What's stopping you

What's stopping you

Because I don't look like a bodybuilder or have a perfect face. Why even bother?

I fail at just being myself

Just work out and get yourself some muscles bro

>just lift and use steroids bro it's easy

A roastie made that comic


You don't need a perfect face as women have diverse tastes.
But if you're a funny guy that's cool to hang out with and aren't a slob than chances are most normal girls will consider you dating material.


Sure thing normie. No one gets laid my country unless they're 2 metres tall, assuming they're not millionaires or bodybuilders.

You are retarded.

Are you just disregarding the whole strata of ugly men and women doing it with each other. Of course women can get lucky, and end up with someone out of their league more easily but that's about it.

Nice try roastie. 80% of women go for 5% of men

Less men end up having sex true, but this is delusional.

me too

I'm not a cute boy.

I want a bf now a whore.

It's not "be yourself", "be a man" is a more correct statement. Men and women are naturally attracted to each other, shocking I know. This is why you act like a man, be assertive, just act like how you normally would around your lads. Even if you're not ugly, behaving like a meek boi who's intimidated by the sheer presence of women won't get anyone to like you.

what if you're ugly

Girls flirt first if they want you to talk to them

Sitting down next to a girl on the bus or train or whatever and immediately flirting with her is creepy shit single thirty y/o men do

Sleep tight taters.

Crippling social anxiety

A good reason. Meet girl, get appointments to meet at, buy nice expensive clothes for dates, move in together, fight or become a cuck, get kids... Fuck, kids last a lifetime... All the time maintain yourself and your kids, work 5 days a week.
Parents are maniacs.

I don't want to go outside.
And this

>be a man, BRO

i'm ugly

netbooks are dead

Just hit the gym bros, how well you do in life and with women is entirely up to YOU!

Real advices would tell you how to decode women body language.

Fat, ugly, poor.

>sitting next to a girl and flirting is “creepy”
this is why nobody takes girls seriously.

I’m diagnosed with Aspergers. what do?

I want a bf

>stares at girl to try to decode body langague
>"why are you staring at me, creep?

Come here yellow man.

>at school
>staring at the board, trying to read something
>girl comes in late
>i'm still staring at the board
>"don't stare at me you weirdo!"
>face goes red and i look down