Guys, they made a series for us

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Laughing my ass out, this is why north americans are such pussies with shows like theses.

>Incel the show
Wow, no thanks

this actually looks pretty good desu

>i wish i was normal
>well dude... nobody's normal
>*indie pop song starts playing*

whoa I went to Highschool with the main characters sister

>not a wizard furiously masturbating to ponies


This is the reddit version of the virgin nerd loser.

Normiesflix needs to die with their liberal feminist nu-male bullshit. Hillary fucking lost - it was supposed to mean this shit was to go away, that's why the world voted for Trump.

fuckbois run Hollywood confirmed.

Woah except I absolutely hate to sit on the floor especially when studying,I have zero (0) friends and never had sex.


>inb4 the character just embraces his autism because of the JUST B URSELF advice and ends up getting a gf because he was JUST B'ING HIMSELF.

what's with netflix pushing the school shooter neckbeard agenda with these new releases...

It's like a onion network parody except it's real.

Sadly it's pretty accurate In some ways except in reality 26 year old me is still a virgin

>1:02 Chad: "look dude... nobody, yo Stacy go grab me a beer!... eh.. like I was saying dude, listen dude... nobody is normal dude..."

Why do some Sup Forums posters get so upset by the idea of autistic people? Hits a little too close to home?

He does apparently. Stopped watching the trailer when that happened.

It's funny normies gave me this advice for years told me I was a nice guy bla bla bla it never worked.

Seriously tho don't be yourself basically if u can't emulate a normal retarded numale modern wemon want nothing to do with you.

>the world voted

>they're going to have a dramatic moment where the autist publicly confesses his love for a girl
>his feelings will be magically validated instead of being made fun of and ostracized and rejected by the girl

i hate you

you whoever wrote this

and anybody involved in its production

You skipped over the part where he has friends for some reason.

Fellow autistic here I can't stand people even other autists.

I hate normie shit

pic related- a real autist

that reads like an ironic shitpost

maybe the fact that you're the kind of person who unironically uses the word "numale" is what keeps women away from you.

I'm not that deep anymore, though I used to be full friendless neet.

It is a very slow and painful process, but you can learn to better yourself.

The show is still offensively saccharine and doesn't seem to capture any of the actual self-loathing of being a loser.

>has more than zero friends
>girls smile at him
>is moderately attractive
>is somewhat confident



You're actually not wrong. The problem with these attempts at sympathy from the MSM is how much they downplay our disgusting aspects in an attempt at marketability. The Buzzfeed video was closer to the truth, and it was still a ways off.

>awkward facebook posts by some fedora
A real autist wouldn't have a Facebook

Every country in the world belongs to America.

Buzzfeed video? You mean the one that trashed /adv/ even though they did nothing wrong? Or is there another one?

>think you have to emulate a numale to make it
Sounds like you're just a pussy

Again you say this but I keep regressing after normalizing myself mainly to do with this shitty area having shitty people and no work. Gonna move
He's just a quirky normal fag.

Same with Scott Pilgrim as much as I like it it's just not realistic.

Funny how normies literally can't imagine what it's like being a truly broken human being.
I know for a fact it's due to my shit social circles and no money/job

Aussie women succ tho

This is literally how normies think.

It's either beta cuck or Chad with no in-between

>A real autist wouldn't have a Facebook
real autists aren't self aware. i have a friend with autism, he's basically like this on facebook.

Sup Forums "autists" without facebook are just asocial, neurotypical losers who hate social media.

>that's why the world voted for Trump.

Not even half of America voted for that moron. Now take this to Sup Forums and kys, faget.


I used to post the most cringe shit then I just ended up with no friends by driving them away and people literally moving away.
T. Shillary

He is the lesser evil

>"In America..."

B-but you're Canadian.

You can be a Brad or a Steve and still kill it out there.

>He is the lesser evil

No, that would be Bernie, you Koch sucker.

He would have just done the leftist shuffle.

He was a literal like as well would have been corrupted in record time.
Did u miss the part where I'm a 26 year old virgin with no friends

Why are so many shows trying to emulate autism but getting it wrong? It gives us a bad rep 2bh

unironically this

>Sound effect of "AWOOOOOGA AWOOOOGA!!!!!"

Are you diagnosed autistic?

>takes no superpac money
>would have been corrupted despite his 30+ years in politics and still not corrupted


What's this us bullshit? I'm a Chad that comes here to make fun of losers when I have a hangover.

wtf this show just gives autists hope, but real life we are always the losers. This is a show to make chads feel not guilty about picking on losers. Fucking jews and chads.

This but unironically.

I wish then I'd get those neet bux.

I go through long periods of reclusiveness and depression
They would have just jfk'd him anyway.

