What's with Hollywood's (or the west in general) recent obsession with adopting anime/manga? Ghost in the Shell, Blame!, Cowboy Bebop and now One Piece, and these are the ones I know and I've barely been paying attention, god knows how many I've missed. It seems that every previous attempts at this have been complete failures (DB Evolution, GitS). It's also obvious that this medium doesn't translate well into 3D no matter how much CGI you sprinkle on top of it, so why won't (((they))) leave muh animey alone?
What's with Hollywood's (or the west in general) recent obsession with adopting anime/manga? Ghost in the Shell, Blame!...
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t. 17 year old
>it seems
Anime is for degenerates.
Hey, Speed Racer was good.
That shit was seizure inducing.
Jap comics sell more than the top 2 western comic publishers.
For One Piece particular, they want to do this by the sheer insane money it's doing in japan (because the products/parks etc) and not by the comic. this reeks of suits being retarded.
t. Sup Forums poster with a BLACKED subscription
Anime has become a more "accepted" and mainstream hobby in general with the advent of Netflix making it easier for people to see more anime. People know what it is and recognize it as a more serious form of cartoons for all ages, rather than simply lumping it in with cartoons and dismissing it as being simply for children or nerds. It's no surprise that Hollywood is trying to take advantage of this now that it won't be laughed off as childish, especially with the recent popularity of comic book films. Whether they will ever find success remains to be seen, but it can't be denied that anime is much more accepted and respected these days, even if shitposters will try to claim otherwise. Also, you missed the upcoming adaptation of Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm.
But yes, like said, anime is more popular in mainstream society than it was in the past, hence why it's being commercialized more and more.
For example, while comic-book movie adaptations aren't new, they became big in the 2000s and now pretty much almost all big movies are superhero movies
Prepare to see more movies and tv shows based off of your favorite anime
anime fans have always been cheap with their money and always pirated their shit, so I hope they won't start now, so they'll realize it's not profitable and fucking lay off.
The West has no culture.
Younger people are all obsessed with japanese media (manga, anime, videogames etc.)
East and West have very different storytelling structure and characters, so both sides are interested in the others stories because they are something new and different.
West is usually more about the individual rising up. Think the lone gunman who comes to town, breaks the rules, and ultimately saves the day from the bad guys.
East is more about the group working together to achieve more than an individual could. Stories usually have an individual rising up and being stopped, only to have a small group (hiw crew) or large group (the town) rally up together with them, working together to save the day.
Both are good stories. Both are interesting in their own way. So both cultures enjoy each others stories. The problem is when shitty writers don't understand these cultural differences and try to tell a western story with eastern story frame or vice versa. Then you get Dragon Ball Evolution.
They will start now, because Netflix and Crunchyroll created a new anime audience stupid enough to pay for shit and think that anime has become mainstream recently, like these tools
I have still no idea how they could adapt One Piece into a live action movie. You would have better luck adapting Popeye or something
>Hollywood's (or the west in general)
>and now One Piece
I'm pretty sure the live action is just going to be japs, nothing to do with Hollywood.
Japanese live action is total dogshit now. I saw those garbage SnK movies. Shin Godzilla sucked too.
>Japanese live action is total dogshit now
japanese live action has always been shit
>Shin Godzilla sucked
one of the best catastrophe movies I've ever seen
excellent soundtrack and portrayal of a government dealing with an impossible and unpredictable situation
Which character gets blackwashed?
Since Harry Potters, Hollywood has been snatching up the film rights to any IP was an already established audience because it guarantees that people will watch the movie in theaters. It's a concept called "Pre-awareness"
Usopp and Brook, obviously, Aokiji too, if he's in the show.
Usopp since he already is black
the hollywood machine needs a set number of guaranteed hits and flops every year else it'll collapse. The hits and flops need to be predictable as well.
This is why the indie genre was created, mid-budget was destroyed, and the number of "chance" films that have been put out has been zero in recent memory.
>Cowboy Bebop
Can't they stop ruining the things I like.
They'll make Robin darker or tan despite her being canonically white.
And yes she was tan in her first appearance because the anime fucked up. In the manga she was always white.
They don't want to take risks so they prefer sequels, remakes and adaptations of IP's with established fan bases.
Calling it now, they'll cast a black guy for zoro.
And when they do autists will whine about how it should've been some other ethnicity they don't give a shit about because Sup Forums is made up of whiny faggots.
if Sioux indians want movie roles maybe they should fucking audition.
>Another bomb incoming
I thought kikes were smart with moneis. Why do they keep doing adaptations that will bomb on the box office?
GitS bombed, Dragon Ball bombed, Death Note will only make money because Netflix pays the bill. The only semi succesful movie was Edge of Tomorrow and basically because Tom carried it with no references to the jap version.
I remember 80's Astro Boy being my favourite cartoon back in the day. Barely remember it but the nostalgia is still strong enough to overlook the mid 2000's ultra vanilla rehash. If they could reboot it again, WITHOUT western overlords (partners, would've been better) I'd throw enough money at them for the BD's and DVD's, at least.
Just read Pluto.
Anime is Anime, they should never even try because they always end up casting the shittiest people to play characters. I'll give credit where credit is do, Ghost in a shell wasn't that bad and they really did come close.
why when the guy with the long nose is clearly black
I've seen alot of Eastern adaptations of Western media that I feel actually improve on the source material, there are zero Western adaptations of Eastern works that have done the same. Based on that I personally feel the Eastern style is superior.
Western ideologies (such as Feminism) and japanese manga/animation will not mix.
Purists (the only people who will watch Japanese anime live action movies) will be pissed.
what the fuck are you taking about, gits adaptation was watered down garbage
Well look at that.
>perfectly timed question/answer
how the fuck is one piece going to translate to live action?
it's going to be DB Evolution tier.
Why couldn't they just let Studio Ghibli adapt it
Why are they even making a live adaptation if the series isn't even fucking over yet.
tv show probably
One Piece is going to take at least another ten years to end. We are barely over halfway.
>getting stupid chinks to play most of the main characters in FMA.
why is japan so dumb
2 bombs weren't enough apparently.
Cant see one piece happening at all, unless it goes down the dragon ball evolution route.
>the west has no culture
>aside from American movies and TV, French cuisine, British movies and TV, Italian cars, German cars and industry, every great fantasy novelist the world has ever seen being English, the incredible library of literature, non fiction, and even fucking comic books coming out of the US and Europe
Sure Patel, no culture in the west
and yet your youth prefers Japanese art
really makes you think
Welcome to our realistic world, I mean who wouldn't want to live in a fantasy cartoon land where we get the girl and become the hero.
>it's an "user shares his autism with the world" episode