>If people find themselves complaining about Mary Jane’s ethnicity they have lives that are too good.
>I can't respond to the racists - I'm not ever going to change their minds. But for the thoughtful majority of you out there:
>For me, if a character's primary attribute - the thing that makes them iconic - is the color of their skin, or their hair color, frankly, that character is shallow and sucks. For me, what makes MJ MJ is her alpha female playfulness, and if the actress captures that, then she'll work. And, for the record, I think Zendaya even matches what I think of as MJ's primary physical characteristics - she's a tall, thin model - much more so than actresses have in the past.
What's Sup Forums's thought on MJ now being black?
Hunter Long
I don't mind it. Gunn is right.
John Murphy
It's important to note, he says he doesn't even remember which character she's playing even after reading the script and meeting her. Doubt she's MJ.
Jace Price
I hate how Gunn tries to sound honest and clean in social media. This nigga clearly lies most of the time, the thing is he just takes time to answer questions on Twitter while other directors ignore them.
He obviously knows who plays MJ, he just isn't allowed to open his mouth so he feeds them bullshit.
Daniel Turner
She better have red hair
MJ is black. Aang is white. Superman is half asian. Johnny Storm is black Motoko Kusanagi is white.
They're all fictional
Cameron Young
>I think Zendaya even matches what I think of as MJ's primary physical characteristics - she's a tall, thin model - much more so than actresses have in the past.
Shots fired at Dunst and whatserface
Leo Brown
>Tries to take the moral highground >By bodyshaming previous MJ actresses
Isaac Butler
Luis Bennett
First off, he didn't confirm the rumor Secondly, he's right Thirdly, Zendaya's barely black
Man, remember all the cancelled projects and castings we hear about from the '90s or whatever like when Robin was going to be black and Jimmy Olsen was going to be Chris Rock? How wold've Sup Forums reacted to that, was it Jewish agendas or just just "colorblind casting"?