Black mary jane

Black user here. I must be the only black spiderman fan who DOESNT approve of the zendaya casting. Ever since seeing the 2002 spiderman movie and 90s tv show as a kid, I forever loved spiderman and always preferred him with Mary Jane. Mary Jane is supposed to be a redhead, and she's supposed to be with Peter. I never needed A black mary jane, because that Messes Up my perfect vision of a live action spiderman. Marvel has race bent enough characters at it is, we don't need more. Please bring back redhead mary jane.

We're only going to make you even more ass-mad here, friend.

I don't really care as long as she's got red hair

Red hair's part of the trademark look. Mary Jane's whole character is that she's a flighty party girl who secretly has a heart of gold, and none of that shit really is race specific.

Well, she probably wouldn't be Asian, if we're going by stereotypes

Tbhh, i was a little irritated at first but then I found that this might be interesting and kinda funny. I liked him in Dope

Black user here. I must be the only black spiderman fan who DOES approve of the zendaya casting. Ever since seeing the 2002 spiderman movie and 90s tv show as a kid, I forever loved spiderman and never preferred him with Mary Jane. Mary Jane isn't supposed to be a white, and she's not supposed to be with Peter. I needed A black mary jane, because that doesn't Mess Up my perfect vision of a live action spiderman. Marvel has not race bent enough characters at it is, we need more. Please don't bring back redhead mary jane.

And OP?
go back.

>reeeee Sup Forums!

this autism is really too much

user, Zendaya looks great as a redhead. Look it up, she looks like a perfect Mary Jane, and really exudes that party-girl model personality.

Where the fuck do you think you are, faggot?

Oh right, Sup Forumsmblr

but it's still on Sup Forums.

For a bunch of people that hate SJWs for not accepting other opinions, you sure get assmad when people break up your circlejerk.

Zendaya as MJ = positive discrimination.