Late-Night Comedy Writers Frustrated They Aren’t Persuading Voters to Hate Trump

Late-Night Comedy Writers Frustrated They Aren’t Persuading Voters to Hate Trump: ‘I don’t want this job’ was the general feeling among the writers on the panel who were apparently exhausted that their oh-so-clever writing is failing to win over Trump voters.

Adding that he found Trump’s presidency “exhausting.” He said it was not fun keeping up with the never-ending news cycle.

Nangle, apparently without any sense of irony and self-awareness of her industry, said Trump is “unearthing part of our country that people didn’t know existed” because “there’s so much more hate and resentment than we possibly could have imagined … This man didn’t come out of nowhere.”

Hollywood celebrities have been some of the most vile and unhinged during Trump’s presidency, with many envisioning violence (including murder) against Trump.


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literally who

Why are liberals so out of touch?



>The entire country is racist
>Racism has to be unearthed because so few people know it exists


>Panelists included Ashley Nicole Black, a writer for “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee,” Christine Nangle, head writer for “The President Show,” Hallie Haglund, writer for “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,” and Jason Reich, head writer for “The Jim Jefferies Show.”

I think they might have 20 viewers between them.

That's because people who voted for Trump are incredibly stupid. These are the same people who think the Holocaust is a hoax.

How will the fanbase of this haggard, old, bitter, unfunny "funny-man" ever recover?

Their pets have turned against them.

Not like you though, you were smart enough to not vote.

>"Why won't those ugly racist sexist homophobic transphobic Islamophobic bigot white supremacist nazi rednecks watch our show?"

>was the general feeling among the writers on the panel who were apparently exhausted that their oh-so-clever writing is failing to win over Trump voters.
Why are you faking what it say in the actual article you linked yourself?


They'll never be world peace cuz thugs don't care

All these snarky idiots do is build up a strawman of their opposition's view and tear it down with no actual counterpoint. It's not even comedy or news; it's straight up social engineering propaganda. And people are starting to see right through it. These idiots need to stop trying to sway voters and actually do real comedy that isn't 24/7 obsessive Trump bashing.

But who am I kidding. Half these idiots probably collude with the DNC.

>elect absurd media personality blowhard
>comedians point out obvious absurdity

whoa deep thinker here


You didn't even read the OP, did you? You saw a picture of Colbert and just had to shitpost.

*blocks your presidency*

>Shlomo Sixmillionberg Interracialpornstein says:

>The real problem here is that the goyim know.
>They are not watching our media anymore.
>They are cord-cutting our cable news networks, and refusing to watch our Hollywood films.
>They are no longer spending their shekels on our anti-White, anti-Christian propaganda.
>Oy Gevalt!

which one of you fucks posted this autism?

I like it

Holy fuck that article
>"The real problem with our country is the people in our country!"

>Late-Night Comedy Writers

But voters didnt vote for Trump, the electoral college fucked Hilary over because of the Republicans gerrymandering and voter suppresion in those districts. You dont become President winning the most votes. She knows this from Obama winning previously and her husband.

Dems were too busy watching Donald when they shouldve been watching Congress gerrymander

He's right, though.

Dems should be busy being rounded up and thrown into mass graves.

Hilary won in high population blue states like they always do. This is why we need the electoral college, so 3 states don't fuck over 47.

>But voters didnt vote for Trump, the electoral college fucked Hilary over because of the Republicans gerrymandering

how would gerrymandering affect the presidential election?



Trump won the popular vote as well, it will all come out soon. If you take away the illegals in just California alone, he won the popular vote.

Also, you don't seem to understand WHY we have an electoral college. Look into it. It's precisely to keep subversive minority voting blocs in a few mega centers from dictating the vote.

304 to 227, it was a blowout.

>37% approval rating

I don't think writers need to persuade very hard.

>Believing polls


Just like Hillary had 99% chance to win right? :^)

Russians aren't trying to rig his approval ratings though.

Nobody really likes the potus in general, in every country, except north Korea.

Kim it's a cool fella.

This. Hillary lost and that's why we should get rid of the electoral college.

Your argument hinges on the idea that the minority should not dictate to the majority, yet the electoral college enabled the opposite to occur.

Also, even Gallup, those kikes, have him at 39%.

>seriously cites the washingtontimes

It didn't.
3 high population urban areas should not dictate what the entire nation needs. Blue would win literally every time unless they got some really moderate Red in there.

who is this man?

>pols that oversample Ds by +15 points
If this is the best you libtards got, you're in big trouble.

still has a hire approval rating than the media and congress.

Kid Rock of all people is demolishing the democrat running in that state.

Sorry dems, outside of New York and California you are despised by the rest of the country.

