Why did he end the lives of those 17 people?

Why did he end the lives of those 17 people?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sminem wouldn't hurt a fly.

Its not his fault, we warned you to stop bullying him

They shouldn't create those threads.

El hombre blanco...

You fool, Sminem is a pacifist

sminem cool
knock it off before i knock you out

fucking hate gusanos. wish fidel had killed them desu

By the looks of it, he managed to propel himself into the air with his Dumbo-like ears and attack his victims from above.
Must've caught them off-guard.

He is. He just likes to kill little mutts, nothing serious.

He would would kill thousands of Nazis with his bare hands if he was fighting for Stalingrad though, but he would lay flowers on their mass grave every weekend.

Stop bullying him. Sminem is a good hearted person, look how gently he touches that flower.


long long ago, Sminem was one, but his soul split in half, good one was reincarnated in Russia, the other... evil one was born as amerigoblin...

Don't go smearing the name of /ourpotato/. He is a good lad.

sminem is pure

This is what will happen if sminem will have acess to gun

sminem pride world wide



the right guy is Subnautica protagonist

he's slavic.

>tfw listening to daft sminem right now