those preservatives must surely be dead by now
Hola Redditito
What television show are you talking about? Seems like you're talking about a sauce.
>not understanding this is a sophisticated advertising campaign from McDonald's
what does Mcdonalds serve that uses szechuan sauce?
I'm a flaming gay faggot now thanks to Rick and Morty. Thanks, you fucking cucks
Nothing, this is just a meme sauce for promoting a meme show.
Szechuan Sauce having a place in McDonalds is like insisting Bacon can be eaten at every meal.
>insisting Bacon can be eaten at every meal
It can be. It will just have negative effects.
>what are chicken nuggets
>meme sauce
nah I like it when I make rice, adds a bit of a kick
>insisting Bacon can be eaten at every meal.
Thank fucking god the bacon meme is dead. Absolutely hated the le bacon flavored toothpaste wearing my bacon themed socks in a bacon themed hat XP reddit garbage
Szechuans sauce is epic bro... Not like bacon....
i wish this wasnt fake so bad
>Have a show that gets hailed as groundbreaking
>The viewership is getting bigger and bigger
>Drop an episode on April Fools
>Use that highly anticipated Episode to promote a McDonalds product.
>McDonalds comes out the winner with people taking more interest in their former product.¨
>They then pay you for that promotion which was worth atleast a million in a fucking sauce.
>Then promote them again on twitter and give them even more good will.
the creators are retarded man children.
the marketing for this show is literally r*ddit. this is getting embarrassing
>It will just have negative effects
i seriously doubt that, unless it's a ridiculous huge amount
did you forget to drink your szechuan packet today, boy?
what does szechuan sauce actually taste like?
>(((and morty)))
What the fuck did they actually mean by this?
it's a little spicy
>white people
it tastes like reddit
>(((and Morty)))
>what did (((they))) mean by this?
least I don't have to eat prison food nigger
Morty's the character is supposedly Jewish, though in the show Jerry's family is protestant and Beth's family Hispanic catholic
>Live action Mulan movie in the works
>"""""Somehow""""" Justin Roiland remembers a obscure shitty promo item that McDicks used to serve during the original Mulan's release
>reddit trying to use memes they don't understand
Are you the least bit surprised?
WOW EPIC MEME BOMB FRIEND. You win the interwebz XD. Time to pack it up 4gag. See you some other time space dingos ;(
God I love how absolutely assmad Sup Forums gets over this show.
r u ok
you should have seen the janny. absolutely assblasted.
Narwahl meat slathered in aids and bacon.
pickle rick
This is, and excuse me for swearing, h*lla epic!
Fuck the janny. The entire board should be /pickle rick/ general when the new episode releases. Get on it swaglord.
Why the fuck does he always fucking look like that? What the fuck is wrong with him? At least Hollyjews know to use pretty people in media, why are jewtubers so stupid?
explain yourself right now dumb dumbs
Mild sweet & sour sauce
t. reddit
It's the other way around. Rick and Morty is trying to get a free ride off McDonald brand recognition. If you think about it, why would McDonald's chose Rick and Morty as a tool of advertising over all others? Surely there must be plenty of shows that has a broader audience and less possible negative association.
1 month later
>Buzzfeed: YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS! McDonalds totally brought back this after 10 years!
>Unilad: THEY DID IT, Mcdonalds brought back our favorite sauce
>Did you know: After 10 years, McDonalds has brought szechuan sauce for limited time only.
>Hebrew Times: פרסומת בדמות האינטרנט. גוי ייפול על זה.
>haha funny corporation tweets xD
>Advertisement in the form of the Internet. A gentile will fall for it
>goy falls for viral marketing
I bet Reddit is shitting themselves right now
Bags of sand
salty milk
>didn't even post it
we've reached a level beyond capping your own posts
u mad, kid?
lol a good episode would be if they dunk Pickle Rick in the sauce... cracking up with laughter here...
>I want to buy your product
>haha fuck off you dumb nigger
wow what a brilliant marketing strategy
literally SQUEALING - sooo fr*cken epic!
Really gets that noggin jogging
Ha Ha. Fuck you, Erik.
I just bought $15k in McDonalds™ shares
Spicy teriyaki. That's literally it.
i can't tell if they're mocking rick and morty or not
>Can't afford decent cuts so he slathers his meat in spice to hide the rancid flavor.
We get it, you have delicate tastebuds whitey.
synthesized bbc flavor, that's why reddit and tumblr like it so much
So funny
fucking hell buddy
totinos and sonic the hedgehog are the only ones that are pretty decent at their meme game, especially because they came way before the rest started doing it.
Destroy what's left of them
Snore. Wake me when we locate the lamb sauce
Only sub 80 IQ retards eat McDonalds
>oh and by we i mean me :)
It's fucking szechuan sauce, they sell it at every grocery store.
you're eating there right now then?
It was part of a promotional tie-in for the movie Mulan back in the late 90's. Obviously it was discontinued after that movie stopped being shown in cinemas.
preservatives don't "die" you fucking idiot. why don't you go back to Sup Forums and bitch about white genocide or Hillary Clinton or some shit sweetie, ok?
We did it reddit!
Stupid SJW poster
what is this about? the label is super cringey. did some guy from some cartoon sold a sauce to McDonald's? fill me in.
>talks about food preservation
>somehow is politically linked
god, it must be cruel being american
>the label is super cringey
it's literally a generic mcdonalds sauce jug? how the fuck can it be cringe?
You are super cringey