>drumpfs approval rating lower than any other president in history

they are doing fine Sup Forums back to the containment board

At the time, yeah. Those polls are a snapshot of the moment, not the all-seeing-all-knowing psychic visions you think people take them to be. So yeah, right now Trumps approval rating is in the shitter. If he did something worth applauding it would go up, but we both know that's not going to happen.

you are not very bright, huh? try learning about things from sources other than comedy shows.

do you even know what gerrymandering is? each STATE gets X amount of votes based on population. state lines are state lines, there is zero gerrymandering involved. it has always been this way. this is to avoid the dangers of a straight popular vote (a few megacities dictating the nations vote).

you're thinking about local elections (where gerrymandering does exist, both ways) or you're just a dumb ass.

>where's CNN or NYT?
>if it hasn't been confirmed by the Washington Post, it hasn't happened

Hey, it ain't hard to recognize the dominant ape.

b-b-but muh Russians

christ your such a fucking pussy

>Less people voted for trump
>These fewer people should dictate what the entire nation needs because I agree with them

I'll use CNN next time.

>this shit example of what gerrymandering is
>completely fucking wrong
you are not very bright, huh?

Stop lying.

Why would they influence people that don't watch their shitty show?

They are preaching to their choir of idiots that clap like seals.

>what the entire nation needs

The US has never elected based on popular vote. Each state tells the electorate who to vote for.

Going by full pop vote would be disastrous and leave middle America without a voice. The very left leaning coasts would run the country.

holy shit that map, it's glorious



>The Black Belt


It doesn't matter anyways, if the dems had lost the popular vote and won the electoral college they would be saying the same thing as the repubs are saying now and the repubs would be crying on and on about muh popular vote.

his average approval rating is, which means nothing. of the past five president GHW Bush had the highest average and was a 1 term President. Obama had the second lowest, but is somehow considered "the most popular president ever". democrats should be worried that constant anti-trump propaganda still cant get him below 40 percent

>3 women and a jew

Everything is an echo-chamber these days due to how our media works. Conservatives don't understand that Liberals aren't exposed to their arguments about Clinton, the DNC, etc... Lilberals don't understand that Conservatives aren't exposed to their arguments about Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign, Trump property money laundering schemes, etc... You self-select what you want to hear and see and 99% of the time you're not bothering to listen or watch shit that disagrees with you. Having someone tell you that you're right, your opinions are smart opinions are smart opinions and the people you hate are dumb and ugly and wrong makes you feel good.

At least they are admitting that they aren't doing comedy and are just doing anti-trump propaganda.

Here's an idea, bring in some non-jews to do some actual comedy.

notice anything, goys?

It didn't. nice try kikey mckikerson

How come they don't understand they're cut from the same cloth?

i find most political humor to be too easy, too on the nose. I am not a fan of trump, but I don't hate him and hearing the same jokes night after night about him is boring

What a fucking faggot.

Nixon had 26% approval rating after he was forced to resign for being a crook. Some people will never stop supporting their guy or girl regardless of what they do. Trump could probably kill a veteran in the middle of a public square, shit on his corpse and scream "I love nigger dick" and he'd still have 20-30% approval.

that webm. top fucking kek

you're literally retarded

we're talking about the national election, there's is zero gerrymandering involved, it's purely state by state as a whole

go back to colbert's youtube channel, reddit

>Conservatives aren't exposed to their arguments about Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign, Trump property money laundering schemes, etc

Or we are, looked it up, saw the links are tenuous at best and ultimately mean nothing and moved on with laughing at the people saying "any day now"

>that image
ultra mega hyper cringe

Just because people disapprove of your guy doesn't mean that they approve of the other guy. This is what democrats fail to understand.

still better than hillary

t. kike

Goddamn, tell me about it. Back in the early days of Colbert/Stewart, at least their shows would focus on things that, while slanted, weren't known to the layperson. Now it's just the same stupid Trump jokes we've been hearing as long as he's been a celebrity.

Hispanics are divided as shit, some high hispanic areas are pure blue and some areas are pure red, while high black areas are pure blue
Explain this shit

exactly. Nixon also had a 70 percent approval at one point. approval numbers change by the day and mean nothing. the problem for democrats is Trump appears to have a floor at 40 percent of the country. An incumbent president who only needs to win over 5 to 10 percent of the country at any time is probably terrifying to the democrat leadership. Hence their hysteria.

One of the liberal's earliest arguments was a fanfiction that Sup Forums made to give to buzzfeed and Rachel Manjaw with Trump's tax returns.

half of the country didn't even vote out of apathy or complete disgust with both parties and their candidates.

>Polls about Trump

The States legislatures draw up the districts not congress.
That is what happens when you lose 1000 plus seats in state and federal govt over 8 years.
You become irrelevant.

Like the dems are now.

you mean le orange raycist xenophobic, sexits, bad hair XD comedy bores you?

t. captain reddit, r/the_donald edition

They are probably driving more people towards trump