Why does this guy get so much hate?

Why does this guy get so much hate?

Surely at worst he's still useful for redpilling normies? Shifting he Overton window etc.

Entry level redpill. He's not extreme enough or blunt enough for pol to really like him en masse

>urely at worst he's still useful for redpilling normies
Literally no one knows about him

imo he manages to keep the red-pills humorous and normie accessible. A lot of his points on women and women in the workforce are pretty spot on as well, no matter how many red-pills you've eaten.

He is a degenerate.

>openly admits to coke use
>self admitted alcoholic

He's a degenerate. Sometimes I wonder if he even bemieves in what comes out of his mouth because he is such a degenerate.

he's reformed catholic now

So what? He still does coke and is an alcoholic. What does being a Catholic have to do with anything? Btw hia family are Scottish so I highly doubt his Scottish family are even Catholic. They are probably Anglican.

I cant stand him

He doesn't, the fuck are you talking about?

Every thread about him has anons saying he's good for redpilling hipsters.

You guys suck off dogs and you think he's a degenerate. He's the only Canadian to call that shit out kek, probably why you hate him..

He has a weird looking wiener

I like him

also check'em

whiny stefan lite.

Were you not here when he made out with the jew faggot?

Bashes video games and porn.

Sup Forums hates all of it's allies
>black pigeon
>sargon of akkad
>that jew who always wears the jew hat

name one alt right leader Sup Forums doesn't shit on.

>Sup Forums hates all of it's allies
>>black pigeon
>>sargon of akkad
>>that jew who always wears the jew hat
>name one alt right leader Sup Forums doesn't shit on.

Milo is actually based. Molyneuex is a bit grating after a while, but I like him too. Steven Crowder is okay, give him a few years of Hillary presidency and he'll be full nationalist capitalist

>Sup Forums hates opportunists who are just looking for a quick buck

Can you post pics? He is pretty hot.

>Alt right

didn't this guy literally fuck himself in the ass on air?


he's a degenerate

and he's not a millennial

not one of us