Whoa, thanks Disney!
Whoa, thanks Disney!
Other urls found in this thread:
>not grouping stories by era
Sabine, Ahsoka, Padme
Jyn, Leia, Rey
looks worse than the shorts i used watch on shockwave.com as a kid
You know, I think this is less a sign of (((diversity))) and more how Star Wars is really lacking in strong male figures.
at least vol 2 has all the good waifus
Why do women literally ruin everything they touch?
Remember when only people who genuinely cared about SW were bitter lonely men?
Those were the days
Rey should be by herself so people can avoid her
At least Ray looks just as ugly here.
arent these free on youtube?
b/c they look sub-standard
>Original trilogy had a gay twink
>Prequels had a kid
>Nuwars has a stronk female
Let's be honest here apples to apples this series always sucked ass.
If it wasn't for the special effects and iconography nobody would give a shit.
Sadly even normies latched onto nerd culture and we can't even enjoy that now
It's funny you say that because normies either can't or won't escape reality that's why we get sjw diversity crap shoved in every way possible
Because its time for white males to end
Unless you're talking about KoToR lore or EU shit, Star Wars has always been normie pop culture trash
Rey is just ugly and even in cartoon from, she stands out cause she is so ugly compared to the others
>It's funny you say that because normies either can't or won't escape reality that's why we get sjw diversity crap shoved in every way possible
what doth thou meaneth by thith
>we wanna exploit the female market with star wars
nice try disney.
>alt right gets trigger by damn comic cooks now
*breathes in*
Do they fuck?
Making Dr who a women
Making star wars a female jedi main character
Making female ghost busters.
Nobody asked for this shit yet these retarded women want to actively seeking out and destroy what white men made.
Back to pol
if "nobody" wanted ith, it wouldn't exitht. so at leatht thomeone wantth it. I was mothtly looking for an explanation for "normieth can't or won't ethcape reality"
grimes is shit
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
>Rey - Strong independent female
>Finn - Black guy
>Poe - Hispanic guy
>Rose - Asian woman
Evil White Villains:
>Snoke (literally has blue eyes)
>Kylo - White guy
>Phasma - Blonde haired, blue eyed white women.
>Hux - Ginger white male
Not even trying to hide it.
Based Star Wars dubs
ith time to engageth in fithticuffth
>Evil human supremacist organization is filled with white people
So, just like the OT?
have you guys not been paying attention to Disney for the last 40 years?
every Disney IP needs a princess of some kind. half their audience is little girls who want to buy dolls and shit.
Thanks Fox xD
Phasma will join the Resistance in Episode 9.
Disney princesses used to be beautiful.
I just want Luuke back, bros
Give me some wacky outlandish stories again
Oh I'm sorry did the ot have a female jedi with no explanation where she got her powers from other than the movie literally saying
>But that's a story for another time
And having the thicccest plot armor since Anakin ?
Did u forget the part where she bypassed character development and single handedly ruined the movie? What about rouge one? Cringe inducing
In an age where the white race is dying and the main movie market is China and India it's not gonna happen
Nice numbers
One thing that made me lol was a woman beating a man in one-on-one combat, the peak of fiction. (Because we all know that would never happen irl)
Still better than anything Disney SJW Wars will ever shit out
It should be called Star Wars Forces Diversity tho.
I don't come to Sup Forums often but what is with all these threads about kids movies? Is there something I am not getting?
Infantilism of the media
It's so fucking obvious what they are doing, they also use the violet, color of feminism...
It's so fucking sad and stupid what Hollywod is becoming right now...
Sup Forumsfags are kids.
they're not "forcing" heh you to read books aimed at 10 year old girls
Says the beta manchild cuck
Hollywood literally hasn't had a original idea since the 90s
The last one was avatar in 2009
I think the trees don't let you see the forest.
Cameron failed.
I don't always like this guy's movies, but I fucking love him.
>TFA = female main character
>Rogue One = female main character
>Battlefront 2 = female main character
>Last Jedi = female main character
>Forces of Destiny = female only focused show
>Episode IX = female main character
>Not one new white male character in a lead role since disney takeover
keep giving away your money to see the end of white males lmao
Based truck driver turned special effects turned writer producer director
>Getting this butthurt over a fictional character
Sorry your toy commercials no longer appeal to your delicate fantasies of white male supremacy
How do you go from this
>Remember when only people who genuinely cared about SW were bitter lonely men
There's not one single decade since the 70s in which this has been the case. And it has been 4.
who is sabine
I wath the capeshit and nu-starwars movies just to have an excuse to go out and make something fun. Nohing more. But I am really getting tired of this bullshit.
I only want to watch the movie because of Luke and possible Anakin ghost, not much more.
