Why was Suicide Squad such a mess?
Why was Suicide Squad such a mess?
capeshit is ALWAYS a mess, no exceptions
Because you're a dumb nigger cunt
New Mummy looking good
I tried watching it the other day. Fell asleep right after that witch thing got her heart back.
What a shitty movie.
Pick one
hahahahahaha what oscar did that crap win?
>that weird hip swivel she kept doing
yikes and yowza
Why did it make so much money despite being a pile of dogshit? Now, you'll get a sequel that will be even worse and make even more money.
This was before the chinese money laundering was found out.
kill yourself
Terribly designed minions, too many characters introduced at once, and some awkward writing
Corporate meddling
It made a lot more money than it had any right to, honestly.
The soundtrack CD and general merchandise sales were insane.
It was watchable, I watched the extended tough, the needs that bit of character development to make sense.
It was great of them, to make a movie out of an obscure comic and they obviously required character introduction time.
Shit movies do great all the time, not really a surprise
It's because they used the wrong villain. The SS is no match for a non-retarded Enchantress. Teleportation + mind control is a broken powerset if you put the slightest thought into using it effectively. But a bunch of basically unpowered humans has to win, so the Enchantress is jobbing with short range telekinesis + zombie army. Why can't they send the regular army instead? They have actual guns, instead of a sword or a fucking boomerang. But apparently they're all a bunch of retards too, crashing helicopters for no good reason etc, despite being competent in previous DCEU. Harley is the most effective combatant because she somehow escaped the mass stupidity afflicting everyone else.
The Suicide Squad should have fought the Joker. We could have had interesting Harley vs Joker scenes. The SS are naturally suited to working in the criminal underworld. They need to be fighting fucked up humans, not supernatural threats.
Foreigners have awful taste. Intl saves every crap flick
Writer only had 6 weeks to write script
Excuse me but cpaeshit does very good in the US. Wonder Woman made more in the US than in the world combined
What are some films where the cute bad girl wins?
I would tap that dirty thousand year old whore.
Just imagine how thirsty she would be after all that time.
Her pussy would just kegel your penis to submission.
Best Picture.
thats because americans are a bunch of sheeps that will watch what CNN and Fox is telling them to watch.
MUH FEMINISM makes this a good film. Switch that cunt for Captain America and you officially have the worst MCU movie.
Wonder Woman is hot garbage.
People kept saying it was great, watched a torrent last week. It's fuckin trash.
I agree completly. The Enchantress is way to op an opponent for ss. She could go toe to toe with any non celestial being and win.
i would fuck her so hard, like holy shit how can someone look so attractive?
Wrong concept. They just made a normal recipe superhero flick. It didn't work because they had to introduce too many heros at once. The even bigger mistake was to make these low tier heros, with almost no real superpowers, fight an OP villain, and have them save the world. Makes no sense on different levels. First, because it plays in DCs extended universe, so if a villain was such a big thread to the earth, some actualy superhero would step in. And second, because the SS heros are just not strong enough to take on the villain.
Here is what it should have been. A simple heist movie. Make them steal something from the Joker. No one dies. Really keep to the heist structure, so you can comfortably fit in all the heros while making them interesting by having them perform special tasks that suit their skills/powers. As a heist movie, they could have emphasized on making it stylish and cool, how it seemed like they intended to.
I just want to cuddle and put my ear on her chest and fall sleep there
That's only true if you like dudes
im a girl, does that count?
It's meant to appeal to women and it did, successfully.
I found this a lot more than the last bunch of Marvel films I saw (Cap 2, Avengers 2), which I found pretty hard to sit through. The latest Marvel and DC I haven't even touched. Suicide Squad was fine.
it was made for the fans
>I found this a lot more than the
English, motherfucker
It tried marketing itself like it was Guardians of the Galaxy, except when people went to go see it, it didn't have anything fun, it was all boring characters.
What did she mean by this?
>Liking SKWAD more than The Winter Soldier
>SS did 320 in the US, which is 43% of its total
>Finished number 10 WW and number 9 in the US
You can blame the F&F and Transformers movies on the foreigners, but the US is what made Suicide Squad a hit. Overseas, it only had a slightly over average performance. I mean, it made 120 million less than BvS overseas, but only 25 million less in the US, and it made 320 million less than Civil War overseas, while only 80 million less in the US.
It didn't know what it wanted to be other than fan service. Honestly, I got halfway through and bailed. And Leto cringed my balls right off. They're gone.
I will always love WW for triggering faggots like this.
Dcucks are THIS desperate !!??
Liking SS at all.
As if she could even make me cum, pleb.
best crocodile
Excuse me, enjoyable.
The latest films are all identical, even X-Men which I used to like. It feels computer generated. It's just so super bland.
best original screenplay
Cara got a best supporting actress award.
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
only this.
she rides em
I saw half if it the other day.
Based on what I heard I expected it to suck but I didn't think it would be so fucking BORING.
fucking kek
normies misread the trailer and thought it was going to be a GotG tier quipfest with good CGI
Unfortunately they were completely wrong, since Suicide Squad is a GotG quipfest with bad CGI
Cause it's directed by a talentless hack.
People were tricked into thinking it was a good movie, many people only realized it was shit until they saw it
Blame it on studio meddling, DC and Warner saw Deadpool and they just reshot the movie into a generic mess with shitty humor
>Walk in on this
>At first think she's trying to be sexy
>Realize she is actually taking a shit on your floor
>She never breaks her gaze while spraying all over your carpet
What would you do?
Didn't all the trailers portray it as a batman and joker movie?
cara delevingne is literally poison
no im poison
one scratch from me an its lights out
I forgot all about that. Cover art isn't wrong, I guess.
What could've been.
Throwing the footage to a trailer house company for editing didn't help, either. That's why it's such a literal disjointed mess.
cause it's the wb
>"Okay Cara, just be yourself."
No, Batman was in a single scene in the trailers.
It did look as if Joker was going to be a much bigger part of the movie though.
This movie didn't even get released in China. What does China have to do with this?
Marvelcucks eternally BTFO
>dat non existent waistline and hips
Who in the actual fuck has said it was great
to be fair Winter Solider isn't good
Wipe her ass with my tongue
>he doesnt know