I'm sick and tired of fucking American rubes thinking that the fucking niggers that make up the rest of their populace are worthy of being considered as representatives of the rest of us Africans or Blacks. I can't say that I'm surprised since most of the Americans are just a bunch of incoherent buffoons who, from atop their high-horses delight themselves in circle-jerking around their supposed "aryan" genes, or anglo-saxon ancestries when most of them are fucking mongrels who can't even pin-point their countries of origins. They claim themselves as being nationalists and patriotic and yet you find them wearing Nazi insignias and putting on various circus acts thinking that they're part of something bigger than their basements, desperately hoping to find meaning much like mudslime b-dwellers hope to find refuge in the Islamic State. You classifying anything and anyone that resembles your previous slaves "black" or nigger is the equivalent of myself calling Slavs; Turks or Iranians (or as they'd like to be called "Persians" fucking idiots... you don't hear me calling myself Abyssinian, do you?) "white" because you lot share shades of the same colour regardless of geographical; cultural; social; educational; ethnic; facial differences. Fucking morons! You lot should seriously just off yourselves and do the rest of us a favour. All things being considered, I should've been the one calling myself patriotic; nationalist; ethnically superior; etc... not just in regards to other blacks or Africans but to all of you fucking errant coons. But... I couldn't care less about all of that because what really matters at the end of the day is your own merits not what your ancestors might have accomplished. There are blacks, even American niggers that are successful and far more superior to an Aryan looking fuck just the same way as there are White folks who are Wasp'ish and > to benefit-cuck niggers. What's laughable is that the majority of you lot that are self-proclaimed...
Fuck America!!
Other urls found in this thread:
thats a lot of words you got there friend
Fuck off sand nigger I already have your flag.
Try another rare.
Calm down dude, go eat something and... oh wait
Dude! Eat a Snickers!
... members of the Aryan Master-race are lowlife; degenerate; sperg; closeted trannies who, probably would've been gassed by the Nazis themselves. Standing from a neutral side, (because neither black in the American definition of the word, nor white) I'm slowly realizing that both of you are just different sides of the same coin. You're both niggers who ruin it for the rest of us and spread your autist views like fucking cancer. The best I can hope for right now is a race motivated war in the US so that you lot could kill wipe each other out. You're both dead weight on the shoulders of mankind. No one fucking likes you, off yourselves!! You've got your fucking heads so fucking far up your own arses that you fail to realise that there's an entire world oustide of your shithole. Again, kill yourselves fucking black/white niggers. Yeah I said it, what the fuck are you going to do? Sue me?
Here, man, have a Snickers.
Fucking hivemind.
>angry nigger the post
Thanks for the rare, nigger.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading to my pantry to get a bunch of food because I can. Enjoy all that tasty Nothing with a side of Zilch you have over in Apethiopia.
Funny that Ethiopians risk their lives moving to white countries and not the other way around :^)
You are always welcome here if you have food problems! :)
okay nigger
>teach niggers individualism
>they use it to further nigger interests
Erry tiem.
A look a we wuz kangz thread.
What happened to OP? Did he starve to death already?
>go to college
>get shot
>go to work
>get shot
>go home
>get shot
>call police
>get shot
>get shot
Americans have a better survival rate in Afghanistan than in the supposed "greatest country of the world".
Not even a sand nigger, you fucking redneck. You're not fucking welcomed here. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
Can't help but laugh at your responses, but dude. It's been like 30 years, oldfag. I wasn't even born back then, and most of the pictures you saw were from neighbouring Somalia not Ethiopia. But I won't even bother going into the details because fuck Ethiopia, I'm an individual... It's about time you got rid of your sheepish herd mentality.
Everybody spam in the chat etho is a stupid nigger
etho is a stupid nigger
There are still people in Ethiopia?
Dammit why?
>I'm an individual.
An individual what nigger?
You are a collection of 20,000+ people.
Niggers arent people faggot.
bold statement
Would you rather have them in their homeland or in yours?
how do you even have the energy to type all those words?
I'd rather this nigger not espouse individualism as it's going to pollute Whites with collections of hundreds of thousands of different niggers.
>Ubungo-bungo I have $1000 to spend on anything. What should I spend it on?
>I don't know Udongo-chungi, I'm really hungry maybe we should buy some food since we haven't eaten in days
>That's a terrible idea, I will buy a computer instead so I can shitpost on an internet Persian Rug fetish site.
>Udongo-Chungi pls, I'm so hungry.
>Fuck you Ubongo-bongo, I want to shitpost
Well, I'll tell you why. Unlike America's economy which have been in recession since 2010, Ethiopia's economy is booming. I'm more surprised that there are still educated, white Americans still living in America because most of my neighbours here in Addis are foreigner who've realized the godmine that is Ethiopia. I myself studied in LSE London from '12-'15 but I'm now back in Addis. Most of the guys that are rapefugees in your countries are Eritrean or Somalian, hence why they refer to themselves as Habesha and not Ethiopian when asked.