Their marvel cu is maled based thought they are just pandering to demographics.
Star wars is literally the new Harry Potter hunger games type series.
>Literally a minority in our own countries
>Can't even be left alone to enjoy what's left of our culture
I've already got burnout and we ain't even though phase 1
Kys cuck
yet you cucks watch it regardless
>inb4 no i pirated it
you're just as much of a cuck if you watch it and discuss it
>our own countries
Your people stole this country, and now it's being taken by the Jews. Cry me a river.
>Hey Son! I got you that progressive Asian female action figure you wanted!
>Gee thank you Zher!
>Hey Son! I got you that token black character action figure that you wanted!
>Golly thank you Step Dad!
>Resitence Tech
Jokes on you, I just shitpost based on wikipedia summaries.
Great numbers wasted on a shit post
>Hey Son! I got you that cunty heroic female lead character that you wanted!
>But Dad! I didn't want this shit! You're the worst father ever! I hate Star Wars now!
>the color of feminism
>complaining about film merchandise aimed at preteen girls
Go outside more mah nigga
T. Abbo
>Avatar was original
>The Force is Female!
>Don't hit on me you silly boys!
says the guy who's hung up on a children's tie-in
>he discuss about a movie for cucks almost every day
>for free
Why are American figures so disgusting?
I would unironically watch this again over TFA
What's your argument sir?
That Disney can do whatever they want to sell toys to girls?
If you don't see a political agente behind Star Wars since Disney bought it then you are blind.
How dare you sir! That's sexist, racist and misogynist!
Because those are action figures designed for kids to play with. They're not display figures
I don't mind nu-star wars. But do young boys care about it or did a female main character put them off of it?
Kids don't want them. Most of them are purchased by adults.
>That Disney can do whatever they want to sell toys to girls?
yes, they can and will, and it's pathetic to complain about it.
If you're not old enough to have lived through years of these guys being shit on constantly because, for a while, they were the new spin on an old classic, gimme a moment to hide your posts and go track down my sides
>But do young boys care about it or did a female main character put them off of it?
Kids will watch whatever. It's late teens and manchildren that care about the "degeneracy of culture" through blockbuster franchises.
Yeah let's just keep flood the scene with reboots souless sequels and high budget flops
>strong fighter wimin propaganda is in full force
>women are weak and cowardly irl
fucking ridiculous
>or did a female main character put them off of it?
It put them off. They can't self identify and now the Star Wars toy market has taken a plunge.
Disney has killed their golden goose. The very reason that Star Wars exists is to sell toys.
I post in these Star Wars threads a lot because I'm still a big fan of the series. I also work for a company that does marketing research at the retail level. I can definitely say that the Star Wars toy problem is far worse than anyone realizes. Retails are in panic mode.
And the thing is, kids really do still play with toys, especially young boys. So the toy market is relatively healthy. It's just Star Wars that's taking a massive plunge.
It's a new audience you pathetic assblasted touchless permavirgin, just find a new hobby if you can't handle that nigga
There are actually TWO Asian females in this movie. The frumpy one named Rose, who becomes the romantic interest of Finny, and her sister who is a rebel pilot / gunner.
DESU I just wanted to make that South Park reference
>It's a new audience
It's really not. Originally Disney wanted to widen the audience to include both girls and boys. But irls have always loved Star Wars and Disney has never been good at selling to boys.
So instead they just ditched the male audience entirely and focused entirely on making Star Wars a princess property. Fans have the right to be pissed for being cast to the side.
So I take it Disney has kind of backed themselves in a corner. They more or less are trying to 180 from a male market to a female one but have gone and alienated their money earners (boys and young men) but its too late for them to reverse it without coming off as sexist. It truly sounds like a bunch of women run Disney. I'm so glad the force is female.
Has there ever been a group as easily triggered as Sup Forums?
He's jaaaames Cameron!
Can't wait for avatar 2-4 to blow this Disney shit out of the water
>says the guy who's hung up on a children's tie-in
No, no, no pathetic is seeing something so clear and don't having an opinion about it because you don't want to be seeing as a guy from Sup Forums (for saying something)
Jesus Christ
They're so panicked they're trying to save the whole thing by pushing Kylo Ren merch.
I mean, Japan doesn't have a problem with appealing to young men with female casts, this is all on Disney.
Another dummy that can't have an opinion about something and he only calls virgin to other that have it.
Japan makes compelling characters that are story driven. Disney makes marketing creations that are driven by personal and political agendas. Literally propaganda characters.
The truth of the matter is that even Disney knows at this point that Rey was a shit character.
You don't hear the same complaints about Jyn. She's generally well liked and not considered a franchise ruining Mary Sue character.