The Non-Adventures of Wonderella updated.
The Non-Adventures of Wonderella
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Is it wrong if Wonderella is the only portrayal of family dynamics I can truly relate to?
>pen island
Wait Wonderita is Wonderella's kid? I always thought she was her unrelated sidekick.
>I'm sorry, darling. I thought you had game.
Would it be to morbid to publish a book thats just the last will and testament of a bunch of heros.
I would love to see constintines will he probably has to update it fucking constantly
The comic makes fun of cape comics, and the characters all are aware of the 4th wall in the same way the characters in The Tick are.
The alt text suggests its Rita being aware of the fact that she's been 20 ever since she was first introduced in Wonderella's comic ten years ago, but we know Wonderella fucks around in the timeline constantly so its still a legitimate concern.
Is Wonderella old enough to go into menopause?
Female biology has strange outliers.
The youngest mother on record was only five years old and got pregnant after her father raped her, she was taken to England and studied during her pregnancy. Women have gone into menopause only a few months after puberty begins.
Then again, its a lot easier to notice with women than with men. Even normal males can get erections as infants, and there's not really a menopause-like benchmark where it becomes apparent that the hormone levels have dropped.
Anyway yes. She could be young enough to go through menopause, although its highly unlikely prior to age 35.
Nah i figure she's like 35.
I think i would have rathered it kept to dc its not like starro lacks a herald type character.
>she was taken to England and studied during her pregnancy
If i was one of the researchers i would have spent the start of every day wondering how the fuck this happened.
Which i suppose is what most of the research was.
yeah but does it have a planet eating one?
There's room for both.
Darkseid is
A shitload of them, but none are iconic really.
Sandman kind of absorbed the spirit of Jack Kirby's aspects of the universe like the cycle of renewal and rebirth as neutral cosmic entities.
To put it into perspective, the step below the creator of the universe that is an omnipotent god and their direct servants is the "Oh shit" moment, the highest being in cosmic order you could expect to actually appear and interact with characters.
Marvel's "Oh shit" moments are Cthulu, and Chaos Gods, Shuma-Gorath and Etropy/Death/Infinity/Eternity.
In DC the "Oh shit" moment is just evil incarnate and good incarnate, plus the ultimate expression of meta writing. Darkseid and Trigon, Highfather and X'hal, plus the multiversal controller of imagination and writing itself in Morpheus.
There's also the fact that DC REALLY REALLY REALLY went overboard with rebooting timelines and alternate universes. Marvel kept a floating timeline, allowing them to stay in the "present". DC addressed changing times by rebooting reality to a new "present". That doesn't work with a character like Galactus, who was the last survivor of the universe that preceded ours and will consume all of our own universe eventually until a new big bang occurs which creates a new universe that will have a new Galactus who was the last survivor of our own.
This one just makes me sad i want kids to read comics again
Oops forgot pic
I've been waiting for the next wonderella thread.
Would you bear his child Sup Forums
I'd take it in the ass for Fjord
Oh my god this is fantastic
I fucking love Fantomah and Stardust and all those old lunatic comics.
It was never DC-centric, she's interacted with all sorts of heroes, villains and homages to official heroes and villains.
Just because Wonderella herself is a parody combination of details from Superman and Wonder Woman.
I imagine Jokerella honking as she runs away.
Nah, it's mostly DC-centric except with a Marvel cameo sometimes.
I should really hit up those archives again
Even if the equal oportunity to govern amendment had been ratified in this universe he still should not have been eligible.
Why? He was born on US soils.
No, he's clearly mexican
Oh is it meant to be a Hawaiian idol.
I just assumed he was born in the beyond but that makes more sense.
Being born in Texas or New Mexico still means you were born on US soils.
Hitlerella may be one of the best villains of all time. It feels a little odd genuinely enjoying a Nazi character.
Likely further south than that.
You don't know that.
Montezuma is an Aztec origin name and he hates Spanish Conquistadors. Screams Aztec to me.
Until I see his birth certificate, I refuse to believe he was born on US soil.
You don't need to provide a birth certificate to be president.
If Montezuma say he was born in New Mexico, that's all you need to know. He is eligible until proven to be a fraud.
>I don't have a weakness
>she says while pouring a shot
Guys, Montezuma was foreign born, but this is an Aztec statue that was reanimated by Montezuma's spirit while the statue was in the Smithsonian.
Since it's obvious that prior to be animated by the spirit, the statue could not be said to be alive and that after possession it clearly is, the time of birth for the Montezuma/statue being was the moment of said possession, which was on American soil.
Ergo, Montezuma 2016
The distinguished opposition makes some fair points.