Lol at the butt-hurt Amerifags in the thread. Gtfo. Or would you rather I tell you that in French since I was privately taught at an International French school for most of my youth. Arabic maybe? Or even Amharic? How many languages can you speak you fucking Americans? 1?
Nice troll, as there is no way you could type all this and swat flies flies at the same time.
>City of London Corporation
>Breeding elitist 3rd world assholes for over 100 years
Polandfag; Canada; Spaniards, you're better than this. Stop defending muricunts.
>Live in Ethiopia
>Die of starvation at 14
>White folks who are Wasp'ish and > to benefit-cuck niggers
I was somewhat following it until this Wat.
>Click click clack clack click
Translation: youre still a nigger.
If I adopt you, when do I get my Teikko digital sports watch?
">" as in superior. I'm sorry if I'm not being coherent atm. So much to type, so little time.
Look, Starvin' Marvin, we're not gonna care about your fuck whitey message when you're dirt poor and on the other side of the fucking planet.
i fucking hate amerishits so much. we all should unite to wipe amerishit parasites out of the map
Maybe you could concentrate less on us and more on making your country not a giant sewer.
How many Ethiopians can you fit in a phone booth?
>all of them
Call me back when you protoniggers actually do something meaningful with your country/lives.
Lol okay.
>So little time
Thats because you need to be looking for clean drinking water and something to eat retard. Get off the community computer for the day, so you wont starve.
They are masters of cuisine. They have the mud pie on culinary lockdown.
People died for this.
A lot of people.
>tfw community computer overheats again
Wouldn't be surprised if their community computer was donated by America.
Okay, so you expect me to believe that you were the very best that your generation of Navy SEALs had to offer? I highly doubt that. If you were as good as you say you were, i don't think for a second that you would be browsing Sup Forums. This is mostly a place for jobless neckbeards that still live with their parents, and nerdy high school kids that don't have any friends. It really isn't the place for highly-trained assassins to be hanging out in their spare time. Even if it was, something far worse than a troll being mean to you probably would have set you off a long time ago. What about the slew of gore and child pornography that gets posted here on a regular basis? Isn't that something that deserves a person being hunted down and made to regret their actions? Yeah, you're just not the Sup Forums type. Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demographic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military discipline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. I also doubt that even the best SEALs have a "secret network of spies across the USA". Why would all of the most expanisive Big Brother network in the world be willing to help a troubled PTSD-sufferer hunt down some random kid on the internet? That doesn't even make sense. If you're gonna try to scare somebody, make it more believable than "IM A SUPER SOLDIER HURR DURR". You might frighten a thirteen year old who doesn't know any better, but to must of us you just look like a kid with an anger problem and a very active imagination. Hopefully things will be easier for you when your puberty's over. Best of luck with that... kiddo
Again, I won't bother contradicting your idiotic stereotypical beliefs because fuck collectivism. If I was as moronic as you are, I would call you out for being a cuck; fat; a redneck; kkk; etc... but I'll spare you the nonsense.
Couldn't have said it better.
Projecting roach is projecting.
Eat a snickers Ethiopia
>Complains about collectivism
>uses absolutes for all Americans
Pick one retard. Is it the individual or the collective.
Our niggers and progressives are the "incoherent buffoons" you speak of. If you have ever spent any time here you would know that.
Let me fix that for you
seriously, why would anyone move to ethiopia?
gave me kek
Might not have much to flaunt on a national basis, but as an individual, I've accomplished countless of things. Paid my way through Uni' LSE!!! faggots, you don't even know what that is do you? Have fun wallowing in your student debts. Poorfags.
>solomonic dynasty
>zagwe dynasty
>countless of ancient monuments/castles
>defeated the italians, not once but twice
>only country in africa to have never been colonized and even colonized eritrea
>next diplomatic city worldwide after Brussels
>second country to officially adopt christianity as state religion
>founder of the au; founding member of the un
>country that helps keep Somali terrorist under control for murica's sake
>one of the best ranked economy in africa in terms of growth
>place of worship for both muslims and christians worldwide
>only african country to have ever been ranked equal to western countries (yes, the queen of england bowed to our former emperor)
>birthplace of coffee & humanity
>aryan populace (amhara & tigre)
>fought of the muslim expansion along with the Portuguese in the 16th century, we're the reason for africa not being entirely conquered by the spread of Islam
Seriously, kill yourself dude!!!
