I'm really slow on the Western stuff lately with all those games and anime...

I'm really slow on the Western stuff lately with all those games and anime. I JUST realized Powerpuff Girls got a new show and Sup Forums never talks about it. Is it good? I loved the original as a kid.

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not good. the only thing its got going for it is that teen titans go is worse

Its an abomination.

>I JUST realized Powerpuff Girls got a new show
>and Sup Forums never talks about it.
>I knew Sup Forums doesn't talk about a show I never knew was a thing
I'm really dubious about this post OP.

Well if he was not on Sup Forums much for those first few months after it came out its understandable not knowing about it if he had been on the board the last few months there have been few enough threads you could miss it.

Honestly your argument does not really make any sense at all

The show has been airing for like 6 months. Tumblr of all places and many other sites have made mention of this shit show.
Either OP is a neet and hasn't been on the Internet for a year or this is his very first day to it period, you're bullshit. Stop defending.

>everyone wastes their life on internet drama

Or they have hobbies and friends

No it's a soulless pandering cash grab that pisses on the original. They couldn't even get the guy who made it back.

Your bait is notable.

Huh? What dose drama had to do with this?