What's next for his career?
What's next for his career?
Dabbing on the haters
unloading his cum on my mouth
Jake Paul is the the last stand of implicit white identity in the USA. This is why j*ws like h3h3 loathe him so much. They are afraid of him.
he's quite literally a degenerate that spews black people memes from 3 years ago
I thought Ethan was part of the anti-SJW club
smashing teenage pussy for another 4 - 10 years
living the dream
literally who
underage youtubefags fuck off
ITT: Autists who can't handle that IT'S EVERYDAY BROOOOO
>tfw will never be reborn with godlike chad aesthetics
that stupid jawline could pull him so much pussy despite the disgusting degenerate fuccboi that he is
hopefully lifting
Wow this is actually true
why the fuck did I watch one of his videos
Is this the peak of friend simulators? did let's plays really ruin a generation?
He raps and overall acts black, the fuck are you talking about?
yeah I'd agree with this to an extent but it's sad its him thats the last stand hes just such a faggot.
He's 7/10 at the absolute best
this but unironically
Fucking this. He's a decent looking guy who's above average mostly due to being in good shape. He uses OP pic everywhere because it's the best possible pic of him.
Jake Paul is /ourguy/, don't let the kikes brainwash you kids
this guy has no future outside of youtube.
and how the fuck you manage to look worse than Aaron Carter?
what the fuck is that hairstyle
(((they))) have been trying too hard to get into the anti-SJW club so that they can subvert the movement. Milo, Laura Southern, Stefan Molymeme and Jewish owned rebel media to name a few.
the "I'm balding but haha no I'm not"
It's called the "receding and thinning hair in your early 20s and you want to try hide it" look.
I was gifted 2001's Oh Aaron album by my parents, I'm pretty sure it was a good way of detecting if I was gay or not.
Stefan Molyneux was making content when u were watching Smosh my man, unless this is ironic schizoposting
You know from experience, baldies?
I have curly hair that reaches down to my asshole.
Irregardless, he mentioned once his mother was Jewish thus making him Jewish.
And he has made multiple videos "debunking" the Great Jewish Conspiracy.
yea, i did this when i was 20. im 24 now and my balding has essentially stopped so im stuck in half bald purgatory
do they become (((one of them))) when they push your soft ideals and then back off when it comes to genocide and oppression ideals of the alt-right?
No idea who That is, nor do i care. So why do you
Yep, your meme queen is well on his way to the same place.
Kinda but not that extreme, instead of nationalism they push civic nationalism, they push trans and gay rights, they're heavily pro Israel, but most of all (((they're))) goal is to destroy the movement from the inside.
lol when he mocks that guy's shoes
Like Mag who? Digi who? Who are you?
if Jake Paul is the last bastion of "White entertainment" then just end it lmao
you are like baby watch this
who /logang/ here
I'm not fully convinced yet, and I say this as a literal fascist white supremacist. Will have to see how it pans out. I do think it's weird that Seth Rogen vowed on twitter to keep Jake Paul from getting roles.
Sounds disgusting desu
No, it's really just remarkable how much popularity he has gained and how quickly he has gained it.
Also fuck off shitskin
finally someone said it
>he the last stand of implicit white identity
Please tell me what you did to earn your "white identity."
>white identity
Hes a wigger dudebro faggot. Nothing more.
It's not like that. It's more just that there is nothing wrong with being proud of being white, being proud of one's heritage as a white person, or with a white majority in countries founded by white people. The idea that any of this is bad, which is constantly being pushed, is why people speak of white genocide.
Are you a retard.
This guy has investors or should I say (((investors))).
>there is nothing wrong with being proud of being white, being proud of one's heritage as a white person, or with a white majority in countries founded by white people.
Only losers are proud of things they did nothing to earn. You are white because you were born white. That took no effort on your part.
>it's really just remarkable how much popularity he has gained and how quickly he has gained it
Like every other actor that simultaneously runs a YouTube channel? Yeah, really ground breaking.
If Jake Paul is the last stand of white identity, then we deserve to be wiped out
the ONLY good thing hes ever done was that superpowers video (unless that was his brother). Why is this guy so famous
>I do think it's weird that Seth Rogen vowed on twitter to keep Jake Paul from getting roles.
Because everything he and viners that jumped ship does are terrible, not that hard to understand. When you have Youtubers like, say Pewdiepie or idubbbz that are white and haven't gotten close to that amount of backlash it isn't a race issue
is this what Sup Forums actually believes? jesus christ, youre fucking white trash vermin.
Even though he speaks and acts in a degenerative culture, you have to praise how his actions in turn displayed reactions of the fascism in Hollywood. Especially liberals like Seth Rogen.
>Act like an insufferable cunt
>People treat you like one
Who'd have thought?
Finally accepting his male pattern baldness
We will now have lauren southern threads on Sup Forums, gay janitor from Sup Forumseddit that is also a homosexual pedo
chance is way cuter. i would go homo for that twink
nick crompton is obviously the worst looking one (but boy he spit fire)
I don't know buy I'm fucking upset, Bizaardvark was pure kino but without Dirk it won't be the same
That's true, but Seth Rogen shouldn't of made that tweet and just let the kid burn on his own instead of revealing his full power level.
The only thing worse then this wigger are those guys following him. Holy crap I wish somebody would slaughter them all.
Revealing what? Something Hollywood has been doing for almost a century now?
Why not? He only said that because his content is shit. I don't know how you're making it a racial issue
Pewds is the true savior of white race.
/qa/ here
Uh... what? Where did it imply anything about race? I'm just saying an actor is acting like a faggot for an unnecessary tweet to ironically what im defending is an even bigger faggot.
My arguments are admittedly shit, but I don't see where you saw race in them.
See a shrink
why are you so cute :3
why does the neoChan staff babysit these threads?
Fuck off you shill!
they are anti sjw, just not anti race, which is why Sup Forums hates them
but i dont understand this jake paul meme, hes the most annoying cunt on youtube and he acts like hes aryan in here but all he really acts like is the untermencsh he is cancerous to the internet and the world would definitely better if he shut the fuck up and went away
Did an Australian wake up early?
>That whole post
I think I might be a little slow because I have no idea what you mean by that. Could someone break it down a little for me?
is a 12yr old faggot or femanon mostly
Looks like a rapist
Why is a gay pedo the janitor of Sup Forums now?
reddit: the post
The things i would do to this boy...
I don't know if this is true or not but all i know is i like whoever jews hate
>Sup Forums likes this shit
Ok, I'm out. That's it. I don't know how, but i will stop using imageboards.
*dabs on you*
Is it just me or is Jake paul just a Chad version of pamperchu
He looks like an even more retarded version of Vanilla Ice
t. kike
>Amalgination of Vanilla Ice, dudebros, wiggers, and a prime fuckboy
>all of his content is jumpcut riddled, fake prank filled "vlogs" that appeal to the 14 and under crowd
>actual industry and people with talent call him out for being a terrible cunt who produces content that's barely above Pregnant Elsa-Spiderman-Joker superhero videos
>white identity
>using tumblr tier * anti-self triggering shit, as if you need to self censor on this lithuanian litography board
Fuck me this got mad, mainly because I legit can't tell if this is a serious post by a Sup Forumstard. Do you also believe in flat earth, chemicals that turns frog gay and anti-vaxxing? Holy fuck kys you'reself.
Get bent clapistani shitstain, and die in your next schoolshooting please
t. eastern europe