>mfw some shitbag in one of the world's most worthless and undeveloped nations thinks he can just post on here and think that people will give a single shit what he thinks
Get fucked, Ethiopia. I'm going to go drive in my personal car to a restaurant, eat something, and then come home, rest my considerable bulk (which I attained from the largesse of a functional, successful society) on my comfortable couch, and watch a movie in the comfort of my air-conditioned home. Enjoy your dirt floors and nigger population. You'll never amount to anything. Ever.
Of all the things you could have studied, you went and got Jewed to learn Jew lies. Well done. Maybe some day Ethiopia will open a school worth having an acronym for.
Great job. You paid off one personal debt. Isn't that the minimum requirement for being a responsible adult though? Doesn't really seem like an accomplishment to me.
>be Turkish
>be Turkish
>>countless of ancient monuments/castles
i love how no one in this thread have anything to say. you know why ? because this nigger is right. They call everyone degenerate when in fact THEY are the degenerates, them and everyone with a Sup Forums mentality. there are niggers, spics and other poo that are better than them in every way possible and they just hate it. gj op
>"Again, I won't bother contradicting your idiotic stereotypical beliefs because fuck collectivism. IF I WAS AS MORONIC AS YOU ARE, I would call you out for being a cuck; fat; a redneck; kkk; etc... but I'll spare you the nonsense."
Read that again you dense fuck.
>be american
>can't even properly understand english
wow, top formatted text you got there.
is that a kid watching ? that kids going to be fucked, is that his leftist piece of shit dad on the left ? his mom is probably a stupid whore, leaving her son with that fucking retard of a father so she can chill or do drugs or fuck
i feel bad for the kid on this one, hopefully this is one of those traumatizing events you repress until your middle aged
kill yourself, faggot
Tell me where the Ark is chosen darkie.
Do they have paragraphs in Ethiopia?
Sheesh, you are one mad nigger.
Nigger you wouldnt even be alive if the rich retards here didnt feed you as an infant.
Thanks dude.
I know it's hard to read, sorry. Not my best day.
Americans are the biggest WEWUZKINGSANDSHIT, you don't even have a fucking culture dude. At least we were something, you never were, nor will you ever amount to anything.
Google, Axum Obelisk; Gonder Castle. Faggot.
No, they can't afford them
see what im talking about ? you think you can just close the argument with
>kill yourself
wew. at least try
Ever tried Ethiopian food?
Neither have they.
wew boy you got really upset over that. you ok?
The first time I ever saw an Ethiopian restaurant, I howled while guessing at the menu.
>a bug and a grain of rice. Try this authentic cuisine!
your absolutely right, i NEVER knew just how depraved and disgusting people really are until i started visiting THIS board
yes, /r9k/ is worse, but the same exact people in there are on here posting anime and other awful disgusting shit
like just now, i got on Sup Forums for the first time today and what did i see ?
i got a cock in my face, you can guess what color, and these are the kids calling people degenerates
How did you even get internet? Your country doesnt even have food
Pic related ethiopian """"""""cuisine""""""""""
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>>solomonic dynasty
Big deal.
>>zagwe dynasty
Literally who?
>>countless of ancient monuments/castles
Big deal.
>>defeated the italians, not once but twice
>>only country in africa to have never been colonized and even colonized eritrea
Probably why you're so shitty and poor.
>>next diplomatic city worldwide after Brussels
Laughably untrue. Did you just pull this out of your ass?
>>second country to officially adopt christianity as state religion
>>founder of the au; founding member of the un
Big deal.
>>country that helps keep Somali terrorist under control for murica's sake
We do that ourselves with drones. Your half-starved peasants are just a prop so we can pretend like you're actually worthy of our charitable donations.
>>one of the best ranked economy in africa in terms of growth
Congratulations, you won a gold medal at the Special Olympics.
>>place of worship for both muslims and christians worldwide
A cuck magnet? Congrats.
>>only african country to have ever been ranked equal to western countries (yes, the queen of england bowed to our former emperor)
Equal? Lol. What a delusion.
>>birthplace of coffee & humanity
Birthplace of famine and niggers.
>>aryan populace (amhara & tigre)
>>fought of the muslim expansion along with the Portuguese in the 16th century, we're the reason for africa not being entirely conquered by the spread of Islam
Religion is for fags. Christian or Muslim, you're still fags.
Call me back when your either your life expectancy or adult literacy rate exceeds 50.
>Doesn't answer the question. Cries more. Seems like you are only able to insult people and not think rationally. I'll leave you be. Enjoy your wonderful country and all the dirt and disease it has to offer. You turned the bread basket of the world into a toilet. Great job.
Can I give you some wisdom from one of our greatest philosophers, Samuel Kinison?
I dont care about the nationality of people, their skin color or even their religion.
As long as they are not criminal, peadophile, want to leech wellfare or are
hostile without reason.
In other words, they just have to be normal people.
This thread is fucking gold between the angry Ethiopian nig posting from his hut and the people egging him on.