What's Sup Forums's opinion on BoJack Horseman?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on BoJack Horseman?
Normies think it's deep
Why do people like this? Its family guy except with even more emphasis on sex
It's brilliant,
it's a masterpiece
best animated series of all time
I watched the first episode and didn't find it funny whatsoever
Does it get better? I know pilots sometimes can be worse/different than the show as a whole
Its an option for "adults" who like to watch flash cartoons.
Took my 6 episodes to really start to get it.
It got me to watch John from Cincinnati so there's that, but I gave up on it before season 3
Pure unadulterated 4chancore experience.
>show about depression
>literally first episode shows him rich, awesome house, best friend, girlfriend, and banging young hot sluts
Yeah, nah.
It's hard to get through the first 6 episodes but after that it's great
You can be rich, have an awesome house, a best friend, a girlfriend, bang young hot sluts and still be depressed user
it's a disease
Whats your point bro?
reddit garbage
F is for Family is better.
My point is that you can be depressed and have none of that. Makes it hard to relate.
Still love the line
Kid: hey, dad, whats foe dinner
Dad: Free, fucking food.
It's the show Rick and Morty could be if they really upped their game.
Its just another pleb tier show that fetishizes depression in a postmodern time where everyone thinks their special.
I think its really well done
Bojack acknowledges what horrible pieces of shit it's characters are
Family Guy just celebrates it
i don't get it either. it's not funny, the drama is really stupid, and the voice acting is bad. what the fuck do people like about this? there's nothing there. i watched 1.5 seasons of it and just gave up because i couldn't force myself to watch it any further
I'm pretty sure they outright acknowledge that's what Bojack does. They even say the term "fetishize sadness" multiple times
I like it, great theme tune.
>Bocuck Redditman
I think it's a very realistic and funny portrayal of the depression that consumerist nihilism can bring.
I think they strike a good balance of making me care about the characters while not expecting me to have a whole lot of sympathy for them.