Stop racism

Sup Forums Is the proof that BlackLivesMatter were absolutely right when they said America still has a severe racism problem.

There is a very wide spectrum of people with very different traits from any human ancestry, therefore judging an individual only based on his origin is unjustified.

Other urls found in this thread:

I just based upon group norms and culture. This is why I will never live near blacks.

yeah goyims you wouldnt want to be racist would you?

Says the Israeli kike.

hi leddit

>He is israeli so he must agree with the policies of his government :^)

Also, the situation between mexico and the US, which are ally countries, is very different from the situation between israel and the west bank

You Israelis really are the best shit posters.

>judging an individual only based on his origin
>that flag
>this board
>those numbers

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>Also, the situation between mexico and the US, which are ally countries, is very different from the situation between israel and the west bank

Yeah you keep telling yourself that kike.

This is the most Jewish post ever.