As said, here we post, share and discuss posters to west movies such as Terminator (pic related) used behind iron curtain soviet areas.
Post eastern iron curtain posters for west movies
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Poland wasn't part of Soviet Union and they had lot more imported films than most of commie countries. Posters were kino as fuck.
i know it wasn't really soviet union, but still behind iron courtain. Don't know how to describe it, but You posted what I extacly wanted. These posters were so trippy and creative at same time
Bumpan for a dumpan
SW Return of jedi
riders of ark
it is OBCY, but B is unfortunate placed making it really falls to R style
I like the ones they did for polish films.
What is it tho?
The noose (1958), great film.
and all other fucked up poters ITT
HEAVY drug usage
yep, they are like acid trip. Purpose was to make pople less intrested in 'bad west' movies, but without actually banning them. Banned things are most wanted, so they tried to make people don't want it, even while boing able to get.
Where did you get this from? Because the posters for polish films are similar visually.
My favorite.