Is Lex Luthor really the bad guy?

Is Lex Luthor really the bad guy?

New 52 is hero, so no.

yes, Luthor is the bald guy

40 of them.


Johns please go and take your fanficition with you

And clean up after yourself, jesus

yes he is bad, he is a corrupt business man, who constantly tries to murder superman, the only guy keeping braniac from destroying earth, in addition to murdering ordinary people

he funds illegal weapons, and research into morally questionable sciences, and then sells it under the table to intergang, or even the joker, with whom he made a deal to murder superman.

He is extremely petty, jealous, and egotistical, who almost let the world be hit with a radiocative meteorite because he couldn't anyone other than him saving the world

He claims to be a regular joe, in contrast to the ubermensch superman, and yet considers himself far above the average joe, in contrast to superman, who simply wants to help and inspire people

Better question is, who was the better Lex? JL/JLU Lex or YJ Lex?


just because they were able to flesh him more out


Is this the movie where he tries to bone the wall?

Lex x Waller OTP

Why don't they make Agent 47 animated movies?

He's just a jealous guy.

No, he is the Earth greatest hero


Yes he could have accepted supes's apology but he would rather pester him

Why doesn't Superman just kill Lex Luthor?

depends on the iteration


Depending on the iteration, Lex has done far far more for humanity than Supes ever did.

He isn't.

Any news on YJ s3? I think I heard something a few months ago.

When you remove interactivity from the Hitman games you're left with nothing.


Red Son Lex as he actually did something for humanity at the end

Lex represents human innovation, the strive for progress. He wants humanity to evolve and adapt.

In Superman Lex sees Stagnation. Because why should humanity progress, when there is superman who can do literally everything they can do times ten?

So when did you buy Google, Lex?

That's terrible

Not really. That's what Lex tells himself, that he's human innovation, but what Lex is is the human drive for dominance. He needs to be top dog. Whenever superman goes down in one way or another, Lex never does anything else - because he doesn't need to. Without Superman, he's now top dog, and he doesn't need innovation anymore.


This is a very easy question.

where's that cure for cancer, Lex?

>Implying he doesn't have an ulterior motive to being a hero
Have you ever read something with Luthor? He doesn't do things that won't benefit him



He only had one, and he used it to cure himself from all that Kryptonite poisoning.

Well in old continuity he had a full year where Superman was dead/gone and he only did shit to prepare for Supe's eventual return instead of being the paragon of humanity and lifting them up out of the dirt. So yes. He is the big bad bald baddie.



Dumb question: This is Lex Luthor: Man of Steel, right?

Lex Isn't evil , he's just grey

>Is Lex Luthor really the bad guy?
Remember who he originally was in the beginning; a guy who wanted to be rich, but then waste all his efforts trying to make money through extravagant petty crimes that Superman stops. (The Donner Lex Luthor is basically that type.)

At some point the writers had a Doctor Evil moment, in that they realised that Lex could already be rich if he just start selling some of his inventions legitimately. So they changed him into a wealthy man who desires power. This change made Lex far less obviously insane than before. And far more believable that he would walk freely in broad daylight despite being a supervillain.

Hmmmmm, is billionaire who kidnaps children, cuts of their limbs and creates clones to live their lives for them a bad guy?

He then proceeds by shadow manipulating alien invasion.

That is if you mean YJ Lex specifically, generally, yes, no matter how much Azzarello will try to convince me about "Supes can't be humanity's ceiling!", he's just jealous of Supes like petty fuck he is

>Lex wants to be a black guy
But why?

>implying luthor believes for a second that anyone else is his equal

So he can make Superman look like a racist.

So Lois can hop on his dick instead of Clark's.


For you

Unlike Dr. Doom, any altruistic motives Lex may claim to have are undermined by his petty actions and his total disregard for his fellow man.

>Lex represents human innovation, the strive for progress. He wants humanity to evolve and adapt.

No he doesnt, do casuals really think what lex says is truth?

Yes Lex Author is a bad guy.

There was a time when Superman wasn't around for like a month, so Lex decides to test something out to see if Supes is really out of the way.
He sets up a quicky launch into space. Gets a astronaut team and a rocket and he launches them into orbit.
As they're in space, the astronaut team then pretends to be in peril (rigged to look like they lost control and were gonna crash, as per Lex's instruction).
As the astronauts sent out broadcasts for Superman to save them, they waited but Supes never shows up.
So the astronauts decide to set everything back so they don't crash for reals, only to find out Lex rigged it to truly be out of control.
The astronauts all crash and die, and cause of Lex's plan to make Superman look bad because these innocent victims died screaming for Superman to save them and their precious hero simply let them die by never coming.

So yes, Lex Luthor is a bad guy.

Hey remember the time during Fifty Two, the event about the year Supes was gone for, Lex uses the corpse of Alexander Luthor of Earth 3 to blame all his evil past on like some evil doppelganger and come off clean slate.
And so Lex uses his new found freedom to start up a program that would allow normal humans the ability to activate their Metagene and become new superheroes.
And so Lex has people lined around the block, spending their life savings to see their sons and daughters become the new heroes of Earth.
Lex is so on top he creates his own little JL, which includes Steel's niece as an extra FU to him.
But Lex keeps getting but thief because he is not capable of giving himself superpowers cause his tests keep coming back negative, and as an extra insult after buying his entire superteam new sports cars, none of them bought him anything for Christmas.
And so one week later, while all the new super kids were flying around in a New Years Eve parade, Lex decided to sit up on his roof, martini in hand and in right at the stroke of midnight TURN OFF ALL THE KIDS POWERS AND WATCH THEM FALL TO THEIR DEATHS AS THE RAIN OF THE SUPERMEN.

So fuck your Lex is a hero shit.

Lex is the hero the humanity needs. And someday Superman is going to show him the way.

Even Clark admits Lex can do stuff for humanity that he is incapable of.

And the entire point that Superman meant slips by your head

YJ Lex. He was smooth, a charmer, and while he had a hateboner for Superman as well, he kept it under control and didn't let it get to him.