>ben assfuck as batman >pretty boi joker looking like hot-topic and juggalos made love >aquaman a brunette alchy >flash has black hair >entire justice league is brunette >kill superman and show that hes not dead last second of the movie >lex zuckerberg >robins already dead >will never have a boy robin >entire justice league discovered on teh deepweb >baitman kills >alfred is tony stark >damaged
good job warner
Isaiah Phillips
>will never have a boy robin Do we know about Affleck's feelings on the subject? Maybe he will make a Robin in his own movie.
Sebastian Powell
I'm more looking forward to Injustice 2 than Justice League. That's fucking sad.
Nathaniel Bailey
Hourly reminder that in BvS Terrio and Snyder have crafted the best deconstruction since Watchmen.
Gavin Lopez
It's sad because Injustice is terrible but JL looks more terrible, right?
Jackson Martinez
You mean they mimicked the deconstruction of Watchmen but without a coherent plot to support it
Jaxson Moore
>he can't follow a straightforward comic book movie plot
Angel Scott
Camden Young
Colton Anderson
there was enough cgi in bvs to be considered a fucking cartoon get rekt, son