Genuinely nice people get nowhere in this world

>he is the lesser evil

trump is anti-america. he is objectively worse than hillary. no one who wants america to be a better place voted for trump, despite what they wrote on those retarded hats.

Clay without hannah: the show

like fuck a kid on the spectrum wouldn't enjoy a titty bar

Why not try to change your lot in life then m8?

Ausfag here I'd kill for a nationalist.

Our country is a massive shithole but somehow has a reality distortion field that nobody else can see through

Can't find work that isn't completely shit.


Thought about trying something in EMS/Fire service? Not sure how it is in Kangarooland but there's lots of jobs out here in US. The field itself really forces you out of your shell and gets you interacting with everybody. Aslong as your competent at your job no gives a fuck if you're a lonely weirdo.

It's all volunteer based sadly.

I wish I could just come to the US I hate it here everywhere is the same and it's a over priced over rated shithole that thinks the sun shines out of it's ass.

Highest personal debt in the world and most unaffordable housing in over 130 years lowest wage growth and record undocumented immigration and underemployment.

I was perfectly competent at my last job it's just the pay and hours where inhuman because muh taxi

they forgot the part where he is a 30 year old NEET virgin and everyone hates him for being a leech and a bitter cunt. but normies couldnt handle that

Man seeking woman was realistic early on except true social outcasts like us don't have friends family or work let alone a gf/sex life



This kind of reminds me of me before I became involved in politics and actually started to feel as if I had a purpose in life. Before I was just moping around, being the weird and awkward kid like this guy, but now I interact with the media and major players on the world stage each and every day. Another thing that posting on Sup Forums has helped me with is my conversational abilities. Before I just felt completely lost in the sauce anytime someone was trying to speak to me IRL, but now I have no trouble really at all just going with the flow when I'm talking to my mom or my sister, like people do in the movies and on TV.

Kek. Dad's getting cucked

>it's another "look at me I'm different and that's what makes me cool" series

when will these die

Where's the netflix documentary about the guy that posts on Sup Forums /r9k/ and wizchan all day and leeches off his mother to live while being a handholdless hugless virgin

What video?

>humans can't be perfect
>shows the (WHITE) wife with a buff mexican


saved for pastaposting

>Next shot is with her bowing her head down in disappointment.
Still the dad's gonna take her back.

29 yo oldfag here. i'm glad at age 19 my test finally kicked in and I became a chad. fucked the shit out of a girl my best friend had a better chance at; my first love interest. a pretty blonde green eyed big tit 16 yo virgin 7/10 artsy chick that went to a catholic school and wanted to be slapped/ect. explore all the dirty things. my jack off fantasy since getting bullied by all the girls in catholic grade school. best form of irony when I think about. anyways it had to be from when I quit smoking weed at age 18 for a year. weed really fucks your shit desu. jew manlets btfo

inb4 "it's a virgin user writes a steamy fictional memoir of his non virginity" episode. you fags wouldn't know what it's like to touch a woman, being children w/ no balls and everything


I'm going to fucking kill everybody and then myself

that looks so quirky!

the dead don't count

>gets the girl
he better get cucked or something

>lol so quirky
>lol just b urself :)
So normie it's painful

has anyone ever tried to film an authentic depiction of a gross mentally ill shut-in slowly other than this faux-indie garbage where above average twinks end up miraculously socially succeeding despite all odds? it seems like it would be unwatchable, if not unfilmable, but i think there would be some serious kino potential.

They're hardly worth an AWOOOGA


LittleKuriboh is a genuine cuckold

Fuck off we're full.

closes thing is Welcome to the NHK and Watamote.

when are they gonna make a show with an actual loser who has no friends?

mom's got some fat tits.

The eyes of my mother


>chad helps autist

unrealistic af. dropped

burgers aren't ready for school shooting kino

But user, chads ARE the hugest bros out there.

this looks like the most cliched generic show i have ever seen. i can literally guess the entire storyline


>no scenes where he plans school shootings and posts on message boards about lynching niggers

>not a CWC biopic

>So this is how it all began...

Chads will pretend to be your friend
Women of all types do the same

i'm autistic and this happened to me in high school. thanks for reminding me, op.

>for the record, my name is paul feller
>girl: "hey, guess what?"
>me: "ummm.... i dunno... what?"
>girl: "i like someone in this room aaaand... his initials are p and f. guess who it is?"
>me: "umm... patrick ftizgerald..."
>girl: "noooo, you have to really guess. come on!"
me: "i don't know... hmm... pete farley?"
>girl: "yes! you got it! should i go tell him?"
me: "sure, yeah... heh... yeah."

sometimes i wonder what would've happened if i had said my name instead. would she laugh at me? would she have dated me?

Is this the power of... The Midwest?

I saw that emma roberts movie with him and that kid is the WORST FUCKING ACTOR EVER. Completely wooden.