So WestWorld Season 2 trailer dropped a week ago.
it's not coming until 2018 spring,
Will it be shit?
I have some hope for Joy+Nolan, but the ending for season 1 really was poorly executed.
So WestWorld Season 2 trailer dropped a week ago.
it's not coming until 2018 spring,
Will it be shit?
I have some hope for Joy+Nolan, but the ending for season 1 really was poorly executed.
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I can't remember what happened
Since S2 looks like it's going to continue the robo-mayhem that the ending of S1 teased and is actually the meat of the original movie's story I'm willing to let all the ambiguity of S1's ending slide. I was seriously worried there'd be some kind of time skip and the robots would be back to normal again and the ending of S1 would just be referred to as another "incident."
but that doesn't seem all that interesting, a robot uprising/robomassacre just means we lose sympathetic protagonists and there's either going to be humanity being subjugated or the robots being destroyed.
and I guess I'd kind of find it pointless and boring if they were to do that.
The black robot woman prostitute outsmarted everyone, including who created her.
So powerful...
Yeah, I guess robots are people too, huh?
oh yeah
Probably. Season 1 was a stinky turd.
Will we finally get to see EastWorld?
the thing is, they might be, but I think the show (and really most of that kind of story) always fall short of actually thinking about the difficult question.
>it's not if robots are indistinguishable from humans,
>it's if they're not indistinguishable but sentient.
s1 was basically just a bunch of ebin twists and timeline fuckery, because nolan is a hack writer. i'm expecting s2 to be more of the same crap but this time the whole season will be about finding the annoying hacker girl and unraveling the mystery of what happened to her.
>No Anthony Hopkins
why is there a tiger? will we see rome world,and shit?
maybe india world/pre-colonial-india.
I'm not saying that aspect of the story is bad, I'm just saying it's been done to death. Full on robot massacre doesn't really happen too much though.
Literally the only sympathetic character from the beginning has been Luke Hemsworth/security chief guy. Once he goes, it'll just be le sadistic robots who are rightfully angry vs. Le evil humans who are fighting for survival. Aka trash.
Wasn't everything she did just part of Ford's keikaku?
(keikaku means plan)
as long as it has that dude in it (your pic) I have hope
Are we supposed to feel bad for the robots? Sure humans can be jerk but at the end of the day, no matter how lifelike they are, they're all soulless machines who were built.
I gurantee you there will be a subplot of OMG ZA ROBOTS HAVE SOULS TOO in season 2.
robots get the option to respawn, so they don't die, not really anyway, not sure if that's better or worse.
I still think FORD IS ALIVE, and will be like in a vault somewhere, and this is an elaborate ruse.
this. the robot he was making when the black guy was told he was a robot was a fake him. dolores killed the fake ford, inciting the massacre on the investors who had been pressuring him about how westworld should be. with all of them dead, ford can truly make it the way he wants.
>when you're so autistic you plot the death of your financiers in an elaborate plot involving making a guy fall in love with a robot so he falls in love with park but then becomes ultra ruthless and thus takes over the financier company and then brutalizes a robot who killed your friend and then you make a fake freind so he can program the personalities in order to make them more lifelike and so you can trick investors into coming and then massacre them with a triggered gynoid who just realized the hallucinations of her lover were also the same guy who has been brutally hunting her.
bravo nolan/joy
i want a young will host
>ruins your show
At least he was revealed just to be a guy doing everything Ford told him to do rather than the world's biggest retard.
>At least he was revealed just to be a guy doing everything Ford told him to do
What the fuck are you talking about
will be worse than the already terrible first season
Why else would he give Maeve a picture of her daughter and why else would Bernard reveal that her desire to escape was programmed into her?
>all that conjecture
You're an awful detective.
Why the hell were they named Felix and Sylvester, two prominent fictional felines, was it somehow an homage? Did I miss something or did it go over my head somehow?
fucking this
the first season was a pseudo-intellectual shitfest
my biggest hope for season 2 is to drop that shit
at the very least/most they could drop it or somehow make it coherent with a payoff.
they're operating on a mechanical bird
a canary in a coalmine?
this show is wasted on you. move along.