Sup Forums is a cult. CULT OF FROG GOD?

Watch the vid, think.
I gotta say lot of main principles of cult are well apparent in Sup Forums behavior.

But I bet most of you kids gonna spit cuck memes at Sargon without even lookin at vid.

Other urls found in this thread:

But Sup Forums was here way before the retarded frog demon was even spoken of.

it's over


Frog God is love.
Frog God is life.

Îf ddübs, KEK is with Hillary

Kek was always present

Praise KEK give of repeating digits. Stay fucking mad KEK-haters.

Don't worry kids, Kek will consume you as well.

Those whom Kek favors most are eaten first on the great and terrible day of happening.

kek forever

The definition of cult here is much too broad and overlaps normal human behaviour. My relationship with my parents is a cult by these standards, utterly worthless.


I dont hate on KEK, HE brings habbening on tho my enemies.
Im just saing Sup Forums bahave in some ways like cult.
Feminazis are cultis for sure, Nurgle or Tzeentch orgin.
Fair point. So we made him and now he afect us?
I know thinking is hard britbong but its methaphor, an example of what drives those people. No one said having parents is cult.

What was shown in this vid is core values cults like to exploit and twist.
Watch it more carefuly.

>Sarcuck of Mossad
And into the trash it goes, Janusz.

>>>Sup Forums is a cult. CULT OF FROG GOD?

t. moron who dosnt read description

Each day you provide more reasons to wish for your fall murica.
He sumarised book, posted key elements.
You discard whole book and scientific research just cuz it isnt on a plate with fries delivered by bit tited bimbo.

You are cancer.

>we made him


Praise KEK

Fuck off Sargon, your wife's daughter is crying.

>our amphibious omniscience is not changing the world


I haven't seen a kek summoning in weeks
What gives?

Sup Forums is a board of peace.

Kek summoning??

Repeat the Psalm

speak for yourself, sausage, im a Catholic.

May the mercy of Kek touch those that speaks ill of Him.