Unless he was incarnated before January 20, 1982, AND has resided in the U.S. for at least 14 of the past 35 years, Moctezuma is constitutionally unqualified for the presidency!!
Ergo, Shark 2016.
I don't think I can get behind Shark's stance on banning beach lifeguards.
I don't thinks it's taxing the economy as much as he says.
Look, he may not have the best grasp of economic issues, but he's got a strong trans rights platform.
I'm still hoping for Cthulhu 2020
I mean if we're headed down the path of destruction and madness anyway, why not vote the guy who can get it done?
Unless he gets caught up in another boating accident
>Vague message of change
>Death to Spaniard conquistadors
Holy shit it's Trump
>The black woman becomes a sassy, jive-talking cat.
oddly enough i would read that.
>Would it be to morbid to publish a book thats just the last will and testament of a bunch of heros.
Wonderella's amazing.
>final panel
Select the gun, then select your horse.
>another loser with a webcomic hating on DC
When is Marvel hiring him?
You don't even know how wrong you are, dumbass. Wonderella is a fucking joy.
That's how a lot of people who've watched JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 2 feel.
This is actually a damn good point. DC could resurrect Vertigo just to get that tasty Coors and Dos Equis money.
Does Trump know the difference between Spanish and Hispanics?
It might actually be true there.
Because Nazis represent the hammiest villains from the golden age of comics.
A lot of writers do too. Fantomah also appeared in Hack/Slash for that reason.
FantomahXStardust when?
>seems straight enough
>Hiterella has thought about how straight the heroines are
Deeply closeted Nazi tbqh
>August 26 marks ten years of Wonderella, and also the end of the weekly schedule (see Announcements for more info on that).
Eh a vague message of change is a lot of politicians.
She's public domain now, anyone can use her. I'm shocked DC and Marvel don't try to put out ongoings.
fuck. I'm going to miss it even though I forget about it from time to time. It's so amazingly consistent.
Oh my god this is amazing.
oh Fantomah, you're the greatest
wait, wasn't this exactly how obama came to power?
That's exactly how every president since the dawn of television came to power. And maybe even a few of the ones before that.
Someone needs to add schlick sounds effects to the last panel
What is wrong with their mouths?
how else would she put them in order of their degeneracy? Nazis love putting people in groups and lists
Ike Eisenhower had I think the first commercial
it was a cartoon parade that sang a song about "We Like Ike"
Sunday Brunch that week was awkward.
Her weakness is actually that she loves the 80s she says in other comics.
As long as you don't follow her twitter. She's so liberal on there it hurts.
that's incredibly disappointing, she should be apathetic or full neutral
Wonderella's always been a paper thin liberal, the comic just makes it more obvious that she doesn't mean any of it.
Hell, even the shots they're taking at each other is fucking tame compared to the older days. The first American election had the two candidates distributing pamphlets that stated that their opponent went to Church barefoot and was the child of a mulatto slave.
Don't fucking die on me thread
This is quite relevant with the recent return of superman red
Never has a single comic summed up all of my fears at once.
Fucking kek
it's cringier because this happened to me
it's happened to me too
i thought about using it
> hanging out only with pets at a party
I too missed out on grown-ups class, and thats why I post on Sup Forums
>wait, wasn't this exactly how obama came to power?
Did he shoot people in the face and make marriage mandatory for lesbians?
It's a shame that Wonderella only got to be vice president for, like, 24 hours. Her fucking up national policy would have been hilarious.
Absolutely Devo.
And once it starts it just keeps happening again and again.
August 26 marks ten years of Wonderella, and also the end of the weekly schedule (see Announcements for more info on that). I don't care to toot my lobsters, but a few people have recently asked about my favorites. Looking back, here are a few selections:
Guess Who's Coming to DINNER
Shark and Shark ALIKE
99 LuftWAFFEballons
ANIMUS Complex
LED Astray
STUCK In Your Head
It’s What’s For SINNERS
GAYS and Confused
PASTURE and Commander
While My Guitar Gently WEAPONIZES
Hook, Line and DRINKER
SUMATRA of Life and Death
Final weekly comic pops next weekend!
shit sucks that it's ending, but between all the delays over the last few years it almost feels like we lost the weeklies a long time ago
For a moment, I thought that Wonderella was actually ending, period.
I'm...hesitant about longer Wonderella stories, but I'm willing to see the idea out.
This will always be one of my favorites. Just that one single panel of Hitlerella looking non-plussed before she tries to talk again. Just gets me every time.
What were obesity rates like that year
Haha, holy shit.
Poverty actually increase obesity.
sweet jebus, how horrifying!
I love it!
I had forgotten about that one. thanks.