

He was probably calling out to his mother, the cowardly little shit

>there will never be a book-accurate rendition of Robert's Rebellion
literally every good character GRRM ever created was at their prime in that war

robert probably pushed all of Rhaegars intestines through his asshole

>Gendry in 2-3 years turns into Robert 2.0
>Another Targ on the throne
>Dany goes mad queen
>Gendry bashes her fucking chest in with a hammer he made himself
Oh hell yes. Fucking do it please...

something is certianly growing strong, but it ain't a rose

You mean spent the rest of his like getting cucked and crying over his waifu, while rhaegar had her while his son is going to save the world

All robot will be remembered for is being a fat, sad sack of shit king who's rule was so shit that the real literally tore apart (don't forget the fact he got killed by a boar)

Not even his best friend could be honest with him, because he knew rob was such a child he couldn't take anything like a man

well smirkfu had to have gotten her sexy genes from somewhere

Show writers didn't like him and actually misinterpreted his character, he's a favorite of GRRM but DnD took creative liberties and gave his arc to Jon instead.

Overall, Stannis has 30 mins of screentime from the whole tine they introsuced hus character on the show, leading up to his show death they couldn't really give him his book arc because how different the writing had become compared to the books.

^This is why lots of book fags are pissed at the show and they still post Stannis memes because he's still alive in the books

*The Greyjoy rebellion

>man cums in your waifu
>kill him with the brute force of a blunt fucking hammer
>implying he was in any way cucked

Eh, Robert is in the same category of strength as the mountain, but I don't think any human is actually as strong as the mountain. Like Robert in his prime can definitely compete with him though.

>robert wielded a warhammer
>gendry was a blacksmith, and has used a hammer to smith all his life

shit would be fucking epic

>are you going to sing when i hit you?

last time we see him he's a day or two away from fighting Ramsay and it's implied he's got a master plan to crash his army with no survivors

Currently, how large is each army in westeros?

>Jon snow
>any one else I missed

>new leaks confirm lyanna loved rhaegal and robert started a war because he couldn't take it like a man.
fucking d&d and their bullshit retcons. Robert started no fucking war it was Jon arryn after Aerys asked for the heads of ned and robert he called the banners

>Ned studied the shape of his jaw, the eyes like blue ice. "Yes," he thought, "I see it."
>"You saw the boy. Such a strong boy. Those hands of his, those hands were made for hammers."

Cap it

He was one of the best characters of the show though, this exiled autist who does rightfully derve the throne, doing whatever it takes through stoic determination. Killing off all the interesting characters in favor of "gurl power" shit was fucking retarded.

how longn until it airs and how do i watch it live, acestrim link or something?

oh yes, the battle over ice or some shit. A battle that happened in real life.

Also don't forget there are traitors in Ramsay's ranks (and so are some in Stannis ranks)

The battle is gonna be so awesome, I wish the fatman could finish his fucking books.

Except he didn't cry over her the entire time. He was far to busy drinking and having a bunch of bastards of his own to give a fuck about what is sicko wife was doing. And when the boar gutted him, he'd been drunk as fuck, and poisoned, and he still managed to kill it. And Ned didn't tell Robert about the 3 kids being bastards because Robert would have probably had Cersei and Jaimed killed for being traitors.

I live in NYC. Considering visiting the Burlington Bar tonight. What should I do if I show up ?